Vice Underdogs

Vice Underdogs Recruitment => Denied Applications => Topic started by: Anil on February 17, 2016, 05:19:58 am

Title: Application - ToP_KiLLeR^
Post by: Anil on February 17, 2016, 05:19:58 am
Which game are you applying for, VC:MP, SA:MP, LU or all?: VC:MP

   Nick: ToP_KiLLeR^

   Previous Nicks: Piyush,piyush,[GK].ToP_KiLLeR^

   Timezone/Country: India

   Age: 15yrs

   Do you speak English? Yes

   Time you have played vcmp/samp: 3hours in a day

   Previous clans: Gk bcz its closed

   Do you use IRC: Yes

   Why you want to join VU: I like this clan very much and want to join this clan and want to help others

   Favourite weapon: m4,spas

   Which VUs do you know: Best1ever,tuznan,Freak,dronz,anjela,sk,hotdogcat

   Would you be interested in competing in clan wars?: Yes
Title: Application - ToP_KiLLeR^
Post by: Vice Underdogs Management on February 17, 2016, 05:19:58 am
Dear Anil,
   Thank you for your application.

   Unfortunately it has been denied for posting for the following reason: Bad English, little knowledge about the clan and its members.
   Try to improve yourself and maybe apply again over a few weeks.

   Thank you for your interest for the Vice Underdogs Clan,
   - Vice Underdogs Recruitment Team.