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Topics - ULK.HeAD

Pages: [1]
oh fuck i almost forgot this one, what about a command to get rid of unwanted weapons or specify ammo amount for free weapons? pistol with 200 ammo? no thanks...

Suggestions Board / HeAD's Suggestions
« on: August 14, 2011, 06:11:28 am »
dunno if there's a place for this already, but here's some suggestions I have to help ensure fair play and fair competition at the next vice war:

• make the following a rule:
  "no whining, no complaining, and no admin actions without a fraps video and report to match"
of course there would have to be some leeway or more specification with the admin part, but I think you all can see where I'm going with that.

• add a command to give a sum and average of a team's pings to instantly settle pointless accusations about pings then and there and to help limit the complaining. hell, you can even automate and give +1 point to base captures for every 100ms a team under-pings their rivals.

• swap the bases around once or twice at a certain time or under certain conditions... OR maybe change the bases entirely instead of swapping to prevent tactical copycatting and "they got the good base first" complaints.

• not exactly sure yet, but do something like:
give 20 points instead of 10 to a team capturing the enemy base icon if they are outnumbered, or instead of that maybe give 20 if they are down by a certain amount of points. also check into other minute scoring changes to give incentive and give a little help to the team that is outnumbered. I know this shit isn't exactly fair play and fair competition but it would probably be the best solution to the slowdowns and even worse stalemates I witnessed

All Done/Denied Challenges / challenging <TLN>Zegro for spot #7
« on: December 12, 2009, 08:24:56 am »
Challenge: <TLN>Zegro
Ingame Name of Challenger: ULK.HeAD
TimeZone of Challenger: GMT -8
Preferred Date and Time of Match: whenever you want based on my available times, if not, you have to tell me something I can tentatively schedule. specific date and time.

Monday through Thursday, 13:30 GMT - 15:00 GMT (5:30pm PST - 7:00pm PST)

if it is on Saturday or Sunday, name your time so I can schedule it... something around 17 GMT should be good for weekends, but still, tell me ahead of time please.

^^er this weekend, tomorrow/saturday I should have some time...

All Done/Denied Challenges / challenging Alojszy[RUS] for spot #8
« on: November 30, 2009, 04:59:06 pm »
Challenge: Alojszy[RUS]
Ingame Name of Challenger: ULK.HeAD
TimeZone of Challenger: GMT -8
Preferred Date and Time of Match: whenever you want based on my available times, if not, you have to tell me something I can tentatively schedule. specific date and time.

Monday through Thursday, 13:30 GMT - 15:00 GMT (5:30pm PST - 7:00pm PST)

if it is on Saturday or Sunday, name your time so I can schedule it... something around 17 GMT should be good for weekends, but still, tell me ahead of time please.

All Done/Denied Challenges / challenging [VU]TheKing for #10
« on: November 18, 2009, 05:34:20 pm »
Challenge: [VU]TheKing
Ingame Name of Challenger: ULK.HeAD
TimeZone of Challenger: GMT -8
Preferred Date and Time of Match: whenever you want based on my available times, if not, you have to tell me something I can tentatively schedule. specific date and time.
Monday through Thursday, 1:30am GMT - 3:00am GMT (5:30pm PST - 7:00pm PST)
if it is on Saturday or Sunday, name your time so I can schedule it... something around 5pm GMT should be good for weekends, but still, tell me ahead of time please.

All Done/Denied Challenges / Challenging Alojszy[RUS] for spot #10
« on: November 13, 2009, 07:27:38 pm »
pending the results of a default by Knucis... I'd like to challange for spot #10...

Challenge: Alojszy[RUS]
Ingame Name of Challenger: ULK.HeAD
TimeZone of Challenger: GMT -8
Preferred Date and Time of Match: whenever you want based on my available times, if not, you have to tell me something I can tentatively schedule. specific date and time.
Monday through Thursday, 1:30am GMT - 3:00am GMT (5:30pm PST - 7:00pm PST)
if it is on Saturday or Sunday, name your time so I can schedule it... something around 5pm GMT should be good for weekends, but still, tell me ahead of time please.

if it is THIS Saturday/Sunday, I should definately be available to play, let me know your times...

All Done/Denied Challenges / challenging [VU]Knucis for #11
« on: November 12, 2009, 07:30:10 pm »
Challenge: [VU]Knucis
Ingame Name of Challenger: ULK.HeAD
TimeZone: GMT -8
Preferred Date and Time of Match: whenever you want based on my available times, if not, you have to tell me something I can tentatively schedule. specific date and time.
Monday through Thursday, 1:30am GMT - 3:00am GMT (5:30pm PST - 7:00pm PST)
if it is on Saturday or Sunday, name your time so I can schedule it... something around 5pm GMT should be good for weekends, but still, tell me ahead of time please.

if it is THIS Saturday/Sunday, I should definately be available to play, let me know your times...

All Done/Denied Challenges / challenging [VU]Thijn for #12
« on: November 10, 2009, 05:35:01 pm »
alright, I guess I moved up since usaji never answered?

Challenge: [vu]Thijn
Ingame Name of Challenger: ULK.HeAD
TimeZone: GMT -8
Preferred Date and Time of Match: whenever you want based on my available times, if not, you have to tell me something I can tentatively schedule. specific date and time.
Monday through Thursday, 1:30am GMT - 3:00am GMT (5:30pm PST - 7:00pm PST)
if it is on Saturday or Sunday, name your time so I can schedule it... something around 5pm GMT should be good for weekends, but still, tell me ahead of time please.

if it is THIS Saturday/Sunday, I should definately be available to play, let me know your times...

All Done/Denied Challenges / Challenging [DU]Usaji for spot #13
« on: November 05, 2009, 06:30:52 pm »
Challenge: [DU]Usaji
Ingame Name of Challenger: ULK.HeAD
TimeZone: GMT -8
Preferred Date and Time of Match: whenever you want based on my available times, if not, you have to tell me something I can tentatively schedule. specific date and time.
Monday through Thursday, 1:30am GMT - 3:00am GMT (5:30pm PST - 7:00pm PST)
if it is on Saturday or Sunday, name your time so I can schedule it... something around 5pm GMT should be good for weekends, but still, tell me ahead of time please.

note: I saw how you lagged in the last OC match I had with ya... just don't show up like that, or all you're gonna do is make me laugh  :D

Player Discussion / HeAD
« on: November 02, 2009, 07:51:45 pm »
lol.. I'm so vain, what do you think of me?
here's how I judge myself:

1. split personalities, bipolar or manic.
sometimes nice and professional, other days totally immature asshole. I can't help it. even if I could, I wouldn't. I don't care about people's feelings. I like trolling people. fuck your couch, nigga.

2. I suck at VCMP.
been playing years longer than anyone except prontera and SGB, and I can barely hold out 5 mins in-game without getting pwned by a random player. theking shows up and fucks me up every time he stops playing for a month.

3. my huge HeAD talks down.
sometimes I try to tell people the facts, and give them the best advice as it was taught to me by my VC master, DeathB... then they turn around and disregard everything, while at the same time asking me for help. my patience has worn thin, and now I just tell people straight-up, and if they want to put their fingers in their ears like "la la la la HeAD's full of shit!!" then turn around and wonder why I pwn them in-game, damn right I'm talking down...
fact is, the knowledge and skillsets I try to pass along to other players, turned me(ULK) from a 1 kill in 14 days player into what I am today, in very short order. you try to tell me that ain't true, fuck off, you're a nub retard. ;)  ;D

4. I like teaching and helping players, even if they are thick-skulled or totally ingrateful :P
I love teaching VC's mechanics, versatile strategies and tactics to almost anyone. just don't try to tell me something I've been doing for over 4+ years isn't true or doesn't work when I'm telling you facts for your own damn benefit. don't be a fucking retard ^^

5. I write too much.
don't leave me in PM on irc, or I will leave you an essay. I'll even turn a simple post into a page-long drivel of crap.

All Done/Denied Challenges / Challenging [DU]Usaji for spot #13
« on: October 07, 2009, 11:52:47 pm »
Challenge: [DU]Usaji #13

Ingame Name of the Challenger: ULK.HeAD

TimeZone of Challenger: GMT-7

Preferred Date and Time of Match:
monday-wednesday and maybe thursdays I can do 5:30PM PST / 12:30 AM GMT
weekends I can do 11am PST / 6pm GMT to 6pm PST / 1am GMT

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