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Topics - Grand_Master

Pages: [1]
VC:MP General / 2023 in VCMP - Face The Reality
« on: December 30, 2023, 12:08:59 pm »
A son asks his father:
— Daddy, tell me why are we so rich? Why we live in this huge penthouse? For what reason, many young women visiting your room at night?
— Well, son, the secret is simple — I played VCMP my whole life!

Funny, isn't it? Simply keep uploading more videos about raping pixels of autists in fucked up multiplayer for 20-year-old game.
VCMP is still alive not because it's good multiplayer, but cause you keep playing it. And why do you continue to do that? 2 reasons:
1) Your pc/laptop can't handle more than vice city (in 2k23, really?)
2) You're dumb retard or autist
As the name of this topic says — Face the reality. You're not just wasting, but already busted your life in this game!
You may think that this community is like a wine — becoming better and more expensive with time. Like your mutual friendship and atmosphere of vcmp family, where you can join the server and start forgetting about your pathetic lives. In reality — you're cheap booze.
Not devs represents multiplayer, but players. And that's why word VCMP should be added as one of the definitions of word SHIT in
Urban Dictionary.
You know, I have a great advantage over all of you. While you were making frags only on screen, I slaughtered dozens of “people” in reality, including by headshots. When you play Vice War — I play the biggest war in Europe since WW2. Feel the difference — you're hero by sitting on your chair and clicking buttons in game — I am hero for defending my freedom from a wild horde of pigs. And I can't use cheats in real life, unlike you trying to be strong by using hacks in this game.
Most probably by the end of 2024 vcmp would still be alive. How unfortunate, for your lives. But that's your choice, and your huge regret is lay ahead. Are you really going to play this in 2024? Don't you have any dignity and self-respect? This isn't funny anymore guys, delete VCMP from your PCs and most important: from your Mind.

« on: December 29, 2022, 11:44:17 am »
Happy New Year! Ho-Ho-Ho! Your presents are speed hack, lagtool, antiknock, hp hack, unlim ammo, ddos server, uid/ip changer and a dildo. You've been very bad boys in 2k22, so your only present is the last.
VCMP is almost dead, not like LU, but soon will be. Really I still don't understand how you can be so addicted to this crap? Years is passing, life becoming even worse, but you still reading this! I guess your last wish before death gonna be vcmp match. What did you achieve for the past 12 months? NOTHING, and no, becoming "pro" in vcmp is not counting, evading your ban too. I killed 25-40 russian pigs in close combat (depends on their death from injuries). And what YOU did? Spree 30 on EC? Oh boys you will never change, just like devs will never develop vcmp anymore. Actually wait for VCMP DE, it'll release sooner than vcmp 0.5. Yes for that shitty remaster, but what worse, DE or vcmp?
8 billion people on this planet, but only less than 100 playing vcmp, you may call yourself the elite, a golden hundred. Such tales won't change your miserable life. Your big achievements definitely deserves a book: “How to busted your life with unknown nonsupporting multiplayer”.
In 2023 I wish you all to drop vcmp and start living life. Although it will be the same disaster (ask wk).

Off Topic / Ukraine vs Russia
« on: March 04, 2022, 12:34:36 pm »
Who you support in Russia vs Ukraine war and why?

Hello, if you read this, then probably you interesting in what really happened this year in vcmp community. Below is the true face of vcmp shown in nominations.

Best server of the year!
Kill The Vito
Yes this server offline now. If you didn't play it - that's your problem. This server had vitobots witch acting as real players. What else server has such sing? No one. Kill The Vito is technologically most advanced vcmp server. It shows what good scripter can make and serving as basis for future superserver.

Best server of the year for coprophiles!
Really server where kewun's buddy spitfire is admin for shiteaters. I ask all of you who played rtv, are you happy being on the server where hacks creator, distributor and user spitfire is admin? Not forget about his friend vision who also using his cheats and admin there. Elk's dogs not counting. Spitfire simply gave elk and spiller some of his hacks and partial list of users of his cheats. I wonder why kewun still not admin, cause elk got some hacks and info from him too. For elk and spiller you all are monkeys, you eat every crap they produce and smile. Rtv is so vcmp style server.

VCMP legend of the year!
Yeah that guy. You hate him? You afraid of him? You miss him? That what XTM is. He don't play vcmp, obviously he's not crapeater so nothing to do here. Apparently you need an ace up your sleeve to meet him again.

Best hacker of the year!
He's not an old player, but this year he gained some reputation as hacker. He cooperated with kewun to DDOS servers and he did well. Good123 is what vcmp real is, precisely what vcmp community creates and deserves.

Worthless hacker of the year!
Hey kurva if you so powerful as pretend, why you stopped ddosing servers? Why the hell i see servers in masterlist? Let me guess, great kewun just gives opportunity for kids to enjoy their poor life? In reality vcmp devs fuc.ed up your face and you crying hide in pochwie.

Best clan of the year!
Old authoritative clan filled with greatness and wisdom. Clan is not about number of members or their cheats it's about quality of members. And RK definitely has the best roster in vcmp. If you decided to join it, be ready to upset, because for 95% you're not qualify for high RK standards.

Not a clan of the year!
TLA (The Little Anuses)
That's not a clan, just gang of cheaters united in 1 group. They has spitfire, known hacks creator + firecum and skullcracker witch using his private cheats. Fulton, masteroz, elawi, gohan using lag tools and macros. About sanzhez and others don't have accurate information. Next members should be hunting, kewun and good123. In normal multiplayer all clan members would be banned, half for using cheats and another half for cooperating with them in 1 group. But for vcmp that's called clan, strong clan.

Best player of the year!
You all know him. Without doubt with his bright mind, high intelligence and strong skills - he's the greatest. No one even close to him. He's the best player who joined vcmp ever!

Worst player of the year!
That's right, YOU the worst. You still playing vcmp and reading VU forum while your life is complete disaster. This year you did nothing to become smarter, wealthy or healthy. You just hiding from your life nightmare in vcmp world. Holy, you still reading this. In 2022 try to change your life or you will stay in this nomination forever!

P.S: I won't answer on barking below.

VC:MP General / Why VCMP is community that eats sh.t and has no future...
« on: November 20, 2020, 11:17:40 am »
You all know Spitfire/Analizator - a hacker who creates, distributes and uses cheats for VCMP, thus raising his worthless ego. This creature deserves a permanent community ban like his friend Kewun.
But look at the TDW server created by KanjarElvenking and his son Spiller. They not only allow spitfire and his gay friend firecum (also user of his cheats) to play with normal players, but have made him a server mapper. Everyone who has been playing on this server, how do you play with official cheaters? Staff in the form of ELK/Spiller just spits the players in the face and demeans the entire multiplayer.
This is an indicator of moral and spiritual degradation of VCMP. I urge everyone who has at least a bit of dignity to ignore TDW server! That shelter of cheaters and hackers must die!

VC:MP General / VCMP Racing Tournament
« on: September 06, 2020, 12:18:51 pm »
Combat events take place in VCMP, but why are there no racing events?
I know VCMP is mostly about shooting, but it would be interesting to find the best players in the races.
To do this, there are Miami-Dade Racing and Chinese servers, or we can create a special racing server.
What do you think?

Fighter Registrations / Application - =RK=GOD
« on: July 18, 2020, 06:27:37 pm »
Nickname: =RK=GOD
Average Ping in any European server: 100
Location: Ukraine
Timezone (GMT +/-): GMT+3

« on: June 02, 2018, 06:04:00 pm »
UID Mismatch problem. Server banned me

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