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Messages - bugz2daback

Pages: [1] 2 3
Off Topic / I Have Suffered a Motorcycle Accident
« on: November 14, 2011, 03:13:16 am »
People of the VC-MP community...

It is very weird to share your personal life on the net, but I frankly dont care... I need help...

Last night was a melancolic one... in a party, one that belonged to the person I like the most.

Not being able to speak to that person because of family issues, I was forced to drown myself of beer and marijuana. There was to have a very important MC come down to the ghetto I live, but the police blocked any chances. And so I was utmostly forced to participate in this fiesta... I expected to be forced in anyways...

Her brother, my best friend. My brother-in-law? Of that he was called. A young brunette, that fell in love with me, and that captured my attention deeply daily. After her mother knew of us two she had a fit. Actually, when my best friend heard of it he also rioted. But eventually he knew nothing could be done, and told me he would rather have me than a drug dealer, thief, or cheap hustler, for a brother-in-law... Conformed with it.

Trouble surrounded his life and all those around him. Same happened to me... so we ocassionally helped each other with solutions... He knows me better than most and vice versa.

Saturday afternoon her mother said she would have a chat with me, and that her eyes are on full attention to what went on. In the evening, an embargo from the police and the news was spread. The MC would not show up... The party was the only other alternative.

My motorcycle: a gateway for transport, helped to fill the party with beer. On we went, along with all friends of mine, to a drunken happiness and hilarity till the night became day. Funny things happened, and the brief amount of time I could take to look at the teenage girl life of the party, tore me apart. Especially when she looked back at me...

Music took the air, all my friends telling me to talk to my mother-in-law about it, taking in the account that she was drunk. Timid, I just couldnt find the courage and promised the other day to have the chat. To top it all off, a catastrophic ending with a joint of weed smoked by me and two other friends. The story of the two brothers who commanded crime in the region, told by the third younger brother who survived crime, was told. And then a sudden collapse of power hit me.

My motorcyle is lowered. I removed the springs last monday and on this saturday I would put em back on. But I didnt have all the tools necessary, so Matheus (a motorcycle genius who was born one day before I was) said Sunday he would help.

I looked at my watch and it was 8 am, time to go. My mother would be extremely worried already, so I had to get there in a hurry.

I was so high on alcohol and marijuana that a few blocks down I hit some heavy bumps on the road. Going very fast without any kind of suspension attached, the motorcycle loosened my hands from the steering and I was thrown from it, in a very deserted sunday morning. I got up okay, the helmet saved my life. Marks of asphault made clear on my hand, shoulder, and kneecaps...

My motorcycle destroyed, with some good money worth of damage. Lucky enough to have God gift me the miracle of surviving this.

Today, I found the power to get out of my house and find myself in the place my friends all gather and have my best friend supporting me. He would help me pay the damage since we both are the ones who benefit from the motorcycle. Extremely fortunate.

I did not have the courage to speak to her mother yet, knowing she's very tempered but reminding she does not treat me badly regardless of what happens... always reminding me that she is watching..

What should I do, gentlemen...


Accepted Applications / Re: Application - Metalord
« on: November 09, 2011, 02:15:57 pm »
Charles I wasnt joking.

Accepted Applications / Re: Application - Metalord
« on: November 03, 2011, 03:20:00 pm »
I say test his patience. Tell him to apply again in 2 months,

If he agrees to apply 2 months from now, keep him as a [VU_Jr] for 5 months and THEN promote him to VU_T. Keep him there 7 months and THEN VU_R for a YEAR.

Some time after a year is complete, if he has patience and if the full members remember to bump him up, make him a full member and if he does any kind of bullshit,


Clan Discussion / Re: the best 3 clans now
« on: October 28, 2011, 02:21:31 pm »
Best clan is VU, in second comes The Forellis which is currently caged, and third is ULK

No offense guys !

General Chat / Re: Member List
« on: October 28, 2011, 02:19:15 pm »

- Thijn

Accepted Applications / Re: Application - Metalord
« on: October 28, 2011, 02:17:27 pm »
My vote wont change, it's still a no from me. Always has been a loser, not worthy enough of a spot on our gang.

Give him some time and his stupidity will increase, no offense gentlemen.

Accepted Applications / Re: Application - Metalord
« on: October 26, 2011, 02:31:02 pm »
Haha whats up metalord...

My vote is a no.

Accepted Applications / Re: Application - Vito Leone
« on: October 21, 2011, 09:19:50 pm »
Thank you men.

I'm gonna plug the signature everywhere, and start to help the guys around everywhere.

Accepted Applications / Re: Application - Vito Leone
« on: October 21, 2011, 02:18:08 am »
Donstald, thanks for the support. I hope  to become a fulltime member of VU and help charlie and the guys to administrate the gang in a forward direction. Because this is my idealism, to create friendship via competition in a way that the players can interact with each other, learning a little along the way.

Accepted Applications / Re: Application - Vito Leone
« on: October 20, 2011, 08:44:15 pm »
Lol he's being sarcastic, guys don't worry me and bugs go a long way back. He's a good guy, there's no question about that. The only thing I'm concerned about is why he wants to join.
He might be a good guy but It looks like he doesnt take this application serious, that makes me think that he might think he will get in easily.

I think you're taking this internet thing too seriously.

I'm not losing anything by taking the chances of joining a clan which many times had been a partner, a friendship that has been created in the past. We were allies. Charlie back when I remember before he had founded ArS we even had the thoughts of making a clan ourselves. He wont let me lie about anything. Everything is transparent.

Charlie knows me better than 97% of the vc-mp players around. Even a shitload more than some veterans of VU.

I would really like to join and participate in this clan, and I don't really need to write much about me that he, thijn, maverick, and helix dont already know for them to judge whether or not I'm worthy enough to be a part.

Accepted Applications / Re: Application - Vito Leone
« on: October 20, 2011, 01:49:46 am »
can i wear this ?

Accepted Applications / Re: Application - Vito Leone
« on: October 20, 2011, 01:46:32 am »
Mister Charliedays, what is the veredict

Accepted Applications / Re: Application - Vito Leone
« on: October 19, 2011, 07:12:26 pm »
Nah Bass ain't Bassman, he's way cooler than bassman :p

Alright well things have changed a bit since the VU that you knew. You'll probably like the changes. We are still first and foremost a DM clan, however being a good DMer is not necessarily a requirement of being a VU. We're probably a bit more of a social clan now, with priority given to introducing newbies into the community and contributing to it in whatever way we can. I think this is right up your street, as it is more focusing on ideals that The Forellis aimed to proliferate.

In my eyes you are a perfect candidate to further these priorities and you would be an asset to the team.

I'm going to vote full member.

Shaping up new members into mature, respected members of the vc-mp community was always my goal. Some newbies can't be shaped up no matter how hard you try.

But this is a new phase. I am a cameleon and I can adapt like a machinegun can spit bullets.

And you guys can get the fuck out of my application please.

Accepted Applications / Re: Application - Vito Leone
« on: October 19, 2011, 02:43:52 pm »
Normally I'd say fuck yeah, but this concerns me:

Why you want to join VU: To be honest, I actually dont know.

If you're just joining the clan on a whim, without any specific purpose then it might not be the best move for either of us. You probably need to think why you're joining before we can give you any sort of role. I could suggest reasons why you should join the clan, of which there are many, but I don't want to put words in your mouth.

I had a voice from above telling me to join VU. He did not tell me why. I want to help with the clan in every god damn way I can doing anything you guys expect me to... I'm just waiting on Don's return home next week so I can begin the process of coming back to VC-MP

I'm not a skilled fighter, I dont want to join because you guys can fight.

I guess I want to join VU because I feel like I'm at home. Knucis, Thijn, Maverick, Charliedays, and a shitload of guys who go back to the past in vc-mp with me.

Some of you that did not  understand my application is probably because you dont know me.

I assume Bass is [R3V]Bassman.

I'm not an assassin, by the way. I'm an infernus and sabre turbo driver.

Accepted Applications / Application - Vito Leone
« on: October 18, 2011, 10:58:31 pm »
Which game are you applying for, VC:MP, SA:MP, LU or all?: all

Nick: Vito Leone

Previous Nicks: PinBall, BugsySiegel

Timezone/Country: Brazil

Age: somewhere over 20

Do you speak English? No.

Time you have played vcmp/samp: 4

Previous clans: Eh ?

Do you use mIRC: Yes.

Why you want to join VU: To be honest, I actually dont know.

Favourite weapon: infernus

Which VUs do you know: All the old school guys

Would you be interested in competing in clan wars?: I would be interested in supporting a clan war yes.

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