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Messages - FulToN_619

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 47
Denied Applications / Re: Application - Clarke.
« on: December 31, 2021, 05:33:20 pm »
This guy deserves a chance. Best of luck Clarke!

Denied Applications / Re: Application - Snoopi
« on: December 30, 2021, 06:01:58 pm »
Full member

Clan War Stuff / Re: VU vs TLA Challenge
« on: December 28, 2021, 12:01:23 am »
Bump any update???

Events of the Year / Re: Nominations | Events of the year - 2020/2021
« on: December 06, 2021, 08:43:03 pm »

VC:MP General / Re: new cheating in VCMP
« on: November 21, 2021, 12:11:00 pm »
They did not banned fulton because nobody proved his cheating and you are removed.
They promoted spitfire to admin because he is useful to staff for mapping and anti-cheat.
You don't understand basic things of social because you removed. With your knowage of DM you could be useful person too but instead you poop in every sandbox then crying nobody wants to play with you there.

they didn't ban fulton cuz they don't ban their lapdogs
they promoted spitfire cuz what to expect from PL staff?

looool "nobody wants to play with me", that's very sad, I'm hurt..
idk even what you're talking about, but for a removed you're actually keeping the fun'o'meter really high here

I don't want to be useful for these idiots, some of them don't even understand that GUI affects the gameplay, and they keep shitting on about this, nobody will ever have my DM knowledge or my skills, so far they don't know what hacks to come up with to say that I'm using.. I know cuz they did same with gerz (while currently he was using nothing else), the community wants fulton (their dog) to represent his clan in DM, they don't understand that he's a cheater? ok so fine, I don't even try to explain, just he should know not to encounter me anymore, it'd be humiliating to lose when you use lag tool and aurora (he knows it happen to him in the near past already..)

Off Topic / Re: Some Wishes
« on: November 18, 2021, 11:23:43 am »
إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُون

May Allah bless him with highest place in jannah. Ameen.
Stay strong champ!

VC:MP General / Re: new cheating in VCMP
« on: November 05, 2021, 05:45:30 pm »
Yes Fulton is a hacker and even some of VUs know this that he is using hacks from a long time but looks like no one have guts to ban him and big thanks to tic for exposing fuckton hacks by sharing the chat.

They are 100% sure that idiot fulton is hacker but still not banning him.

Agreed, I'm a big hacker even cheat engine is fail infront of me 8)

VC:MP General / Re: new cheating in VCMP
« on: November 05, 2021, 05:10:02 pm »
More on the topic I'm not gonna bother unless it happens in any of the servers I'm admin on. If these people are cheating sooner or later they will get caught eventually.

you've the evidence right now, what's to be questioned about it? you think they'll gamble their "reputation" forever? (mostly fulton)
Waiting for community ban with 69 others... 😢

VC:MP General / Re: new cheating in VCMP
« on: November 04, 2021, 02:24:51 pm »
nie ben me plox :'( :'(

Player Discussion / Re: Who would win in a duel
« on: October 21, 2021, 07:32:26 pm »
hotline, tic is just an uneducated slut selling ass 24/7

ferrari and axxo vs fulton and masteroz
ferrari and axxo. Because Inadequate Game Performance
Let's do it 😁

Birthday Board / Re: Masteroz
« on: October 13, 2021, 10:58:12 pm »
Happy birthday bro :-*

Player Discussion / Re: Who would win in a duel
« on: April 20, 2021, 09:55:26 pm »
krys br0


VC:MP General / Re: KotH Regional Challenge
« on: April 19, 2021, 01:28:43 am »
"since there's no "autistic" vote, i had to vote "artistic"

damn, would've been easier for us to rate you then for what you are.

"you ask your dogs here to come and support you with super rates, not to mention the video that GerZ uploaded is basically .... i have no word for it, simply.. just watch it, what do you understand of it?"

Seriously, they're free to rate whatever they see it fits (like the above ones because they fit for you according to the things you're posting) and no, i didn't tell them to come here, so better don't assume so much, your brain is already conflicted by the damage you've got by the vcmp community. Also, what's so weird about gerz uploading our fights? Don't you like being recorded while getting rekt or something? Awwwww.

"i offered you the chance even to come in a quiet server and have a fight."

You asked for a 1v1 duel and we did in KOTH and you lost 12-4, Server doesn't matter if it's KOTH or FunVice.

"a little secret: the truth is harsh only when you're living a phantasy lie, if you are living an honest life, truth will only accompany you, and the truth will give you what's rightfully yours.."

damn life must be harder for you then, living the constant dream of being cancelled by almost all the vcmp community, caught usage of hacks on literally daily basis, the name of you and your clan (ON/WK) torn apart... life must be torment for you.

"and, lastly, not to mention that my kills on you in a SINGLE video are by 11x higher than your overall kills on me during entire VCMP starting time... and you know that, and STILL you have the couarge to come here and lie in front of everyone"

I won't reply to you furthermore because talking to you is like talking to a wall, it's useless.

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