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Messages - GangstaRas

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Debating Board / Re: LGBTQ
« on: May 29, 2023, 02:56:37 pm »
...the LGBTQ mindset is a psychological disorder that got a green light in the name of passion.

Slowly but surely coming to light?

VC:MP General / Re: About new Vice War
« on: October 24, 2022, 12:15:37 am »
Pretty sure another topic like this is around somewhere. If & when I find it, this topic will be merged with it, so be aware of that.

I'll outline the problem with VW with a backstory:

From as far back as 2020, a small group of new directors took on the mantle after my announced retirement. The group definitely had the zeal at the time and work was being put in, however, life happened and the new director went missing to this day as far as I can tell. In seeing this, I was invited to the project in 2021 as an advisor on paper but more of stand-in in reality.

For the while I was active, the project got going again but came to another halt when life happened for our scripter and then myself by the end of summer last year. The project has lacked the zeal ever since, so much so the scripter left the very Discord group created for the project as far as I can tell. That is understandable, the project got to a level where all that was required was testing, but nobody was ever available. So from the scripter's side, that's a lot of dedication that turned into wasted efforts and believe you me that's frustrating.

Some persons reached out to me and I added them to the group to contribute to areas that needed development but without the zeal of the scripter due to lacking directors, you simply do not have an event to look forward to. That is essentially what's been happening.

I personally wish not to have the effort put in by everyone go in vain, cuz it's not just the scripter, we had digital artists, 3D modelers and mappers that all joined in and contributed to the project. But without a proper director that can put in the equal hours with everyone else, I just don't see how it's gonna happen. So, should anyone want to be director and bring back that fire in our scripter, feel free to express your interest, but understand that you would be wasting everyone's time if you think the role is just to give orders and be gone about your business. The director and scripter in particular works the hardest as it is a constant back and forth between conceptualization and implementation that brings out the best in each other.

The hard part of it too is that the event was being done along the narrative of the first director's intent that I could pick up on. If someone comes in, they'll either have pick up the intent left behind as well and work out all bugs around that narrative which is gonna be difficult.

If that proves too difficult, then a whole different project would have to be done, stepping on the shoes of everyone beforehand. It's a daunting mess that needs serious love at the core of it all to move forward.

VC:MP General / Re: GTA:VC's 20th Year Anniversary!
« on: September 24, 2022, 03:43:05 pm »
The community has aged.

Once upon a time, the demographic was filled of teens and pre-teens in the majority, now young adults dominate. What are young adults doing? Setting the foundation for their lives. That mixed with economic distress is just not good for VC:MP

But to answer the question at hand, I have no clue if anything is being planned

Off Topic / Re: What have you learned from VC:MP?
« on: August 01, 2022, 06:29:41 pm »
- Digital Drawing with mouse to this day (I really should buy a drawing tablet by now)
- 3D modeling
- Scripting basic stuff
- VPS basic stuff
- Deciphering hacks for the ban button I made for VW7
- Figuring out a good way to weed out potato PCs via benchmarking for VW8
- Indians have school 24/7/365 when they can't bother with more scripting  ;D

Denied Applications / Re: Application - Norman4354
« on: July 22, 2022, 01:17:48 am »
Voted trainee based on Calhoun's testimony plus the comments that I'm seeing. I like the fact that you're not drawing attention to yourself, that's a good change.

Major's comment is a concern however. I'm too inactive to know which of those servers you listed is bad, but as a precautionary measure, Norman, please outline any administrative roles you have in the community at the moment.

VC:MP General / Re: The Best VW ?
« on: June 30, 2022, 10:29:19 am »
Well guys, we have had 9 Vice Wars and there is sadly the fear that we may not reach double digits  :-\

Gonna double post on this point. Things have changed a lot worldwide and its affecting many of us unfortunately. Everyone's in a "survival mode", myself included. Majority of the development team are at a point where we're starting families or trying to set that foundation in our lives to be truly comfortable in the adult world. I've stepped down after VW8 and don't really have the time to even step back in seeing the stagnation. So, VW10 is going down a bad road

VC:MP General / Re: The Best VW ?
« on: June 30, 2022, 10:19:04 am »
Vice War 2 is still my absolute favourite but as Calhoun said, things feel way different when you're younger. That was my first ever VW and man did I love the chaos. I was young back then and the uppers thought between VW2 and VW3 that the Sea Sparrow is something you can't balance and better we take it out, didn't like that cuz that's what made VW2 so fun at the Junkyard.

I agree with you Silent on Vice War 7, that's my second fav. Multiple teams really made that Vice War tense in a good way. You might swoop in and eliminate an enemy team and capture the base but there's another team watching you all ready to make their strike on you, you couldn't drop your guard with that VW.

VW5/6 are equally third favourite. I don't remember who it was but I remember being trapped as shit at Cherry Poppers base in VW6 because someone took the roof near bank and was RPG sniping us real damn good. And since that base was so close to enemy home base it was a constant hell defending ourselves till backup finally arrived and we loaded up on some helis and scatter. Then I remember taking the enemy heli which were colour coded and everytime the Russians would pin us down I just helibladed the entire entrance clearing up the home base for us lol. Good times.

In terms of management/development, there are seasons to it. I missed VW4 but I heard it sucked so bad, and that's how I got into development cuz we ran out of ideas. VW5 was such a good concept to aXXo, without hesitation he just scripted it and voila, Vice War 5: Escobar Escapade. While I directed the gamemode concepts from 5 to 8, by the time we hit VW8, it was that time again like VW4 to switch things up i.e. my season was over. VW8 became more of a proof of concept when it comes to aerial warfare than a favourite among many. The only favourite I truly hear from 8 is the Bomber Planes  :D

VW9 brought back the classical style (which bored the hell out of me personally) but really showed me that there were a lot of old folks in the back wanting back that nostalgia of the 0.3z days and maybe even that's season is back again.

Denied Applications / Re: Application - Norman4354
« on: May 06, 2022, 12:53:51 pm »
You and Calhoun were at the same crossroads after going down the same path, and both of you got the same instructions from me. My apologies for striking up a comparison between you two but here is where he went right and you're going wrong over and over:

  • Calhoun accepted his flaws and mistakes and changed to better how he serves others
  • Norman, you say you have accepted your flaws and mistakes, good, but your decision to change is always about you, your personal gain

That is the fundamental problem I had with you. The two of you could do the very same action, write helpful posts on the forum, help in-game and yet have such contrasting results because of the mindset. You're always in this demand for respect and acknowledgement. Yes, people should respect and acknowledge you, but you must NEVER DEMAND IT.

AFAIK, Calhoun didn't run around emphasizing any of his actions to be acknowledged nor beg/coerce whosoever to upvote him in his applications nor demanded respect/forgiveness. He got back into VU because people wanted him back in and upvoted out of their own free will, because they saw the change and the difference and the selflessness in his motives; he commanded respect/forgiveness. I told you this years back, and I'm telling you now again, these subtle differences go a long way with how people perceive you.

So right now, what I'm seeing is a demand for respect/forgiveness driven by personal gain i.e. you want to be in VU again. And motive of change is driven by this reward you're after.

"if I write helpful articles, I'll get back into VU, if I have manners to people I don't like, I'll get a promotion, if I do this, I'll get back that"

Whatever happen to "If I do this, it can help you in...[insert problem]"? "I'm doing this so that you all can benefit".

Do you see the contrast? I hope you do cuz that's a life lesson, not a VU application one. The last thing you need to think is people here are against you. You can drop your application here and apply somewhere else because you think we're unforgiving and stiff-necked in our ways and xyz reasons, but this fundamental flaw will manifest the same perception placed upon you every single time.

Denied Applications / Re: Application - Tic
« on: March 16, 2022, 05:04:00 pm »
If you see from a sympathetic POV, he deserves a chance he can become VU_T or VU_R or even VU, if you outline, observe and explicate from a logical POV, he doesn't even deserve to come closer to VU.

Reason being, you all gave him a chance when he was at his lowest, he was f'd up, had nowhere to go, and he kicked that in your face, VU is known for giving everybody a chance, giving everybody a good place to stay, making them feel at home, and then you rip them off like it's nothing.

You shouldn't even have the balls to come up and say 'yeah what happened, had happened, I wanna rejoin' like it was nothing and you're not even serious about it, where everything is fun and games to you, you mess your relations up with everybody, and you come back, that's virulent af.
You'd still give him a chance, but be mindful, snakes shed their skins to become even bigger snakes.

Let's say you still accept him, if I be pessimistic, it's all gonna go south, and if I be optimistic, I don't even know what to say for this guy because he's made sure that he disarrays and plights everything ..

I'm nobody who's here to judge, it's just what I think and I think this is what anybody would think who'd discern this, & not putting a jinx on this guy or make decisions for VU, just giving an insight ..

No hard feelings, as it's coming from a guy who has been in somewhat of a same diegesis, but you should know your worth.

Good luck Tic! :thumbsup:

This is an example as to why we allow outsiders to participate in clan applications, this is a well said message that stops you and really make you think. Oreocake, I thank you for your post

After seeing Charley's experience along with your replies here, that basically sealed your fate with my vote. Changed from Rookie to No.

VC:MP General / Re: VC:MP General situation
« on: January 21, 2022, 09:31:27 pm »
What do you think VC:MP lacks?

A good racing server, and I mean a really good one. We've given TDM so much love and have not really polished anything else and for years its been bugging me, bugging me enough that its the only thing that's really enticing me come out of retirement cuz I don't really see anyone attempting anything in that space in a very serious way.

Serious meaning:
  • A system that can build upon itself
  • Fun factor at 11/10
  • Vanity props to farm for so people sit on the server for hours rather than for an event

But outside that, in general what I think most new servers need in their design is to just be fun.

So to anyone that still wishes to make a new server for VC:MP, if whatever gamemode you're making cannot make you laugh when you're losing, please rethink the gamemode design.

Debating Board / Re: LGBTQ
« on: January 15, 2022, 01:56:32 pm »


The reason we don't see more incest is because it's just not a very common trait, in humans, to desire those in our families. People don't think 'Ooo I'd love to fuck my sister, but damn, it's illegal'. They just don't want to fuck their sister.

I wouldn't say that completely. It's true that the extremist aspect of incest isn't very common (brother-sister, mother-son, father-daughter). Maybe it actually is in the whole royal intermarriages scene, idk, but I do know for sure the first cousin aspect is very very common, so much so that you find that a lot of people's first dabble of infatuation, intimacy or sexual experimentation comes from mutual attraction this group.

There are cases of non-mutual attraction though, like just this Christmas holiday one of my friends unfortunately got molested by her male cousin, but that is not a case to say there's a lot of one-sidedness in the group, its abuse through consensual mismatch as you would have to anybody else in life i.e. I like you, they don't like me back.

Most people will indeed have had a discussion/thought along the lines of "man if he/she wasn't my cousin I'd...[insert sexual act here]" or just merely look it up in their national law to see if there is a restriction because there is an attraction. The same friend admitted that she had a deep crush on her uncle for years but knows she can't act on that. It happens man. They're just not setting an agenda trying to change people because they can't have their way in the countries that disallow such things. But that is not to say they never will.

We can disagree on the consequences of the mindset, and I get that discrimination and violence makes them need to be more vocal for their rights against oppression and the fear for their lives some of the anti-LGBTQ have put on them, but the precedent set by the LGBTQ community is wrong and it will have its ripple effect as the generations continue along, because the concept of human rights is getting warped. That's the conflation point. Did they really need to train the younger generation to tolerate it or did they just need to settle whatever they have to settle in legislation? All in the name of freedom of passion?

Debating Board / Re: LGBTQ
« on: January 13, 2022, 07:25:41 pm »
The gay community is non-productive one to the human race. I am against violence to gays and discrimination, but I am not against shutting down any and all desensitization movements. It is a means to an end as we need heterosexuals to continue with procreation. While very unlikely, the world drops dead with its last generation if everyone was gay, no more children to be born, no more children to adopt, we're just there until we kill ourselves off.
Opposite to yours and to many around here spain is one of the most open minded countries on this regard, im pretty much neutral about this but i know what is around me, a close friend of mine is bi and she lives with her lesbian girlfriend and they are planning to have a child, yes "have" and not adopt and this is where your statement gets wrong.

You are mostly aiming at the gay community and their non-productivity and claiming the human race would die out if everyone was homosexual. Well this could have been decades ago but not nowadays with the modern medicine and science we have at oru disposal, you are also ommitting lesbian and bisexual women (and women as a whole from what i have been reading) as if the LGBTQ community was just about gay men. As long as there are men and women in the world despite what their sexuality is, the human race wont die out and we wont be killing ourselves. Same-sex partners are now opting for artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization treatment much more than they do for adopting these days, at least in spain and other countries. Its true its way more complicated than the conventional way of procreation but it still works so they can have a baby if they wish to.

Its ok if you dont like LGBTQ ppl for whatever reason, but to those using that "if everyone was gay or lesbian the human race would die out" isnt valid at all.

When I say gays, I really mean both, man to man, woman to woman, equally damaging, just didn't explicitly referenced lesbians. They are both non-productive to society from a new generation perspective. The bisexuals are neither non-productive nor explicitly damaging in my eyes, they have a psychological disorder and more cause implicit damage by having the potential to pass on said mindset.

You have quoted me yet missed an operative statement in what I said, "while very unlikely". It would be a very unlikely worse case scenario. I'm aware of the whole surrogate life with artificial insemination and so on. But how readily available is this? What is its cost? Is that cost really a necessary hoop to jump through for yourself in the name of passion? How does the partner feel knowing that the two that came together still couldn't make one, because sperm and sperm doesn't react, and egg and egg doesn't react. One parent is the donor, the biological parent and the other is a guardian, the adopter. Medicine has not escape that fact of life. We can say who cares in the name of passion, but its very clear the LGBTQ is fighting an uphill battle creating a whole lot of problems onto themselves and the community at large. All this research and financing to defy nature in the name of passion is another shot in the foot for mankind, because I'm sure all that resource could've been better spent helping impoverished nations get up and help themselves.

Debating Board / Re: LGBTQ
« on: January 13, 2022, 12:22:41 pm »
This is a long post but I'll voice my opinion here.

Similar to Xmair, religious reasons forbid me to be on the side of LGBTQ, plus, Jamaica is very and I mean very anti-gay and anti-queer, but let me not go there and answer from both a secular and everyday living perspective.

I personally believe the LGBTQ mindset is a psychological disorder that got a green light in the name of passion. To me, if there was a community rioting for incest, it would be no different, its a pursuit of freedom in the name of passion. Now the incestual community is far minor as there are more often than not biological consequences, the LGBTQ lack such a consequence to put burden on the government to support a bunch of disabled children all over the place. They can't have children, they adopt, or if they can through modifications? Idk, it would pose no health threat to the society, thus preference is granted.

The nature vs nurture point, many psychological disorders are blamed on neurochemistry imbalances that may manifest itself due to a predisposition to genetic disorders. Some have been proven. Me personally however, I don't believe in a gay gene, I don't believe people are born that way. But let's say I'm wrong and it actually does exist, I still put it down to nurturing as we are taught how to communicate and socially interact. If a baby is born without these lessons, gay gene or no gay gene, he/she would still not know how to interact and express themselves, thus in my eye, being gay is nurtured act at the end of the day. As an analogy, we all have the ability to kill a person, and some of us, mental disorder or not, get impulses to kill a person. We do not do it because we were never nurtured in support of killing people, we were nurtured against it, it's an internationally recognized crime, a bad doing with negative consequences.

Now, the movement we see is a nurturing act, a desensitization to the pursuit of this passion. It is very evident when you watch nowadays movies and worse, children's television that there are a lot of portrayed gay relationships. A gay character is one thing, but putting in this point of must having a gay relationship in every media imaginable appease what I believe is a warped sense of human rights, that is an agenda to nurture and I really don't like that.

My previous points on incest and nature vs nurture would lead us to believe then that gays should be allowed to desensitize as there are no readily perceived negatives, but there most definitely are. The gay community is non-productive one to the human race. I am against violence to gays and discrimination, but I am not against shutting down any and all desensitization movements. It is a means to an end as we need heterosexuals to continue with procreation. While very unlikely, the world drops dead with its last generation if everyone was gay, no more children to be born, no more children to adopt, we're just there until we kill ourselves off. That's one element of non-productivity that maybe the governments have been counting on as a means of population control. Does it make sense when you note the world population every decade or century? On limited land space burning up non-renewable resources faster than we can implement the use of renewable alternatives? Food for thought.

Another element of non-productivity is the confusion it brings. I remember watching the US News about some political debate on what bathroom should a transgender use, what prison should they go to, should we allow an imaginative child who doesn't know any better modify themselves and become know, the kind of ignorant imaginative mindset we can relate to wanting to be some super hero character we saw on cartoon with powers.....The legalization deployed by countries has brought us into a non-productive spiral of problems that didn't need to exist in the first place. All for what? The right to passion? As I said earlier, it is a psychological disorder that got a green light by big nations.

The sad thing is, the bigger nations are bullying the smaller nations to adopt the lifestyle and legalize gay marriages and the gay agenda, implicitly threatening embargos an alienation from world institutions. All that breeds is bitterness in the smaller nations and perpetuates ill will in the bigger ones, non-productive.

VC:MP General / Re: What is the story behind your IGN?
« on: December 21, 2021, 02:39:21 pm »

VC:MP General / Re: What is your first memory of GTA:VC / VC:MP?
« on: December 11, 2021, 12:43:36 am »
GTA:VC - Over my cousin's house at 8 years old walking around randomly creating chaos with the cops. That sorta mentality came from NFS HP2 where the cop choppers would drop flaming oil barrels that explode on impact, made races super fun, I've loved chaos ever since  ;D

VC:MP - Spawning as Army skin in XE running the game at 3 FPS thinking I was the shit, untouchable lag plus 3 shot kills against other noobs. Then, some MK guy started stat padding on us all. That began the clan search journey

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