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Messages - Vedder

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 49
Debating Board / Re: LGBTQ
« on: January 15, 2022, 04:17:08 pm »
there is no proof for that it's a disorder acquired by a person from the society.


I just don't want them on mainstream media to influence others. I don't want my kids in future to be inspired by them.

So, you basically say it's not by birth, though neither exists a proof that it's acquired by society/cultural environment, but you say you're afraid your kids will get influenced by society?

What if your kids are gay even if you censure them  and prevent them from any influence stream that defends LGBTQ? Would you even love them? You do realize that not letting them be free is the real bad thing here, than them actually being how they want?

Of course, I respect you as a clanmate and I do respect you as a person, because I know we come from different cultures and beliefs. So it's probably imposible we're reaching an agreement here, though just wanted to show you a different point of view.


As long as lust and passion fade away, they change their partners. 1/4 gay men in the USA have had over 1000 sex partners[1]. Up to 70% of them claim that half of their partners were strangers[2].Not to mention, 30% to 40% of gays were abused and then turned gay[3]

Really, not speaking of your particular friend in your town.

Gay relationship working the same as heterosexuals is misrepresented and most of their liberal arguments in favor of them fall under logical fallacies.

In my personal inner circle, gays are more often to have more partners because they are generally single, and less afraid of being direct towards another gay and saying: "ok, wan' do it kuh?", "ye, meet me here 7 pm".

However, that has nothing to do with love. Again if you had experience with love you will understand better what Charley has said.

I would just go ahead and tell you my story lol.

 I had a girlfriend, lust came with the start of the relationship, we loved, but simply time passed, we bored of each other and found out we didn't want to be together anymore. It's totally like that in gay relationships dude, nothing different.

Do you really believe that straights don't have sex with strangers? Atleast I have, with people I met in a social network. Nothing strange on that, even more, it's getting common across society.

30% to 40% of gays were abused and then turned gay

Where are these statistic from? Can you give a source?

Off Topic / Re: Travel tips
« on: January 14, 2022, 06:05:48 pm »
Coming Pakistan will avoid you from half of the expenses. People here are hospitable like nowhere else, you will be offered free of cost pretty much everything.
Yes, I have heard about that, definitely a country I want to visit.

I'd personally get to visit my own country first. You might even be surprised what you can find.

I've traveled quite a good amount of Europe, yet I still yearly find new nice places I haven't been to in Croatia, and that's like one tenth of argentinian territory.
Yes. I guess this is a good suggestion; I know only the north part of Argentina (Salta - Tucumán - Santiago del Estero - Chaco), but I have never gone to the south. But let's say, the main purpose of my travellings is to know different languages and cultures, rather than places.

Off Topic / Travel tips
« on: January 14, 2022, 01:13:52 pm »
So I've been saving some dollars as I've been working hard and I don't have anything to spend my money on.

I discovered that I would like to travel around the world and use this money for that.

But, since I'm 19 years old and I've never been to any other big place more than Córdoba in Argentina (not even Buenos Aires), I am not sure of what I should do first.

I mean should I save extra pennies in case of emergency? or should I just go with enough money to cover up the most of my spendings?

What country should I visit the first? for I'd like to travel to a lot of countries, for instance England, Ireland, Germany, the United States, Israel, so I can't really decide where to spend all my money (it's the most important decision cuz saving for a trip in Arg costs 2x in time and effort). There is an advantage in Israel for instance, it's cheaper and I could visit Egypt during the same trip, but I do believe England is more beauty.

Any piece of advice?

Debating Board / Re: LGBTQ
« on: January 14, 2022, 01:03:07 pm »
Convincing kids is easy, yet inmoral. They don't have the capacity to decide nor know what is correct or not yet. Definitely, nobody would ever consider moral or ethic to abuse of this condition of kids. That's why it's different to the reclamation from the LGBTQ community.

I have memories from the time I was four, it depends on the person.

Debating Board / Re: LGBTQ
« on: January 14, 2022, 04:31:29 am »
I believe it’s definitely not by birth it’s an impact of society you live in. Everybody is born either male or female only few are born Other gender and I totally respect them cuz it’s not their fault and certainly support the idea of not discriminating them. I just don’t want LGBTQs to encourage normal people to turn into LGBTQs. I simply will never want my children to be homosexuals.
Suppose they today want to normalise being gay lesbian bisexual transgender queer, but what if in future some people are interested in children and want to have sex with them? Would you allow that?
What if tomorrow they raise voice to normalise incest relationships cuz of some shits fell in love with their sisters or brothers? Would you want incest relationship be common?
What if in future some say we’re totally not interested in having sex or any kind of relationship with humans and we want to have sex with animals? What if someone says he loves pigs’ asses and want to pound them hard?
Would you allow that?
At the moment this doesn’t seem so much of a problem but in future it will definitely turn into a serious shit.

So, how would you explain my best friend liking guys since he was 4 years old, with a common hetero patriarchal family - and I being straight, with the exact same family pattern?

You should listen to them more. They like the other gender. They don't have any trouble, social, mental disease. They weren't influenced by their environment. Those are lame excuses that we put because of our lack of capacity to comprehend somebody different to us.

Suppose they today want to normalise being gay lesbian bisexual transgender queer, but what if in future some people are interested in children and want to have sex with them? Would you allow that?
What if tomorrow they raise voice to normalise incest relationships cuz of some shits fell in love with their sisters or brothers? Would you want incest relationship be common?

Dude, the difference is simple. Suppose you're gay. You have a couple and you both like each other. That does not happen with a goddamn rapist of children or pedophiles. These people take advantage of kids that aren't grown up enough to raise a voice against what they don't want. That is why nobody would have a problem with the eradication of pedophilia from the world. But who are LGBTQ annoying, more than people who don't respect freedom and liberty?

Debating Board / Re: LGBTQ
« on: January 12, 2022, 09:28:46 pm »
It should be respected, definitely.

Denied Applications / Re: Application - MEER.
« on: January 01, 2022, 09:53:46 pm »
Trainee papu

Denied Applications / Re: Application - Snoopi
« on: December 31, 2021, 10:14:32 pm »
I second Lederhos. Trainee as well

Denied Applications / Re: Application - Snoopi
« on: December 30, 2021, 07:04:12 pm »
Can you write a paragraph about yourself and your abilities?

Denied Applications / Re: Application - Clarke.
« on: December 26, 2021, 03:01:15 pm »
Please, if you join, be open to hear every suggestion in order to keep improving. Trainee my dude. Good luck  ;)

VC:MP General / Re: What is the story behind your IGN?
« on: December 20, 2021, 11:30:27 pm »
Iulka? Cud i get a baowoa please?

Player Discussion / Re: Ryozuo./MarK./FJngNU.
« on: December 19, 2021, 10:28:04 am »
Psychologist: MarK 'Che Guevara' doesn't exist. It's only in your mind.

MarK profile pic: *exists*

News and Announcements / Re: VUs of the year 2021!
« on: December 18, 2021, 03:11:06 pm »
Siezer, my man, I am so proud of you, absolutely deserved.

Axxo, you have worked effortlessly for this clan since the beginning, but this year you amazed everyone. Congratulations!

Ulker and Ferrari, both of you should be proud of your contributions towards this clan and community.

Congratulations everyone!

VC:MP General / Re: What is your first memory of GTA:VC / VC:MP?
« on: December 16, 2021, 04:35:21 am »
Koray, remember when you got banned because people thought you were tlk honor?

VC:MP General / Re: What is your first memory of GTA:VC / VC:MP?
« on: December 11, 2021, 02:20:18 am »
Sometimes I hate it, but when it comes to VCMP I don't recall my first (real first) time playing.

Yeah, some of my oldest memories are in Mega War, Sky-City. But there's a server I am sure I joined earlier, only that I don't know which one was it...

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