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Messages - stormeus

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 80
General Chat / Re: Death Evader in VU
« on: July 09, 2017, 08:20:05 am »
In what universe does someone quitting after not getting shot at for several seconds count as death evading? Don't waste our time with this.

Denied Applications / Re: Application - NO_MeRcY
« on: July 09, 2017, 12:15:07 am »
Below is every substantiated vote from members on this application. The general trend seems to be that people who vote trainee found him friendly and cooperative. A primary drawback is that he isn't really good at DM, CTF, or A/D, though those who have played with him think he's willing to improve and can train as a VU_T. Others who vote no just don't know him well enough.

I don't think the DM ability is a strong overriding concern, and no one is strongly opposed to accepting the application otherwise. There have been several opportunities for them to be brought up, but I strongly doubt that accepting No_Mercy will cause any trouble since this app has been open for over two weeks and no one's brought up any extreme concerns anyway. Given all of this, I think we should just accept this application already.

this guy is awesome good friend of mine, he has skills and he is co-operated.  despite being stupid sometimes he definetly deserves aa chance here trainee

Neee , you need improve the skills

dude voting no for skills is pointless.
he has good aattitude aand he is cooperative and wishing to improve.
rgarding the skills that why there is a traainee rank.  to develop in it aand maake his way up to rookie and full.

the thing i mean to say is,  he caan improve his skills while being a trainee thaats why its called trainee

I have seen you sometimes but we never talked (at least I don't remember), neutral for now.

I have seen you sometimes but we never talked (at least I don't remember), neutral for now.

Voting T because I haven't seen any negatives.

Nice guy trainee from my side :)
Hope you won't disappoint us.

Let me make it clear, skills don't matter here, they are something which can be improved. Take me as an example, I am Full VU, but look at my skills.

Friendly dude, voting Trainee  :thumbsup:

Didn't really play with you much, going with a no for now.

No, I don't really know you and your nickname gives the impression of some newbie.

I don't know you very well.


is not good. If we do accept you we can help you, but you need to train hard.

You need more experience in CTF and A/D Matches

Big players starts like small , Trainee!!!!

Denied Applications / Re: Application - Almo
« on: July 08, 2017, 11:45:22 pm »
The vote is 8 trainee, 15 deny. There's still a sizeable number of people who don't know you so I'll offer MaDKilleR's response as a closing remark:

I chat when its required, if i chat with all of you for no reason, somehow it would seem like i am trying to beg for votes, so i chat when i think its time, and about interest how should i show it, by saying that 'i like vu' or 'i want to join vu' everytime i see a member, i think I've shown enough interest by playing with u guys and trying to interact with u guys in forum, and about the tagwhore thing, i don't get the point

It's okay, talk when you feel the time is right. You don't need to bother yourself and others without any specific reason, I get your point. I can safely conclude from your recent posts that you have somehow not managed to socialize enough with many of our members. Talking without a point is another thing, approaching people to socialize is a totally different one. Whenever I play, I respond to a dozen people whom I don't know at all, I team up with them when they request to do so, I duel with them when they say so. Do you get my point? Those people are simply trying to socialize and no, we are not idiots to think of someone as an asslicker just because he was nice enough to say hi first.

I believe this is the reason most of us don't know you more which ultimately leads to trust issues. You might like to work on that. I can assure everyone over here is very approachable and very keen to socialize. Many of our newly accepted Trainees got to know us this way :)


Denied Applications / Re: Application - Lily*
« on: July 07, 2017, 08:32:02 am »
I've made a mistake, I've apologized

Did you really though? Your public apology was based on the false pretense that DeZ was begging you to play in his stead and I still haven't seen you make an effort to correct the record.

What i meant that you dont even say hi to me since i got kicked, I dont really care for your vote.

If you don't care how full members who aren't still on friendly terms with you vote, I don't see why you deserve to be voted back in. Voting no.

Denied Applications / Re: Application - AliHassan99
« on: July 07, 2017, 02:41:05 am »
You guys are asking me things like I am a criminal.. just say yes or no what do you want to know about me?

Hmm, what do we want to know about you?

Oh wait.

How long you've been playing in VCMP? Why did you apply for VU and not for any other clan? How many clans you joined in the past? If yes then mention the reason of departure. How many VUs are you acquainted with?

none of you knows me because I used to play in the server in which VU players rarely or don't play.
If none of VU members know you, do you think that you will be accepted here ?

I'm voting no for two reasons:
  • By your own admission, you don't know anyone in this clan and no one knows you. We're not going to accept someone if we have absolutely no idea how they'd contribute to the team dynamic.
  • Despite point #1, your comment about how this is some sort of criminal interrogation makes it seem like you don't want to give us a chance to let us get to know you.

VC:MP General / Re: Sniper behavior in VC:MP (and more)
« on: June 28, 2017, 05:03:11 pm »
I barely ever manage to snipe someone's head when they are in FPV. Is the head hitbox not accurate in FPV animation?

I'm not sure the concept of hitboxes really exists in VC. Shots just get traced to see if they hit some part of the ped's body, with some tolerance for error, but as long as both players are synced and see the first-person aim animation they should be hittable.

If you seen the sprint animation when they're aiming, though, this would make it harder to hit them since you have to approximate where their head really is.

Denied Applications / Re: Application - NO_MeRcY
« on: June 27, 2017, 10:41:08 pm »
No, I don't really know you and your nickname gives the impression of some newbie.

WiLsOn and KingOfVC BTFO

Denied Applications / Re: Application - Casper
« on: June 21, 2017, 04:04:21 pm »
you started thinking that we cannot kick you outta clan you kept messing with clan rules.... what about abusing your own clan in Server chat ? what about abusing MD clan in forum shout-box. what about abusing clan in PMs to me ? what about abusing clan leaders without any reason... all you thought that we need you badly MD won't run without you lmao we can't kick you for what i asked Baba_sain to create a report against you... and at last you got a happy kick :).... huh personal issues with me... i am the one still helping you in everything. sorry mate you started so i have ended.

Everyone needs to stop with these overly personal, long-winded diatribes on people's applications and just start stating plain facts. This happens in every damn application now, it always causes ten page long applications that get dragged out longer than they should be and we can certainly can do without the drama.

Denied Applications / Re: Application - Casper
« on: June 20, 2017, 09:39:11 pm »

Strong no.

Denied Applications / Re: Application - Bryan^
« on: June 20, 2017, 04:58:31 pm »
Who are you?

Off Topic / Re: Important: letter to Donald Trump
« on: June 19, 2017, 09:05:17 am »
Trump's not going to get impeached because his ego is too fragile to handle that. He'll resign before he is and give a speech in the process talking about all the ways he Madeâ„¢ Americaâ„¢ Greatâ„¢ Againâ„¢ and how he's going to take down the fake news mediaâ„¢ from the inside.

Off Topic / Re: Important: letter to Donald Trump
« on: June 19, 2017, 08:38:58 am »
Hey this looks like a good thread to bump.

Strange isn't it ?
Because people voted  for him and now they don't want him.
I know that he didn't won by a huge lead but majority wins.

Despite popular opinion in this thread, the majority of voters lost.

And the current situation in the U.S. would be the tiniest bit more bearable if Trump and his party, having majority control of the legislature, could actually pass an agenda, but alas they're too incompetent to get past their own infighting to pass any significant bills.

And still they blame the minority party.

I'll see you all in another seven months when Mike Pence is president ᖍ(ツ)ᖌ

VC:MP General / Re: Sniper behavior in VC:MP (and more)
« on: June 19, 2017, 08:22:45 am »
I don't remember this conversation. 0.4 uses the exact same method of measuring ping as 0.3, and in both cases they're handled by the network layer, not us.
The ping shown in 0.3z was wrong. (VCMP browser showed correct, ingame F5 was wrong)
I remember it showed 30ms even on localhost, when it should be 0.

I think the ingame display added a certain amount to everyone's ping depending on number of hops to the server. No-one used to have less than 10ms ping in 0.3z while we have spotted some players with less than 5ms ping in 0.4. Thijn or Brian could confirm.

GetPlayerPing and the equivalent Squirrel function should've been accurate. I'm​ sure the scoreboard display had issues, though, considering the code from 0.1 to 0.3 looked like this:

I'm fairly confident they either mixed up player index and system address at some point or they had an off by one error. If I recall correctly, the scoreboard was also prone to mixing up people's pings.

The whole thing was messed up and I'm surprised anyone thought it'd be a good idea to send everyone's IP addresses to everyone else too. It's messy architecture all the way down.

Kyzo, Brian, Murdock, Thijn, Salmonella and many guyd who play in Argo have ping less than 10ms.

The server is in the Netherlands, Thijn is in the Netherlands. Big shock  :D

VC:MP General / Re: Sniper behavior in VC:MP (and more)
« on: June 18, 2017, 10:06:28 pm »
Am I correct in thinking this is perhaps theoretically an impossible issue to solve? Is it the case that low-FPSers will be sending fewer anim packets thereby skipping some, and that jittery-pingers might be sending them, but there is no way that they can be received? If I'm wrong and there is some sort of solution, then that would be great.

VC:MP actually doesn't sync animations individually. It syncs what keys you're pressing at the moment the sync packet gets sent, and then other clients use that and let the game process the animation sequences based on those keystrokes.

The problem with people with low framerates is that because Vice City processes change based on how many frames have elapsed as opposed to how much time has passed since the last frame, they miss crucial information like when a player has just fired their weapon. This is fundamentally unfixable due to how the sync and frame processing work.

The problem with jittery pings is that if one packet suddenly takes 1500ms to reach the server, and then the next sync packet takes 300ms, the second packet will reach people before the first. Because sync packets are unordered, this might cause momentary out-of-order animation processing that causes sliding. I'm not concerned about this scenario, and while we can make sync packets ordered this can also cause more issues than it fixes by causing processing delays when dealing with laggy players, since the game would have to wait for the next packet in the sequence.

I should also mention that the problem with trying to sync the animations themselves is that in the time between sync packets someone's animations may have already changed too much for other players to pick up on. When testing animation progress sync on localhost, SMGs and machine guns almost completely broke because of how the game processes those animations. This is somewhat of an oversimplification.

No this has been explained before, the ping values in 0.4 are actually more accurate compared to 0.3, from what I can recall Storm said that 0.3 used an estimate or some shit.
lol nope, even [EAF]King was surprised the day he joined vcmp 0.4 for the first time, because he pings 350+ everywhere but 0.4 made his ping somewhat 270, this accuracy isn't accurate but slow update rate.

I don't remember this conversation. 0.4 uses the exact same method of measuring ping as 0.3, and in both cases they're handled by the network layer, not us.

Denied Applications / Re: Application - kennedyarz
« on: June 17, 2017, 05:08:53 am »
The final vote is 6 trainee, 17 deny, 4 neutral; this app is denied. Multiple members have raised issues with your in-game and forum conduct, and the fact that you've been caught death evading twice in the past two months underscores this.

Let's be honest, this guy never claimed that "he's changed", he started to do good, started communicating with everyone,even made a funny bot for an IRC channel, started to entertain everyone, improved his English, then after months, he applied here.

At least appreciate his efforts, it's not always that you need to dig the past, sometimes giving opportunities don't hurt.

Despite having made this progress, you still have to convince us that you've matured enough to not ragequit when someone kills you in a video game. Play more often with us and allow some time to pass before applying again.

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