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Topics - Tom

Pages: [1]
Clan War Stuff / CTF CLAN MATCH
« on: August 06, 2015, 09:14:21 pm »

CTF gamemode is the most popular gamemode in VC:MP nowadays. WK offers VU to play a Clan Match in CTF. 8 rounds: four maps from your side, four from ours. Basic regulations can be found here, but if you want to discuss some rules or have a proposition, we are ready to consider it.
This is a wonderful opportunity for VU to feel what REAL ACTION is, to have experience you've never had before.
So what do you think?

« on: July 28, 2015, 10:19:21 am »

Russians vs SS
 August 1st, Saturday, 2015

We bring a brand new experience in VC:MP and would like to invite you to specate the first CTF clan match in VC:MP ever! Two famous teams will fight in different CTF locations and you can become a witness of this historical match of VC:MP. Don't miss this unique event!
Join MK CTF server at August 1, GMT 18:00 and see how history is made! Use spec command after joining the server.
Password: wknss
More info

General Discussion, Betting, and Questions / Winner forecast
« on: July 14, 2015, 09:20:13 pm »
I'm convinced that lags and glitches have a significant impact to outcome of every 1 vs 1 battle in VC:MP. I'm also convinced that lags and glitches are almost decisive things in 1 vs 1 duel format (open area without covers and shotguns as a primary weapon).
So, based on this, I'm doing the forecast: VCDC winner will be a hard-lagging glitcher.

So, according to this, IMO tournament favorites are:
[DU]Moskvish - lags hard enough to outlag the most part of VCMP players
[DZ]Noori - also a lagger, but less then Moskvish, may be better than him in glitching
[SS]anMexican - good lag coupled with of
[SS]Daniel - good representative of lag + glitch formula
[DnA]Bryce - one of the top laggers of tournamet, but lacks of skill

All of them are lag and glitch enough to win. I'm not going to make a forecast which of them is strongest.
Group stage isn't over yet, so some details may change, but IMO hard glitching lagger will win.

You may agree with me or don't. You may discuss my forecast, post your opinion or offer your favorites.
I'm not making any bet, I just post it to share my opinion and produce some discussion.

Suggestions / Fire Department wallglitch
« on: June 28, 2014, 07:09:19 pm »
There is a well-known glitch inside the fire department building that allows glitchers from blue team shoot reds while they aren't able to resist and kill glitchers.

According the rules wallglitch from this place is allowed but I think this is unfair and make a big disbalance, so my suggestion is to add exception in wallglitch rule.

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