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Messages - Charley

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 209
VC:MP General / Re: Thunder Light Hosting Service
« on: August 09, 2022, 12:59:31 pm »
The hosting is 100% reliable and non-theft able of your scripts

Non-theft able, you say?

Well, I'm convinced. Sign me up!

General Chat / Re: Sef-repot
« on: August 09, 2022, 12:57:36 pm »
I have taught you well.

We have accomplished what we set out to achieve when we started in 2008. We can close the clan now, our work here is done.

Off Topic / Re: What have you learned from VC:MP?
« on: August 04, 2022, 08:31:29 am »

VC:MP General / Re: The Best VW ?
« on: July 04, 2022, 03:39:00 am »
Well guys, we have had 9 Vice Wars and there is sadly the fear that we may not reach double digits  :-\
VW10 is going down a bad road

If there are any active scripters and/or organisers who wanna step up, holla! All our events have involved passing the baton down to new generations of VC:MP players, seems like the time is ripe to do it again with VW.

News and Announcements / Re: Monumental advancement
« on: March 28, 2022, 12:57:21 pm »
Congrats, Calhoun

Denied Applications / Re: Application - Tic
« on: March 24, 2022, 02:21:50 am »
Anything else to add, Tic?

Denied Applications / Re: Application - Tic
« on: March 16, 2022, 09:10:56 am »
I do not consider myself to be in a position to cast a positive or negative vote, because of my level of activity. So my vote in the poll will be neutral.

However, I will say this. From my perspective, you acted like a giant dick, and didn't take responsibility for it. It seems, in fact, that you struggle to take responsibility for any of your actions.

It is not enough to say 'I made mistakes in the past, but I won't do it again'. That sentence alone is a start. But, it doesn't show any awareness, on your part, of what particular mistakes you made, the consequences of them, and the reasons why you might want to change.

Not long ago, I PM'd you about your violent, rude, frankly disgusting conduct on the forums. I did my best to be sympathetic towards you, and addressed you like a family member. Meanwhile, I was defending you to other members of the community, who were messaging me about things you had said, complaining that I was administrating the forum like a hypocrite. The communication I got from you in return was short, blunt, and showed no friendliness whatsoever.

It might be that you have a hard time communicating. It might be that you have a hard time writing long messages, and that's fine, I get it. But from my impression of you, it seems you're not, really, a friendly person. How much can that really change?

Denied Applications / Re: Application - Tic
« on: March 15, 2022, 02:42:50 pm »

Additional Comments: Nie need,all knows me

Yes need

VC:MP General / Re: What is your first memory of GTA:VC / VC:MP?
« on: February 14, 2022, 04:58:24 am »
Oh Cola, man, your memory is awesome. So many familiar names and stories! Making me feel nostalgic.

KFJ (Anya was a great human being, Shanto and Bautista were a duo of asses, understandably though as I lagged hard and I probably appeared a bit childish from their perspectives, Hanney was the ultimate challenge to beat)

No truer sentence has ever been written. A duo of asses indeed.

(Charleyutton, the biggest AsS (do new VUs know that Charley was severely anti-stubby and spaz? :D ofc, it was more of a rebellion against the fixation on such weapons, not necessarily the weapons themselves)

Haha small correction, it was ArS - anti-roofing, anti-spazzing. I was and always will be a stubby fanboy. Before c-glitching became common, the spaz was pretty overpowered in 0.3z, but like you said, it was more just a middle finger up to the guys who would spawn blue or pink and ride up into downtown. I think you were the first person to show me the c-glitch, actually, and we were among the first people to use it frequently. Then ULK.HeAD and I spent like a month testing how it reacted with different shot times, ghost shots, macros and jumps, while investigating the GaLL shot.

fun meme players like jc18 who enjoyed riding the Mr. Whoopee truck.

Yes! And who everyone was excited to greet on mIRC, every day.

VC:MP General / Re: Teh z0r Youtube Clips
« on: February 12, 2022, 10:38:12 am »

Farewell Board / Re: New horizons are ahead...
« on: February 05, 2022, 03:27:04 am »
You've been a very positive force in VU Leder.

I dunno how public you are with your plans yet, so all I'll say is that I'm excited to see what's to come.

Debating Board / Re: LGBTQ
« on: January 15, 2022, 11:03:12 am »
There is no love in this. It is temporary attraction and pure lust. It has a negative impact on the individual.  We should not conflate lust with love.  @Charley

My gay friends would have a good laugh at that, haha. Gay relationships work just like straight relationships - there is lust and passion in the beginning, but sooner or later that begins to fade. What grows are feelings of attachment, admiration, appreciation, and all the other facets that comprise love. A couple of my friends (both guys) have been together for around 10 years. Their sex life is now very limited, but they love each other more than anyone or anything on the planet. They make each other feel happy and secure.

I take from your comment that you've not had gay friends before, and you may not have had much experience with love, as you would understand this to be the case in most relationships, gay or not. This isn't a criticism of you, but I feel you're making a strong statement based on a clear lack of evidence.

Suppose they today want to normalise being gay lesbian bisexual transgender queer, but what if in future some people are interested in children and want to have sex with them? Would you allow that?
What if tomorrow they raise voice to normalise incest relationships cuz of some shits fell in love with their sisters or brothers? Would you want incest relationship be common?

Conflating gay relationships with paedophilia and incest is just a non-starter, lol. Vedder said it quite well, but just to reiterate:

(In most cases) LGBT people simply want to have equal rights to straight people. That is, they want to be able to marry, have relationships, and be accepted in society as 'okay'. These relationships are between two consenting adults.


There are a few reasons why having sex with kids is illegal and immoral. Here are two.

1) Children are incapable of giving informed consent. That is, because of their age, they don't have enough information available to them about the consequences of entering into sexual relations with others to be able to make a decision that is in their interests. As you said, MD, it is possible to convince children to do all manner of unspeakable things. This is precisely why it's a problem.

2) Children are not physically developed to the point where it is safe for them to have sexual relations. Subjecting a body that isn't yet sexually mature to sex acts can cause severe harm, both physically and mentally.


Perhaps surprisingly, incest is, and has been for a long time, legal, across vast swathes of the planet. It seems many places are more willing to accept sexual relations between siblings than they are between members of the same sex.

It is illegal in many countries, however, either for religious reasons or because children borne of incestual relations have a significantly higher chance of genetic disorders.

The reason we don't see more incest is because it's just not a very common trait, in humans, to desire those in our families. People don't think 'Ooo I'd love to fuck my sister, but damn, it's illegal'. They just don't want to fuck their sister.

The difference

In any case, incest and paedophilia are patently different issues to the rights of LGBT individuals - who are adults, capable of giving informed consent, and who will not produce offspring with genetic disorders - to have relationships and marry. Equating them is like someone saying 'Well if you eat chicken, why not eat human?'

Nature vs nurture

There have always been records of same-sex orientations, across all cultures, for all of history. Sex with members of the same sex is also present across the animal kingdom. This suggests that it is at least partly a genetic trait. But even if it's more nurture than nature, so what?

In countries where homosexuality has long been tolerated or accepted, where gay relationships are seen on-screen and regarded as 'no big deal', has there been any huge crisis? Nope. In the UK, The Netherlands, Germany, France, US and more, while acceptance of homosexuality culturally has risen, the number of people identifying as gay, or bi, or queer, has remained pretty much steady. Small increases have been attributed to the fact that people feel safer, now, to admit their sexuality.

I'm not sure what sort of doomsday situation people are envisaging here, but at least in these countries, the result of accepting LGBT rights, regarding marriage and relationships, has been net positive. The only real harm that has been done has been by straight people, committing acts of violence out of fear and ignorance.

Debating Board / Re: LGBTQ
« on: January 13, 2022, 04:04:11 am »
This is a tricky issue here, because so many of our community members come from religious backgrounds (like Xmair pointed out) wherein anything other than heterosexuality is forbidden.

Personally I believe the LGBTQ+ movement is of incredible importance, because I see no good reason why people should be punished or persecuted, simply for loving or feeling attracted to another person, regardless of their gender.

When people are taught that non-heterosexuality leads to damnation in the eyes of an all-powerful god, and they have faith in this idea of god, I can understand how they might be opposed to it. It doesn't make them 'bad' people.

The one thing I struggle with, ethically speaking, when it comes to 'who is right' in this situation, is that sexuality isn't a choice, while beliefs are. None of us chose to be straight, or gay, or bi; it just happened, and it can't be changed. None of us chose which religion we were born into either, we didn't choose which part of the planet, to which parents, in which time period. However, as we mature and learn to think critically, we do have the ability to alter our beliefs, and our ethics. I hope that one day traditional beliefs around homosexuality etc can be updated, to a point where people are no longer vilified or attacked, simply for the act of love.

Happy new year all!

VC:MP General / Re: What is the story behind your IGN?
« on: December 19, 2021, 05:02:50 am »
One day my parents had a child, and they decided that child's ign should be Charley. C'est moi.

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