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Messages - ULK.HeAD

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General Board / +1 count
« on: August 22, 2011, 10:31:38 pm »
Stats for ULK.HeAD

Kills: 204
Deaths: 112
Ratio: 1.821429
Joins: 16
Longest Spree: 14
Team: red
Money: 2000
Points Earned: 498
Playtime: 15 hours, 44 minutes and 36 seconds.
Latest Wepclass: 1 (Python, Ingrams, Stubby, M60)
Average Kills per Hour: 12.9579
Average Points per Hour: 31.6324
Average Deaths per Hour: 7.11412

Suggestions Board / Re: A method to heal
« on: August 16, 2011, 08:40:47 pm »
yeh command wise or automatic timer idc, the key is that they must stand still for time period that is long enough to prevent them from healing in the middle of an attack/defense operation without getting killed or losing sight of their goal...

healing should only happen at lull moments, or the person should have to abandon their offensive or defensive post to go heal in safety if they think that's good for the team.

Suggestions Board / Re: Restrict players with low FPS
« on: August 16, 2011, 08:37:34 pm »
I think I am agreeing with ujibu4 here... FPS lag on its own isn't so bad and it's always been a normal part of the game people have to account for, it's the 300+ ping guys who are lost in time that need to gtfo because they are totally out of sync.

I saw quite a few laggers who were totally ineffectual and shouldn't have been there, period.
they were all pinging over 310. they couldn't hurt anyone who wasn't stopping to let them, and they couldn't take damage from anything less than 10 people hosing off every square meter of the building they were inside of with ordinance. sometimes these guys would kill me, and it was only because I stopped nearby to pretend they were actually a viable player, letting them catch up from their time-warp to actually start aiming in my general direction instead of shooting some spot several car lengths away that I hadn't been to in 10 seconds or more.

the only sortof possible solution to this crap I can think of, is to have someone make a program that checks if someone has what it takes to run VCMP, checks to see if there are any 3rd party bullshits open, checks to make sure the program has connectivity to the server, then adds them to a player whitelist only while the program is open. if they close the program or it fails checks, then they are not on the whitelist and cannot play.

Suggestions Board / Re: Multiple Bases
« on: August 16, 2011, 08:20:06 pm »
well, I can tell ya right now that you would not see the same sort of turnout for a sneak around and steal the base icons with minimal contact sorta thing...

what about just reversing the scoring for defenders so that they get 4 point kills at the perimeter of the base with 1 point at the icon, maybe with some more powerful ranged weapons(ammo for m60 and m4) in play so that there aren't so many people forced into stubby teams to get cash or ammo?

I think it would help alleviate some of the balancing factors which contribute to players ganging up 10v1 inside the center of the base, and it would help spread players out around the bases more as well as enable others to strike out and attack rather than sit back at home with the stubby squad trying to get ammo or money, or even worse forcing them to try and attack a defended base with a cash strapped stubby team..

defenders would get more points by taking care of incoming attacks at the perimeter where they must be more spread apart to cover flanks, if the attack makes it to the center of the base or the icon where the defenders are most concentrated the defenders get less points for killing the attackers, making the attackers scoring more effective.
instead of red team sitting back waiting for blue to enter the meat grinder... we'd have to intelligently respond to their attacks from the get go and stop them from reaching the icon earlier, instead of hoping they come to the icon for more easy kills at the hands of our massive stubby poverty squad. with defense at the icon being less effective for scoring than attacking the enemy, we'd see less stalemate mexican standoff shit and more risk being taken by the dominant side.

Suggestions Board / Re: Zeke's Suggestions
« on: August 16, 2011, 04:52:59 pm »
maybe not snow, but there better be another vice war by then  ;D

Suggestions Board / Re: A method to heal
« on: August 16, 2011, 04:51:42 pm »
I think it should be on an automatic timer like XE as well, but probably longer so that anyone standing around to heal is making a definite trade-off when it comes to efficient and economic use of their time for earning points...

a guy standing around waiting to heal is not attacking or defending very effectively, so I think it's fair allowing players to heal like this

Suggestions Board / Re: Kevinsito's Suggestions
« on: August 16, 2011, 04:45:57 pm »
how about giving a usable amount of ammo for weapons in your spawn set?

m60 with 100 ammo or whatever? wtf, come on now... 200-300 ammo without having to reduce strategy to stubby whoring, or waiting around for drops is too much to ask for?

for me it was basically make 2 kills with the first 3 m60 volleys or abandon all skills and join up with a roving pack of stubby whores chasing a guy around in circles until he dies and drops some ammo. rinse and repeat until I had enough m60 ammo or had enough cash... if I had at least 200-300 ammo I could have helped with attacks more often than I had to help over-power our close range defense.
we had like 12 guys with stubby clustered up around the pickup 95% of the game, and then the enemy had to run into the middle of this and try to stubby their way to 5 seconds of standing still, without losing more than 2 of their men making the 10 points into -2.
if everyone had a bit more ranged weapons ammo without having to stubby whore it first, I believe the game balance would have been a smoother ebb and flow between attack and defensive waves, rather than so much defense from both sides often resulting in stalemates until playercounts changed enough to allow attacks despite the stubby imbalance

Suggestions Board / Re: Marcell's Suggestions
« on: August 16, 2011, 04:35:23 pm »
yeah, if we were using multiple bases like axxo suggested, this announcement along with some more time to capture would be necessary, but as it is it's just spammy and never really helped with anything

Suggestions Board / Re: Multiple Bases
« on: August 16, 2011, 04:33:02 pm »
this sounds like a sorta good idea to help stop a winning side from just turtling up and holding their points, and it sounds like a good way to allow a small and outnumbered team to sneak around and gather up some points and fight the enemy guerilla style..
though my main fear is that with a system like this the game would turn into more of who could sneak around capturing bases more than who can fight and win the positions.

personally, I think a change like this would be more suited for creating another event entirely, rather than changing the vice wars... I think it opens up way too many scoring and balancing options that could be addressed and need to be addressed that would really make it a different event that you couldn't really call vice wars 3 imo...
I think the vice wars worked out very nicely for what it was supposed to be anyway, it's just hard for some people including me to really accept that part of the competition was making sure your team had as many active players as possible or suffer the consequences..

Suggestions Board / Re: HeAD's Suggestions
« on: August 16, 2011, 04:15:34 pm »
eh since everything is sorta scattered here's my current suggestions, lol..

oh fuck i almost forgot this one, what about a command to get rid of unwanted weapons or specify ammo amount for free weapons? pistol with 200 ammo? no thanks...

eh, also we need a givecash command. self explanatory doesn't have to be a rule like I was saying to get the point across, but people should find a way to shut the fuck up when it comes to complaining about the way the event is going, unless it is something they are prepared to fraps and/or report and then stand by their complaint all the way until the end instead of just spamming up the chat with useless flaming. if they have a complaint about the other team or a players actions, and if they aren't ready to fraps and report it if needed, they shouldn't even be complaining in the first place because they obviously have no grounds. if they have a complaint about the event, again we'd sure benefit from having a person prepared to report the problem and back up their claim to help improve things instead of just saying the event sucks for dramatic effect.

also, people complained a bit about spawnkilling, but I don't remember seeing any points going out for kills in the spawn area anyway. if spawnkilling is against the rules and I have no idea if it even was... it probably shouldn't be. the base defenders spawned scattered around where they need to be which negates spawnkilling there, while the attackers spawn offsite at a place where some strategic spawnkilling can waste the spawning attackers time or help impede attacks creating some added strategy.

maybe just keep the event as close as possible to what it was since it worked so well...

Suggestions Board / Re: Ajeet's Suggestions
« on: August 16, 2011, 03:39:41 pm »
yeh katana kill should either give a few more points, or it should give a cash bonus to everyone on the team, or double everyone's ammo count or somethin...

Suggestions Board / Re: Jansi's Suggestions
« on: August 16, 2011, 03:25:27 pm »
what about one firetruck jammed in there? i guess they can park a car next to it and hop over, so its not the same exactly... but it would still make that entrance almost useless given the location in blue's base..

Suggestions Board / Re: J.King's Suggestions
« on: August 16, 2011, 03:14:57 pm »
this would be awesome and it has a vote or w/e from me, but how would you want that done?

General Board / Re: Match Statistics and Man of the Match Poll
« on: August 15, 2011, 08:53:47 pm »
Top 5 clan scores
1) ULK - 7032
2) VU - 5894
3) MK - 5810
4) DZ - 5160

Top 5 most active clans
1) VU - 5 days, 7 hours, 19 minutes and 27 seconds.
2) ULK - 4 days, 14 hours, 11 minutes and 56 seconds.
3) DZ - 4 days, 8 hours, 6 minutes and 39 seconds.
4) MK - 4 days, 3 hours, 38 minutes and 27 seconds.

heheh I just wanted to put it alongside those^ on the ULK forums for some self-affirmation ;)

Suggestions Board / Re: suggestons for next vice war?
« on: August 15, 2011, 08:51:46 pm »
maybe just keep the event as close as possible to what it was since it worked so well... but reverse the scoring for base defenders so they get 4 points for killing attackers at the perimeter of their base, and only 1 point for killing them at the base pickup icon.

I'm just throwing this random idea out someone else to think about it and shoot it down, but I'm thinking it could help make attacks actually feel like they are hurting something if they break inside, instead of making attacks feel like they were just walking into the meatgrinder while we LOL'd and racked up a larger point lead.

eh, also we need a givecash command. self explanatory

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