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Messages - Grand_Master

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VC:MP General / Re: 2023 in VCMP - Face The Reality
« on: January 01, 2024, 02:59:21 pm »
Well, I may not be the oldest or the smartest person in the world, but I am certain that you cannot make people do something simply because you feel a certain way about it.
I'm not forcing them, it's just an advice

VC:MP General / Re: 2023 in VCMP - Face The Reality
« on: December 30, 2023, 04:26:29 pm »
Most probably by the end of 2024 vcmp would still be alive. How unfortunate, for your lives.
Wdym, it's already dead.
Not quite. When it'll have the same playercount as LU, then we may call it dead. We even had CTF tournament this year. At this moment is terminal stage 4.

VC:MP General / 2023 in VCMP - Face The Reality
« on: December 30, 2023, 12:08:59 pm »
A son asks his father:
— Daddy, tell me why are we so rich? Why we live in this huge penthouse? For what reason, many young women visiting your room at night?
— Well, son, the secret is simple — I played VCMP my whole life!

Funny, isn't it? Simply keep uploading more videos about raping pixels of autists in fucked up multiplayer for 20-year-old game.
VCMP is still alive not because it's good multiplayer, but cause you keep playing it. And why do you continue to do that? 2 reasons:
1) Your pc/laptop can't handle more than vice city (in 2k23, really?)
2) You're dumb retard or autist
As the name of this topic says — Face the reality. You're not just wasting, but already busted your life in this game!
You may think that this community is like a wine — becoming better and more expensive with time. Like your mutual friendship and atmosphere of vcmp family, where you can join the server and start forgetting about your pathetic lives. In reality — you're cheap booze.
Not devs represents multiplayer, but players. And that's why word VCMP should be added as one of the definitions of word SHIT in
Urban Dictionary.
You know, I have a great advantage over all of you. While you were making frags only on screen, I slaughtered dozens of “people” in reality, including by headshots. When you play Vice War — I play the biggest war in Europe since WW2. Feel the difference — you're hero by sitting on your chair and clicking buttons in game — I am hero for defending my freedom from a wild horde of pigs. And I can't use cheats in real life, unlike you trying to be strong by using hacks in this game.
Most probably by the end of 2024 vcmp would still be alive. How unfortunate, for your lives. But that's your choice, and your huge regret is lay ahead. Are you really going to play this in 2024? Don't you have any dignity and self-respect? This isn't funny anymore guys, delete VCMP from your PCs and most important: from your Mind.

« on: December 29, 2022, 11:44:17 am »
Happy New Year! Ho-Ho-Ho! Your presents are speed hack, lagtool, antiknock, hp hack, unlim ammo, ddos server, uid/ip changer and a dildo. You've been very bad boys in 2k22, so your only present is the last.
VCMP is almost dead, not like LU, but soon will be. Really I still don't understand how you can be so addicted to this crap? Years is passing, life becoming even worse, but you still reading this! I guess your last wish before death gonna be vcmp match. What did you achieve for the past 12 months? NOTHING, and no, becoming "pro" in vcmp is not counting, evading your ban too. I killed 25-40 russian pigs in close combat (depends on their death from injuries). And what YOU did? Spree 30 on EC? Oh boys you will never change, just like devs will never develop vcmp anymore. Actually wait for VCMP DE, it'll release sooner than vcmp 0.5. Yes for that shitty remaster, but what worse, DE or vcmp?
8 billion people on this planet, but only less than 100 playing vcmp, you may call yourself the elite, a golden hundred. Such tales won't change your miserable life. Your big achievements definitely deserves a book: “How to busted your life with unknown nonsupporting multiplayer”.
In 2023 I wish you all to drop vcmp and start living life. Although it will be the same disaster (ask wk).

Off Topic / Ukraine vs Russia
« on: March 04, 2022, 12:34:36 pm »
Who you support in Russia vs Ukraine war and why?

VC:MP General / Re: VC:MP General situation
« on: January 30, 2022, 11:04:36 am »
Gamemodes: Most boring is roleplay. I like rp games, but vice city is action oriented game. Rp here is for absolutely autistic people. There are enough DM/TDM servers. I want battle royal and good racing server, although miami dade racing was empty.
Playercount: Main problem is not how many playing, thing is their quality and quality of vcmp players are very bad. Situation won't improve.
Cheating: In a way yes, cheaters are under control. That means server owners allow them to play otherwise vcmp playercount become LU, some hackers even admins (spitfire). I'm sure most players who pretending as pro with gaming mouse\keyboard actually using different kind of lag tools, speed hacks, antiknock, aimbots, macros and vcmp staff ok with that. This is biggest vcmp problem, even official gta online has many cheaters and you pretend as the only cheaters in unofficial vcmp (also not supporting by devs) is newbies with trainer 2012, yea of course.
Anything else: Vcmp lacks justice, honor, dignity, perfectionism. If i be vcmp developer, most of you would be banned on every public server.

Hello, if you read this, then probably you interesting in what really happened this year in vcmp community. Below is the true face of vcmp shown in nominations.

Best server of the year!
Kill The Vito
Yes this server offline now. If you didn't play it - that's your problem. This server had vitobots witch acting as real players. What else server has such sing? No one. Kill The Vito is technologically most advanced vcmp server. It shows what good scripter can make and serving as basis for future superserver.

Best server of the year for coprophiles!
Really server where kewun's buddy spitfire is admin for shiteaters. I ask all of you who played rtv, are you happy being on the server where hacks creator, distributor and user spitfire is admin? Not forget about his friend vision who also using his cheats and admin there. Elk's dogs not counting. Spitfire simply gave elk and spiller some of his hacks and partial list of users of his cheats. I wonder why kewun still not admin, cause elk got some hacks and info from him too. For elk and spiller you all are monkeys, you eat every crap they produce and smile. Rtv is so vcmp style server.

VCMP legend of the year!
Yeah that guy. You hate him? You afraid of him? You miss him? That what XTM is. He don't play vcmp, obviously he's not crapeater so nothing to do here. Apparently you need an ace up your sleeve to meet him again.

Best hacker of the year!
He's not an old player, but this year he gained some reputation as hacker. He cooperated with kewun to DDOS servers and he did well. Good123 is what vcmp real is, precisely what vcmp community creates and deserves.

Worthless hacker of the year!
Hey kurva if you so powerful as pretend, why you stopped ddosing servers? Why the hell i see servers in masterlist? Let me guess, great kewun just gives opportunity for kids to enjoy their poor life? In reality vcmp devs fuc.ed up your face and you crying hide in pochwie.

Best clan of the year!
Old authoritative clan filled with greatness and wisdom. Clan is not about number of members or their cheats it's about quality of members. And RK definitely has the best roster in vcmp. If you decided to join it, be ready to upset, because for 95% you're not qualify for high RK standards.

Not a clan of the year!
TLA (The Little Anuses)
That's not a clan, just gang of cheaters united in 1 group. They has spitfire, known hacks creator + firecum and skullcracker witch using his private cheats. Fulton, masteroz, elawi, gohan using lag tools and macros. About sanzhez and others don't have accurate information. Next members should be hunting, kewun and good123. In normal multiplayer all clan members would be banned, half for using cheats and another half for cooperating with them in 1 group. But for vcmp that's called clan, strong clan.

Best player of the year!
You all know him. Without doubt with his bright mind, high intelligence and strong skills - he's the greatest. No one even close to him. He's the best player who joined vcmp ever!

Worst player of the year!
That's right, YOU the worst. You still playing vcmp and reading VU forum while your life is complete disaster. This year you did nothing to become smarter, wealthy or healthy. You just hiding from your life nightmare in vcmp world. Holy f.ck, you still reading this. In 2022 try to change your life or you will stay in this nomination forever!

P.S: I won't answer on barking below.

Denied Applications / Re: Application - vito
« on: November 06, 2021, 08:08:34 am »
Vito was co-founder of VU. Then he had a conflict with Charley, after that all mention of vito was erased. I vote to make vito not just formal VU founder, but a vcmp developer, cause stormeus and adtec do nothing.

Aren't you the same person / troll who posts these kind of videos on Youtube and putting nicknames in there of whoever you can think can rekt your ass (yes including mines)?

The irony  ;D
Aren't you that person who uses Anonimul's cheats along with hunting? And since you're part of wk, you also have spitfire hacks.
And these videos are created to show the most miserable vcmp players.

Dog came to bark a trash about me. I confess - i used speedgear 2 times a couple years ago. But this doesn't compare with spitfire, and even ibee which itself uses special tools.
Yes I use special tools. I openly confess I use them. Wanna know what I use??? BAN HAMMER... Yes, you read it right, I use tools like ban hammer, for retarded hackers like u.
Ibee boy, you only got admin status as Elk's asslicker, without his permission you have no rights. If you really use ban hammer against hackers, then why they all still play on TDW, including you of course? Only for bigger number of players, which gives you and kanjarkhan a sense of power, unlike real life where you are worthless. Normal players have nothing to do in your ghetto for cheaters.
Shut the absolute fuck up u Ukrainian piece of scum. And stop shitting regarding me, elk and others uselessly. For ur info, Elk isn’t in the staff of Extreme Addicts as well as Empire Gaming A/D (both official vcmp servers) alongside Viceland Free-roam server. I have been working in the staff of these servers from way too long for you to remember. If you want to see my “rights” and my “authorities”, you are more than welcome to come in any of these servers and U shall have the dreadful experience of them. Grow the fuck up, go to a fucking psychiatrist and get your fucking brain tuned up... Otherwise in the future, your parents will even regret marrying to one another just because they could have avoided a plague like you from coming into this world...

P.S: That’s gonna be the official last reply from my side on this shit topic as you already got more attention than you actually deserved...

It's nice when you open child's eyes to the reality from which he rage. Of course, you are not only elk's asslicker, you also Dizzaster's and San's asslicker, for which you became admin on their servers. All your power is to bark at the people who opens your eyes to your meager existence.
Continue to use cheats with your kanjarkhan, and eat sh.t in your little kingdom called TDW. I created this topic not for you, but for adequate people so they don't eat sh.t with you.

Dog came to bark a trash about me. I confess - i used speedgear 2 times a couple years ago. But this doesn't compare with spitfire, and even ibee which itself uses special tools.
Yes I use special tools. I openly confess I use them. Wanna know what I use??? BAN HAMMER... Yes, you read it right, I use tools like ban hammer, for retarded hackers like u.
Ibee boy, you only got admin status as Elk's asslicker, without his permission you have no rights. If you really use ban hammer against hackers, then why they all still play on TDW, including you of course? Only for bigger number of players, which gives you and kanjarkhan a sense of power, unlike real life where you are worthless. Normal players have nothing to do in your ghetto for cheaters.

Bro why are you complaining about cheaters? You are not aware of people using hacks because they can no longer be detected. You best be sure there are more hackers than you think. Yes, that includes VU, MK and other clans.
I know there are many cheaters in vcmp, most of them pretending to be "pro". TDW is a semi-closed server with mandatory registration on the forum. If everyone or majority who plays there are cheaters, then Spitfire is a fair opponent for them. Closed party for hackers. That's why i say that all normal people should ignore that server.

Bro why are you complaining about cheaters? You are not aware of people using hacks because they can no longer be detected. You best be sure there are more hackers than you think. Yes, that includes VU, MK and other clans.
...and @milko bro the one whom you are telling this too is a hacker himself. Busted many and many times by me and a few others too. Uses vpn weird nicks, turns on god mode and speed hack, and the rest u know.
Dog came to bark a trash about me. I confess - i used speedgear 2 times a couple years ago. But this doesn't compare with spitfire, and even ibee which itself uses special tools.

It's not about i don't like spitfire. He always created, distributed and used cheats for which he was repeatedly banned. Of course, any server owner can accept his or another hacker's development assistance. But don't let him play with others! Elk unbanned him back in the days of RTV, for receiving some hacks from him. Most people who have used cheats continue to be banned, but for someone there are exceptions.
It's like a serial killer who was released from prison because he helped build a house for the owner of the prison. There can be no exception for anyone. If spitfire wants to help develop a server - fine, but he doesn't deserve to play with regular players.
Fair enough.
Use his work, give him credits, then ban him  >:D
He shouldn't have been unbanned from the beginning. Since when do we use the word fair in relation to hackers? When he used cheats against others was it fair? He just gave Elk some cheats and made a few maps for server, not for the players, but for Elk, to get unban. Let me remind you that when a person breaks the law and pays another person money or does work to avoid punishment, it's called corruption. It's fun when people want to live in a prosperous civilized society, but even online create a stinking ghetto for themselves. Spitfire just f.cked vcmp with his hacks, and KanjarKing said: thanks, it was great, now you're unbanned.
Now in VCMP the official rule - you can create, distribute and use cheats as much as you want. Then just give the server owner a few cheats and help develop his server and here you go - complete unban.
I will repeat the phrase i said at the beginning - I urge everyone who has at least a bit of dignity to ignore TDW server!
P.S: I'm not interested in the opinion of Elk's asslickers who are admins or want to become them on his server.

Your point of view is very illogical.
A bad past does not prevent someone from doing a good deed.

Spitfire/Analizator have good technical knowledge of GTAVC(most hackers do). They have expertise which is very useful for server developers. Making a server is a difficult job which requires intelligence and effort. They are doing a free service for YOU! All they get in return is a useless mapper rank and a fancy tag in the credits.

I don't care who helps with the server as long as their work is good. Even if Kewun releases a piece of code which is useful, I would gladly use it and give him credit for it. In the past, vito has helped us a lot in development of several projects and I am grateful to him.

You would understand all this better if you ever did the hard work needed to make a server. It is stupid to boycott a server just because they credited the work done by someone you don't like.
It's not about i don't like spitfire. He always created, distributed and used cheats for which he was repeatedly banned. Of course, any server owner can accept his or another hacker's development assistance. But don't let him play with others! Elk unbanned him back in the days of RTV, for receiving some hacks from him. Most people who have used cheats continue to be banned, but for someone there are exceptions.
It's like a serial killer who was released from prison because he helped build a house for the owner of the prison. There can be no exception for anyone. If spitfire wants to help develop a server - fine, but he doesn't deserve to play with regular players.

I see friends of KanjarKhan who by coincidence the admins on his server came to laugh. Don't make excuses, of course, when a human constantly eats cr.p, he becomes addicted on it. Dogs can bark at a person who is telling the truth about their gamelife and owner, but they will not start living better. With a selfish attitude, VCMP will soon turn into LU.

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