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Topics - Trex

Pages: [1] 2
Fighter Registrations / Application - [VU]Trex
« on: July 17, 2020, 04:51:59 pm »
Average Ping in any European server:65-90
Timezone (GMT +/-):+2

Staff Applications / [VU]Trex
« on: April 24, 2020, 11:02:11 pm »
Your Nick:[VU]Trex
Past experience:None, at least not in this game.
Server(s) you are currently administrating:-
Other Information(optional):I know this is a big event, I must be starting administration gradually but I was administrating in other games so I've got some experience, who knows maybe this will be a good start. :)

Player Discussion / [VU_T]Trex
« on: July 27, 2018, 11:11:11 am »
Hey fellas, I'd be glad to know what you think about me!

plz no one tell vut forever

Birthday Board / kIKI
« on: July 11, 2018, 05:18:26 pm »
Happy birthday, keke bro.

Reports / UID Mismatch
« on: June 22, 2018, 02:13:58 pm »
I had a problem with my windows (8.1) it suddenly crashed and kept doing that and I had to install another windows, I've talked with hotdogcat about that and he told me to try to fix it, I tried but every single attempt failed. so the last choice for me is installing a new windows, so I'm requesting another chance to play in the event as I got banned for uid mismatch.

Reports / UID Mismatch
« on: June 02, 2018, 04:30:43 pm »
I got banned for UID mismatch. idk why

my brother played with his nick yesterday without any problem..

Birthday Board / WiLsOn
« on: March 23, 2018, 12:30:57 am »
Wilson, from the best people I've met in VCMP, a kind, helpful and funny guy.

This is your day bro, have fun, party hard!  :laugh:

Birthday Board / dez, kongo & others
« on: February 02, 2018, 12:43:59 am »
everyone say hbd to dez my pig bro as he's now 13 years old. :o 8)

you're all invited to his birthday i've bought like 100 ticket to egypt O0 O0 just pm me and i'll send u :police:

hbd chongo

Birthday Board / nO_mErCy!^!
« on: January 28, 2018, 02:37:49 am »
Happy birthday, sharmoota!

Birthday Board / MarK
« on: January 05, 2018, 05:42:54 pm »

hbd amigo :o :o

Accepted Applications / Application - Trex
« on: December 22, 2017, 05:48:30 pm »
Nick: Trex

Age: 17

Timezone/Country: GMT+2:00/Egypt

Previous Nicks: -

Additional Comments: For more than a month I've been improving my attitude and trying to prove that I'm loyal and I think that the fact that this is my 7th application to join this clan, and that i'm trying to get into VU since 25 March 2017, this proves my loyalty.

I can't fix my past but what I can do is to not repeat the same mistakes again which I believe i'm doing, I think that my behaviour has improved even more since the last time, I no longer randomly explode at people.

I seriously think I improved and deserve the trainee tag, and I would like people who don't think so to tell me why,
because I really don't know what should I do anymore except for improving the way I'm trying to.

Denied Applications / Application - Trex
« on: October 17, 2017, 03:45:19 pm »
Nick: Trex

Age: 16

Timezone/Country: Egypt

Previous Nicks: shoepie,king,DeadKiller,JOCK3R,HunTeRKinG,DeaDHunTeR,HAE6AJI,6EJIaH,RA27,PaulG,T4k0,M4^,MrPreMiuM,ProStyl3,ZeRo1,Mr.[D]uck and PerfectSt7le

Additional Comments: Hello, people. I'm here for the 6th time, applying to join the clan that I've tried to join for 5 times but got denied in all the applications, however, I was told not to apply again, but I still have the hope of getting accepted in here. and I'll do my best to make this come true, in my 5 applications I kept talking about my past and how many shit I've did, but at the end I got my punishment and I learnt from my mistake. I've written many paragraphs to convince people that I've really changed which is true, but that wasn't helpful I've to prove by actions and this won't be proven untill I get my chance to get in VU and this is what I'm trying to do till now. I guess my last application got denied because of my attitude and behaviour but now, It's literally better than ever. I started controlling my anger and I don't speak shit whatever the situation is, and I feel that this time I'm really ready to be in Vice Underdogs family!

Denied Applications / Application - Trex
« on: August 31, 2017, 06:33:03 pm »
Nick: Trex

Age: 16

Timezone/Country: Egypt

Previous Nicks: shoepie,king,DeadKiller,JOCK3R,HunTeRKinG,DeaDHunTeR,HAE6AJI,6EJIaH,RA27,PaulG,T4k0,M4^,MrPreMiuM,ProStyl3,ZeRo1,Mr.[D]uck and PerfectSt7le

Additional Comments: First of all, I've heared a famous saying and I hope you would've heard it as well. "FAILURES are part of life. If you don't fail, you don't learn. If you don't learn, you'll never change." Just like that It's a part of our lives. If I had not committed mistakes, I wouldn't have learned anything. I made mistakes and I admit and I also acknowledged that I regret them as well. I'm sorry for my mistakes and I've appologized way too many times. And if there's anything i could do other then being sorry then let me know. I don't think there can be anything else, I could do other then being sorry. If i hadn't learnt, I woudn't have applied. I tried many times to enter VU and to tell them that I'm not the same but I've changed and I'm not as i was before. I worked really hard with it and got denied after all. I lost my heart and didn't want to apply again but I'm happy that some of my VU friends motivated me and told me that I shouldn't give up now after so many tries. I tried to improve myself and here I am infront of you again. I'd like to discuss some points which you pointed out and which became the reason of denial of my last application.
Your attitude can be or has historically been abrasive
My attitude was pretty bad. I admitted during my last application, I said I was improving it but I proved wrong. This time I've tried my best to keep my behaviour as refined as possible and especially avoid any abuses. I'm sorry for my past behaviour and I assure you, It won't ever happen again.
Your applications tend to be controversial
It's the factor which I've no control over. I'm not the one who makes it controversial but some other people fight over and make it controversial. However, I only answer the question related to my application. You can't blame me for this. Sorry, I can't do anything about it.
All of our clan secrets would be leaked
Now it's the factor which demands the trust element. If we don't trust anyone. We can't commence a new relationship. To start a new relationship, it's neccessary for the two partners to trust each other and be sincere to each other. So, consider me the first partner and VU the second one. If you won't trust me, this relationship won't ever set up which means, I can never be a part of VU and I won't ever be getting a chance from VU. As far as my brother is concerned, I've already spoken in his favour that he can be trusted. Everyone trust his brother and so do i. In this community, we've many players who have their brothers with them as well. Let's take an example of wilson and his brother and alvin (Nothing personal just an example). So, what do you think, wouldn't he share the thing with his brother. If you ask him, he'll say he trusts his brother so do i. So, it's not worthy to blame my brother for this.
You're karan's puppet
This shouldn't be really an issue. Making or being friend of someone shouldn't be against your policies. He's my friend just like other people in this community. So, complaining that I shouldn't be friend with him is weird. I don't listen to him. I've my own views and prepectives. You'll see them when I'll be with you people. It's only based on trust also.
Meet more VUs
I did. This is what I'm doing from the time i got denied. I still does. It's fun to hang out with you people.. I always did but I found this reason weird when I hang out with VU's a lot. Anyways, I do hang out with them.
Now, I did what i could do. I tried many times and still looking forward for a single chance. Everyone deserves a chance so do i. I worked on all the factors which you people pointed out. Hoping to be one of you. Have a good day!

Birthday Board / Sahil
« on: July 27, 2017, 09:25:47 am »
Happy birthday, Enjoy your day!

Completed Matches / Trex vs JoOoOoOoOoOo^
« on: July 20, 2017, 04:58:16 am »
Opponent's nickname:JoOoOoOoOoO^
Proposed fighting date:Today, Tomorrow, Anytime!
Proposed fighting time:15 or 16 GMT, If you're free.
Comments (if any):Let's do this!

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