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Topics - kevinsito

Pages: [1]
Organise Matches / Group #1 ULK.Kevin Vs. [MK]Nilz
« on: April 14, 2012, 12:52:52 pm »
is it after 2:00 GMT -6 good or do you prefer at night around 10-11 GMT -6 of course today.

Done Matches / Group 1 ULK.Kevin Vs. TLK.Nany
« on: April 11, 2012, 05:30:22 pm »
Time ~12:00/13:00 GMT -6
Place: either XE or a personal Private server where I can record.

Player Discussion / ULKev
« on: January 04, 2012, 02:47:35 am »
Knock Knock Kevin calling everyone, I just wanna know what you all guys think about me I expect really bad comments from my person since yeah I am a two-faced guy :) anything is welcome.

Suggestions Board / Kevinsito's Suggestions
« on: August 16, 2011, 06:59:04 am »
Ok here my ideas

1. After capturing the point some HP should be added to your life, since capturing the point is a bit hard with people camping at it.

2. Allow players to set their weapons even if that discounts from their money, lets say M4 costs $2000 discounts the $2000 if it is on your spawnwep list, and if you don't have money you either owe the server with the monetary system or you can't spawn with that weapon.

2. What about a monetary spawnwep system or a rent spawnwep system with like

-Python, Stubby/shotgun, M4 = 10,000
-Colt, Stubby/shotgun, M6 =12,000
-Stubby/M4 = 7,000

This rent should count for at least for 1 hour, enough time to make more money to rent it again.

3. Rotate Bases, might be a good idea and HeAD already suggested, or change the package to another place in the same island, this will prevent the event for getting boring.

I will edit for more ideas incoming 1AM here and I have things to do.

4. While I was on the bathroom taking a shower, I started thinking about J.king's idea, what about in the diplomacy war and ask how much frames per seconds does the player recieve on the bases area, lets make an example, TZ's diplomacy, what's the avarage FPS their members recieve on the bases and put a limit of fps like 25-30 currently lol I don't know if you get me.

5. Heal system, not only after capturing the enemy's package, also ambulance gives you +20 health, but what about a stand still system.
10 secs - 10 hp regenerated LOL.
20 secs - 20 hp.
30 secs - 30 hp.
40 secs - 40 hp.
50 secs - 50 hp.
1 minute - 60 hp.

Thought it has a real problem, many players will stand in the cp with low health alt+tab or paused their games in order to get healed :/ and there is no way to prevent this unless the player gets kicked.

6. Again while taking a shower I was thingking about an Auto-kick system + tempban for ping, is a great idea specially with players with high pings due downloads etc. server kicks a player for ping, what about after 6-7 kicks for ping a tempban for 30 minutes? this will teach the player that his ping is high due w/e the reason is, and the player will undedrstand that he MUST!turn off any pornographic download or w/e he is doing to get his net in real troubles.

Last idea and probably the best, for the next event if it is on October we should remove the horrible hat from the skins' heads on the logo and put some halloween hat, or some mask and change the weather to a dark weather lol, if it is for xmas the logo should have santa's hat or something. and some kind of crazy xmas weather for the war hehe. I might add some more crazy ideas.

Applications Board / Application - TLK.Kevinzito [Accepted, level 3]
« on: June 03, 2011, 07:31:41 pm »
Name: TLK.Kevinzito

Country/Timezone: El Salvador /  GMT -6:00

Past Experience: Managed Battlefield Vice city, Paradise DM (currently Pure DM) & XE European server, enough/great responsibility with important things or events.

General Chat / what is this
« on: July 27, 2010, 07:39:25 pm »
Well take a look a this O_o

I fought him once and he called me nab just because he couldn't kill me anyway that's normal I said the same to many players in the past but, I could memorize his moves and then after the scripts went boom at XE.European, he was doing this.

Then when I fought this guy (again) I could remember his moves and he was using the same moves, so I could kill him and after that he got pissed, and look TEH MEGA SPAM :x and it was for 45 secs. or so saying the same shit and he never stopped untill he left the server. 

Ps:The HUD is Tical's HUD so don't get confuse, and I know this doesn't concern to me ( report or tell you about it ) but, [VU]Veteran was there and even [VU]Veteran couldn't stop that, what would you expect in the future for this guy? well my report or w/e is done.


General Discussion / why i'm not in the duel board?
« on: January 24, 2010, 05:22:14 pm »
well the topic is simple and doesn't need a lot of info or something like that, i don't know why my name isn't in the duel board :( did i do something wrong or what? well i hope you answer soon and help me

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