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Messages - GangstaRas

Pages: 1 ... 44 45 [46] 47 48 ... 64
Debating Board / Re: Cigarettes
« on: June 02, 2014, 11:59:49 pm »
Quitting's fucking easy, give me a break.

Whiners can do one 'ooo it's so hard to quit blah blah' nah, just have some willpower.

Anyway smoking's fucked up for sure, however, it's not as simple as that. In England especially smoking a very social thing, it grants you social opportunities that otherwise you would not have access to. In a club, for instance, it's too loud to speak to people inside, so to go outside and have a cigarette is a nice way to actually talk to people.

Also, in group activities - say you're doing some work training or something with 30 other people - if a few of you go outside and smoke, it allows you to get to know those certain people better.

There are a bunch of instances when smoking facilitates conversation - it can be as simple as just asking someone if they have a lighter as an excuse to chat to them.

I've cut down so that I only smoke when I drink now. And that isn't necessarily to do with the social side - I just like the way it feels, I enjoy smoking.

But it's easy as shit to stop if you have the willpower. I smoked when I was 17, and then one day I decided not to anymore. I didn't take a single toke of anything until I was 20 when I decided that I'd pick it up but not in a regular way. It just takes willpower.

For the younger folks reading, don't smoke to get to a particular status in life, he aint saying tht and if u do, its time for self confidence to develop, let them bitches be worthy of u (in a nice sense). Now in the Jamaican society smoking weed is fairly normal amongst many of the lower stratified classes. The upper class are more inclined to cigarettes. I have asthma so even attempting to smoke might not be the best idea I could live through but even if I didn't, here's how I think to smoking and drinking. I don't believe you must put your health in jeopardy because of respite for the here and now. Is being able to chill and not have anxieties and impulses worth breathing through a hole in your neck and your voice all fucked up? Is it worth drinking that rum at every party totally fucking up your liver cuz all the others apparently want to meet their great grand parents early? Everyone wants to "live life" but it so ironic tht they're fucking it up. If "living life" is the destruction of you, then we have a lot more mad people in society than we think. Everyone will die at some point but are you willing to say "fuck this shit" and hold ur breath with tht cigar smoke and die right there? I don't think so cuz u don't want to die, you just want more and more, feeding off tht shit. So from a logical perspective, cut the shit and mentally fight ur anxiety. Smoking has no benefits. Can you imagine it, we're making rum for drunkheads to run over us.

VC:MP General / Keep this out of VCMP 0.4
« on: March 05, 2014, 05:52:23 pm »
now idk how the whole system works between samp and vcmp (in that the same/similar team tht develops vcmp also develops samp) but recently samp had an update to 0.3z. Now, in 0.3z of samp, there's an update to the shooting sync. Essentially they have eliminated completely the need to lead aim to compensate for lag and now you can pretty much shoot anyone, literally anyone with whatever horrible ping they have by aiming at their bodies as you would if you were offline shooting stuff and they will die. Sounds good for the low pingers to laggers but from my experience it has made the game that much easier for the weeklings and that much harder for me.


please :D. It is a living hell

VC:MP General / Re: time lapse
« on: March 05, 2014, 05:35:08 pm »
tht mustve been a real bitch to make, the amount of minutes for those cycles...good job man

VC:MP General / Re: VC:MP 0.4 Public Beta #3 - January 26th
« on: January 28, 2014, 12:56:34 am »
from i saw the download catalog ingame i was thinking to myself if mods are now possible. once that bitch loaded, i got my answer :). that highway is big and sorta confusing and easy to fall off of but i absolutely love it

Daily Register / Re: Here's my new signature
« on: December 22, 2013, 02:57:17 pm »
well it's a start :D

Off Topic / Re: Ola!
« on: December 11, 2013, 03:05:39 pm »
1 2 3 4(news source only, I dont tweet) 5 and 10

Daily Register / Re: November 6, 2013
« on: November 06, 2013, 08:23:02 pm »
Jus cuz he's homeless doesn't mean they don't have the one common dream of desecrate some sugar walls

Accepted Applications / Re: Application - StLucia / DarKRose
« on: October 10, 2013, 08:50:38 pm »
So much clan rotation in this one. I don't really know how the other clans do their thing but inactivity WITH NOTICE wil not result in demotion/kick here. This does not mean however you can loophole the system, being inactive in a fashion that gives off that you show no real interest being here (joined a clan for being in a vcmp clan's sake). So just keep that in mind

Trainee is my vote

Off Topic / Re: Moments with LaS3R
« on: September 21, 2013, 07:06:06 pm »
Why would you bump something without providing something new?

Give him a lil break though, he helped me see sumthing all too clear. I can totally see now tht forum management doesn't fit me one shit bit. Such an old topic and its the first I'm seeing it today xP

General Chat / Re: VU Split
« on: September 18, 2013, 01:36:11 am »

after being away for a good 2 + weeks now, reading that shit out of the blue especially tricked me, having me scurry through all the other topics to find out what the hell you saying...........never again

Music / Re: Project Klaws - My little musical project!
« on: August 29, 2013, 06:59:08 pm »
Knucis you sly bitch :D, man these are great man. Granted I give you the credit, could I steal some of these for some edits? :D

VC:MP General / Re: VC:MP 0.4 Public Beta #2 - August 6th
« on: August 05, 2013, 05:33:49 am »
I've only saw some videos of the last time with some of the drastic changes, is the whole player bugged phenomenon gone now, as well as the sniper scope bug?

General Discussions / Re: BLUE TEAM WINS - Individual and Match Stats
« on: August 04, 2013, 07:12:29 pm »
lol I was dragging around Kartikey with me 1/2 the time :P

Farewell Board / Re: Leaving
« on: August 04, 2013, 06:30:44 pm »
Always thought there was something off with ya, guess this was it :P. Good luck habla

PS. Please don't pawn me :D

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