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Messages - ferrari32

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 158
Denied Applications / Re: Application - MR_SK
« on: April 28, 2022, 04:17:21 pm »
Rejected from a clan like MK :o I dont think you will be able to meet VU standards anytime soon but nothing is impossible if you decides to achieve it.

Good luck.

You're trying to take a potshot at your old clan here, which is wrong, but I'm not gonna go into that. I will however say that our standards are definitely not on par with more or less any clan around, they revolve around different things altogether.

As for the applicant, from the original post and your subsequent posts I can't bother not noticing that someone wrote your application for you. Other than that, I don't know who you really are actually.

Farewell Board / Re: I am off
« on: April 01, 2022, 07:45:35 pm »
Membership removed, will reinstate if she sends

News and Announcements / Re: Monumental advancement
« on: March 27, 2022, 01:52:50 pm »
Punk bro blink twice if kidnapped by siez

Denied Applications / Re: Application - Tic
« on: March 15, 2022, 02:54:09 pm »
I invited Tic to reapply a few days ago. Honestly I think he's a perfect fit for our clan, and I think it's a shame about what happened in the past. I wasn't happy when you left, but I feel we can rebuild bridges and get back on track. I really believe in you.

Rookie from me

Accepted Applications / Re: Application - Alpays
« on: March 09, 2022, 04:49:50 pm »
Trainee, good luck

VC:MP General / Re: VC:MP General situation
« on: January 24, 2022, 08:35:28 pm »
Bots are now a thing in vcmp. Meaning a sort of training ground server is an option. Basically gamemode, if you're new, join this first, show people the ropes.

Off Topic / Re: Travel tips
« on: January 18, 2022, 04:52:40 pm »
Ok so now some actual tips regarding traveling abroad;

-about money, don't try to travel on a budget. If you're looking to really experience the place you are going to, my rule is to ask myself how much do I need (not including travel fees and accomodation expenses), and bring double that much. You just never really know what might go wrong, and you don't want to miss out on a certain activity because you're short on cash either. It should also ho without saying don't carry all your cash on your person. Have a bit of cash on hand, rest either in a popular credit card provider, or your personal lockbox in your hotel room, most of the decent hotels have one now.

-don't use local taxi services, especially around airports or terminals, you'll get scammed, dude will make a 5 min drive go on for 40. Use Uber or Bolt if available. Alternative could be rent a car but make sure you're familiar with the rules of traffic of the country.

-random people approaching you on the street are not always as friendly as they seem. Keep an open mind but be careful.

-nightclubs. When you order a drink, try to see what the waitor is doing with it. Never leave your drink unattended (e.g. Leave it while you go to the restroom). If a local is drunk and starts harrasing you for some reason or another (or none at all), you don't understand their language and you don't speak English or anything else. Back out and leave after selling that. Pro tip: waitors can be super helpful in pointing you in the direction of whatever place/activity you're looking for. If you plan to come back to the same bar multiple times, tip them. You will get much better service, and they will even help out if you find yourself in trouble.

-culture differences. Google is your friend, but even he doesn't know everything. Just observe behavior of people and try to understand the basic society norms, but don't try copying them if you don't fully understand.

-contacts. Google what the numbers are for police, and emergency services in the country you're visiting. Google where your embassy is and save their number, if by some chance you lose your documents, they are the only ones that can and will help you.

Can't think of anything else right now

Oh right, if you're traveling far away e.g different continent, don't drink the water from tap, or anything containing tap water, use bottled. Very important.

Off Topic / Re: Travel tips
« on: January 14, 2022, 02:39:19 pm »
I'd personally get to visit my own country first. You might even be surprised what you can find.

I've traveled quite a good amount of Europe, yet I still yearly find new nice places I haven't been to in Croatia, and that's like one tenth of argentinian territory.

Debating Board / Re: LGBTQ
« on: January 13, 2022, 06:42:45 pm »
Well my personal opinion on the movement..

I really have zero issues with anyone doing what they want within their own 4 walls, it's their right. What I really do have a problem with is gay prides and that sort of stuff.

Now, the LGBTQ criers will say that the event is a testament, a cry for help, a battle or whatever.. I personally think it's pointless.
I simply don't see the point of the government, city, tax payers; having to pay shitloads and shitloads of money for an event that allows gay people to go out and act like idiots, make out, wear provocative clothes, wreck the town, and scream IM GAY AND PROUD

Good for you, I'm straight, pretty damn proud, yet I never get the urge to walk on the streets grabbing my girlfriends ass and generally making people uncomfortable. I personally am uncomfortable with a straight couple making out in public places, it's just not something I (or even worse, a child) should be made to see. And like I said, the worst part is, I even have to pay for it via taxes. Fuck that.

If banging dudes makes you happy, you go bang a dude in private. Don't make me pay for the condoms.

As for the TQ part.. Never really understood it. You're a woman, you decide you like women, and then decide you need to look like a man to like a woman. Basically, you just took a shit on the gay community that you so eagerly defend, I just don't understand. But perhaps you need to be in order to be able to understand.

In conclusion, go be happy. Just don't make others sad in doing so.

Player Discussion / Re: Who would win in a duel
« on: January 05, 2022, 09:26:46 am »
Huntpig   :(

Honey Singh vs nadeem

Player Discussion / Re: Ryozuo./MarK./FJngNU.
« on: December 25, 2021, 10:33:42 am »
An old rival, old enough that I don't remember how the rivalry began.

Denied Applications / Re: MEER's Application
« on: December 03, 2021, 06:55:31 pm »
I used the same standards to judge meer's app as any other. So your entire rant about people being treated different is just in vain and invalid.

Denied Applications / Re: MEER's Application
« on: November 30, 2021, 07:40:53 pm »

im done

Denied Applications / Re: MEER's Application
« on: November 30, 2021, 07:13:46 pm »
I vote trainee for you. Good luck  :)
Thanks for your valuable comments and vote
I don't want any cafer in VU. Sorry.
Thank you for letting me know about your opinion about myself and im not cafer Tysm 🙂
I don't want any cafer in VU. Sorry.
Thank you for letting me know about your opinion about myself and im not cafer Tysm 🙂
According to logs in LW Server, I am 100% sure that you play from cafe. Maybe not all the time but yes you do.

Strong No.
Oka Lemme clear your point as Diaz said i got my own PC, he's right. When I'm bored i sometimes go there to play and have fun with my friends at night. But i usually play alone with my own PC. If you want proof, you can message me anytime and get every piece of proof you want.
Oka Lemme clear your point as Diaz said i got my own PC, he's right. When I'm bored i sometimes go there to play and have fun with my friends at night. But i usually play alone with my own PC. If you want proof, you can message me anytime and get every piece of proof you want.
Huh... look who's here, a jealous person. well, i did'nt wanted to reply you but what kind of facts are these lemme clear your doubts about me.
I'm not a Cafer anymore, yeah i was a cafer when i started playing VC:MP 3 years ago for 2,3 months, then i bought my own PC.
2 Faced Clan Hopper? lol basically some of my friends are in F2 clan so i play with them sometimes. I don't have any interest in that clan, even if i was that interested in that clan i would've joined it already.
IDK what are you upto. I don't take it serious.
Chill bruh. :)
You played from cafe yesterday. I don't want VU's privacy to be compromised.


Denied Applications / Re: MEER's Application
« on: November 30, 2021, 11:09:23 am »
My vote is no. You lied about the cafe, and I think you're lying about your age. I also see a big language barrier.

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