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Topics - SaMiR^

Pages: [1]
General Chat / [VU_T]Eazym4 Re-report
« on: September 22, 2020, 05:01:46 pm »

As you can see in this video, he hosted some servers with abusive nicks on me, which does also show the behaviour behind this kid, i don't get how you accepted him in VU with this kind of behaviour/maturity...

And in this picture you can see him trolling and his maturity, and as i said before, he's a 2 faced person, accepting him in your clan was a big mistake.

Reports / unfair judgement/disadvantage/biased/racism
« on: September 07, 2020, 06:18:16 pm »
Well, as you know my latest match were with Morphine, and i'm hereby to report some of refrees's unfair judgement and being biased towards me

I would like to start with how they made me having disadvantage, okay so firstly as you know most of my matches were in the normal cage where everything is clear and where i practiced, But in my match with morphine they brought me to a place where i can't even see my aim nor enemy correctly, it's a big disadvantage for me and i don't think it's fair judgement , and everytime i said " I DONT WANT TO PLAY IN THIS CAGE" Juan replies with : *play here or you'll be dq*

Secondly, as you can see in this picture :  , both of them were being biased/racist as well as abusive towards family, which is quite unfair for someone who's having disadvantage too, i thought the chosen refrees were supposed to be mature and run the matches fairly, but that's not what happened yesterday....

Thirdly : as you can see in this picture, morphine's behaviour on every round, abusive/racist, i thought the refrees were supposed to handle behaviour/racist issues, but looks like Juan were defending him against me

Fourthly : in some round i was trying to type /wep shotgun, but i wasn't able to switch weapons, and when i told juan he said It's not our fault that you are so stupid, you cant switch weapons in the match... as you can see in this picture...

PS: morphine was able to switch, because he's admin, That's just unfair...

Fifthly : he didn't even let me continue my last round with him, Juan if you were busy then why would you join and be a biased refree ? next time don't even apply for a refree if you don't have enough time ok?

Last : The match itself started with juan being biased towards me, and with morphine abusing/being racist... it's just kinda pathetic what vcdc has came to...

simple advice : be careful with whom you're accepting as a refree

request : restart the match with a good unbiased,mature and a good behaviour refree, and in a normal cage.

i do believe that most of refrees agrees with me such as Joker as you can see here, some of the refrees just decide to be fair and tell the facts who i respect,  instead of being biased,toxic towards others...

Completed Matches / Group F - [NK]SyNe vs [DU]VCPR_850, Klaus
« on: August 13, 2020, 06:57:30 pm »
Your Name: [NK]SyNe
Opponent Name: Klaus , VCPR
Proposed match date: Any
Proposed match time: Anytime
Comments (if any):..

Fighter Registrations / application - [NK]SyNe
« on: July 13, 2020, 07:14:29 pm »
Nickname: [NK]SyNe
Average Ping in any European server: 40 - 70ms.
Location: Algeria.
Timezone (GMT +/-): +1

Pages: [1]