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Topics - NO_MERCY

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / War
« on: April 14, 2018, 02:15:58 am »
 Away from VCMP..

American forces, after a command from Trump, are now bombing Syria with rockets, with the help of France and Britain. As a result, Russian forces are now preparing themselves for war.

Guys, it is all a big conspiracy from these fucking big countries to occupy the largest area of the world, this war is for their own interests.

These countries take many advantages from this war, such as selling weapons.
Despite being Lebanese, Syria and Lebanon are two important countries in their geographic place because they are in the middle of the world. Every country of the big countries is planing to occupy our countries for many reasons, one of them is making trading more easier cuz as I said, Syria, Lebanon and Palastine are in the middle of the middle east, and trading will be more easier if they occupy these areas.

You maybe thinking why these countries take risks in this war ? Why do they sacrifice by soliders in such a war ?
The fact is, most of the soliders they are sending are orphan, they have no parents to ask about, so they are obliged to go to war.
There are a lot of explanations that me, you and too many people don't know. These countries just know about it. As I told you, it is a big conspiracy.

So, do you think that World War 3 is coming ?

Accepted Applications / Application - NO_MeRcY
« on: August 08, 2017, 03:32:55 pm »
Nick: NO_MeRcY

Age: 17

Timezone/Country: GMT +2

Previous Nicks: Nope

Additional Comments: Here is my third application. A month  have passed, a month full of training, a month full of determination, full of improving, getting experience, and being more mature.

In this month, I have learnt many tips and basics. Therefore, my skills improved and I got rid of hating stubby and shotgun, and now I became familiar with crouching. Besides, my experience in EAD and CTF increased too. To be honest, many players helped me to improve my skills, such as SK, Matrix, Almo, and Mimo.

Also, I have met almost the active members, teaming up them and helping each others.

you may ask why did I choose VU ? why didn't I choose any other clan ?
I chose VU because it is the most coordinated clan in this community. A clan empty of cheaters, on the contrary of some other clans ;) .

I think that I am now ready to join the family and be a part of it, and from my side, I will be loyal to the clan and will not let you down...

Player Discussion / YeS_MeRcY
« on: July 19, 2017, 10:33:58 pm »
So, what the fuck you guys think about YES_MeRcY ? :P

Denied Applications / Application - NO_MeRcY
« on: June 22, 2017, 07:28:27 pm »
Nick: NO_MeRcY

Age: 17

Timezone/Country: GMT +2

Previous Nicks: Nope

Additional Comments: I started playing VC:MP since the end of 2014, I went in-active for a while back in 2016 due to some issues , and I came back since 5 months. I joined RK clan, but it got closed now.  I want to join VU because it is a well managed  clan with nice cooperation. Also, VU has a great history. I like teaming up with this clan members and I would be honored becoming a part of this family.

To be honest, I got banned  in LW's in the first week I came back in because of death evading. Let me explain what happened, I was dueling  with harsh lagger whose ping was ~400, he knocked me down so I /q . It was a childish act, I regret my stupid fault, and I promise that this will not happen again.

I applied here 2 months ago, but my application got denied because I didn't know enough VU's, so I started hanging out with some members, making VU friends, and joining servers that they play in daily. In these 2 months I worked on your advice and improved my skills and my english.

Maybe I am not a pro, but as we all know, skills are not every thing that joining a clan depends on, but that doesn't mean sitting around. I am not very familiar with crouching, I hate stubby and shotgun, but I am training every day with these 2 weapons and using them with crouching.

I am here to show that I am able to join VU, I am here  to show how much loyal I am, I am here to show who NO_MeRcY is.

I hope you give me a chance, I promise that I will not let you down, and I will try my best to achieve my goal and be accepted in this great clan.

please, for those  who will vote NO, let me  know the reason of your negative votes so that I can improve myself. If you have any question feel free to ask and I am ready to answer.

P.S : I am only not very familiar with crouching while using stubby and shotgun, but without crouching I am good with them.

Completed Matches / Group D - NO_MeRcY vs MKs.KOCKEX {Completed}
« on: June 12, 2017, 12:52:03 pm »
Nickname: NO_MeRcY
Opponent's nickname: MKs.KOCKEX
Proposed fighting date: today
Proposed fighting time: now
Comments (if any): ypu can PM me on this forum.

Completed Matches / Group D - NO_MeRcY vs OmaRosh {Completed}
« on: June 12, 2017, 12:20:27 pm »
Nickname: NO_MeRcY
Opponent's nickname: OmaRosh
Proposed fighting date: today
Proposed fighting time: 4 GMT +2 to 7 GMT +2 and 9:30 GMT +2 to 11:30 GMT +2
Comments (if any): you can PM me on this forum.

Fighter Applications / Application - NO_MeRcY
« on: June 04, 2017, 06:22:30 pm »
Nickname: NO_MeRcY
Average Ping in LW: 50-150
Location: Lebanon
Timezone (GMT +/-): +2

Denied Applications / Application - NO_MERCY
« on: April 16, 2017, 02:31:22 am »

Age: 17

Timezone/Country: GMT +2

Previous Nicks: no previous nicks

Additional Comments: hello VU's
everybody know that VU is a great clan and all players dream to join it.
 It is great because of its co-operated and skillful members.
 I started playing vcmp at the end of 2014. from 2014 till now I dream to join VU clan and be a member of it.
 VU clan is a well organized clan.
I know many players from the clan such as : MIMO , Sk , SMD , EAZY , ASS , BABA , LILY* , BLITZ , MAO , PAIN , LEGEND , TZUNAM , SIEZER , GORCEE , CASPER , WILSON.
I was in RK clan but now it is closed.
I played every day to improve my skills and join the VU family , and I will be a loyal player to the clan with helping other members in-game.

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