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Messages - stormeus

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 80
Farewell Board / Re: My turn
« on: August 27, 2017, 06:16:33 am »

WiLsOn, when you were a clan member I tried my best to be patient with you and your tantrums, but at this point I'm fed up with the bullshit that you're perpetuating. VU was never obligated to be loyal to you just like it isn't obligated to be loyal to any individual member; our only obligation is to contribute to the collective kinship as a whole and uphold our values, an aim which you repeatedly undermined in the weeks leading up to your ragequit and continue to undermine now.

Multiple times you made posts that were beneath the dignity of the clan, let alone the full member tag, by making shitposts like this:

Ohhhhhhh let it come, let it come out, i can feel rage, cmon you can do better than this.  8)

It's ok, i won't tell your mom, you can insult me all you want, where's your funny reply now dumb fat bastard.

Nice reply, i demand pwnt rates and funny as well.

Edit: you were added in brain donor list because of this, this argue was over until one guy decided to start it again because he wasn't having much attention, you guys need to judge yourself before judging me or anyone else, yet you know end result but still throwing stone at me, don't worry i can bat pretty well, let's play some cricket or baseball.  O0

I pointed out that this wasn't acceptable behavior, and your immediate response — unlike most trainees who would take it in stride and work on that trait — was to suggest quitting because you couldn't help but stoop to their level and extend arguments with people who clearly don't respect you. We tried to support you, encourage you to stay and offered advice on how to make your time in the clan more enjoyable.

Your response to that was to continue doing the exact same thing, then take to the trainee board to moan that there's nothing left to do in VC:MP and that it was "perhaps" time to quit the game. Worse yet, now that you have left you continue to troll about by insinuating that this clan was disloyal to you despite the support we tried to give. It seems to me that you keep trying to cast yourself as a victim of other people's behavior here without even trying to own up to any of your own flaws, and if you think you can pull that kind of crap and expect the same level of universal respect you'd be dead wrong.

Denied Applications / Re: Application - UzI
« on: August 26, 2017, 01:27:58 am »
12 votes have been cast, all of them to deny you. You seem like a clanhopper, you are currently banned from EC and you were banned before, which reflects poorly on how you would contribute to the clan.


Denied Applications / Re: Application - =X=VaMpiRe^
« on: August 19, 2017, 08:27:29 am »
The vote is 1 trainee, 12 deny, 7 neutral. A lot of people don't know who you are. App denied.

Accepted Applications / Re: Application - RajPut
« on: August 18, 2017, 02:38:52 pm »
I raped this guy

When the fuck did anyone decide it would be entertaining to have a command for rape?

krystianoo wrek now he crystianoo O0 morphine bic winner O0 O0

Accepted Applications / Re: Application - RajPut
« on: August 14, 2017, 12:02:08 am »
Good guy, great potential.
But still not ready to join

What is the trainee rank even for then?

If this guy is as good as you say he is, then I want you and everyone else saying "not yet" to explain why we should deny a competent trainee. Is there a basis like communication, skill or reputation that'd hold him back or do we just want people to beg to be accepted?

Denied Applications / Re: Application - kennedyarz
« on: August 12, 2017, 08:28:26 pm »
Vote is 11 trainee, 13 no, 6 neutral. App denied.

Accepted Applications / Re: Application - NO_MeRcY
« on: August 09, 2017, 03:40:02 pm »
This app was pretty straightforward to decide on — the vote is 14 trainee, 1 deny, congrats on being our newest trainee O0

Make sure to also read up on the clan ethos and constitution in our private boards.

Denied Applications / Re: Application - kennedyarz
« on: August 08, 2017, 05:18:09 pm »
I guess you lack honesty and loyalty, plus i noticed that your english is not understandable sometimes(not really a big issue though).

He applied three other times in June, April and February. I can't find a single instance of him applying to other clans in that time frame. Of all the traits to question, "loyalty" is probably not the one to argue on.

Accepted Applications / Re: Application - CheeBye
« on: August 07, 2017, 06:42:07 pm »
The vote is 12 rookie, 7 trainee, 2 deny. It's my pleasure to welcome you into the clan as a rookie; feel free to wear the VU_R tag in-game! Make sure to also read up on the clan ethos and constitution in our private boards.

Accepted Applications / Re: Application - CheeBye
« on: August 05, 2017, 10:50:08 pm »
Voting rookie. Trainee seems to low a rank given DiaZ has been playing the game for years and has somewhat of a rapport built up in the community. This isn't someone who's just starting out and needs to learn the ropes from square one.

Denied Applications / Re: Application - Thakur^
« on: August 05, 2017, 10:25:11 pm »
The vote is 3 trainee, 9 deny, 4 neutral. The two main reasons for the denial are:
  • You've recently been applying to multiple clans at the same time which is a red flag that you applied to VU just for prestige.
  • There's nothing wrong with asking members you know well to check out your application, messaging people you don't know well and telling us to "comment fast" shows little respect for the decision making process we go through.

Denied Applications / Re: Application - Thakur^
« on: August 04, 2017, 08:33:34 pm »
any body is asking me  give me yes or no vote because iwant chance in VU clan thaks and fast comment

Voting no, that is my fast comment O0

Denied Applications / Re: Application - Thakur^
« on: August 04, 2017, 04:50:20 pm »
Asking members to vote no on your application, though, is a strong sign of confidence.

General Chat / Re: VU rulebreakers
« on: August 02, 2017, 04:49:46 pm »
2) they cant risk  kicking anyone, or it might become WK ally and they're screwed.
3) the admins in EAD spectate players in order to inform their acolytes about sniper locations, etc. so they can finally win a clanwar.

I don't see how people becoming "WK allies" would be an issue for us. It's not like we have anything interesting that could be leaked.

Point 3 is pretty serious accusation that you've backed up with no proof. If you can show that this is actually happening then I'd be more inclined to take your rant seriously.

And how is that video montage relevant? Yes, you can kill people easily by knocking them down or driving around them with cars and shooting them with insta-kill weapons. This has been a known fact for decades:

Meanwhile Hunting's videos are edited to show the same kills multiple times to make it look more impressive.

And where is the death evading in the first video anyway? You're getting worked up over one person telling chat they're going AFK after you died and the other person backing out of a fight they're not being targeted in before going to a duel? And why does it take Hunting three goddamn minutes to try to show death evading? You mean to tell me he's smart enough to edit a ten minute kill montage together but can't manage to edit a clip down to the relevant ten seconds like almost every other death evade report in VC:MP?

Was this entire thread just an excuse to post a bunch of videos to say "ON STRONK VU REPA O0 O0 O0"? Because it looks more like that than a serious attempt to inform us about anything useful for us to know. I'll even unlock this thread to see if you can give a straight response.

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