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Topics - Gohan

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Accepted Applications / Application - Gohana/Gohan.
« on: February 08, 2015, 05:31:07 am »
Which game are you applying for, VC:MP, SA:MP, LU or all?: VC:MP

Nick: Gohana/Gohan.

Previous Nicks: Pitchy.

Timezone/Country: GMT -3, Argentina

Age: 15

Do you speak English? Yes.

Time you have played vcmp/samp: I am playing this game since 2012.

Previous clans: UST, CO, DZ, LK ~UST: I leave this clan because the members and the leader were inactive, Bart (Now [VU_T]Bart) and me, were the only ones active and decided to leave the clan. ~CO: Same reason as UST. Months later the clan was active with another members. ~DZ: Closed. ~LK: I left LK, same reasons as my first app. Well, in december 2014, I had a problems with one member, (Omaretot) then... days later, I decided to leave the clan.

Do you use mIRC: Yes, Gohan. And I use irc in android version too (AndroIRC)

Why you want to join VU: I want to join VU because it's a nice clan, have great history, have great members, they have good attitudes and good skills, I have many friends here. On my first application, shadow said I had problems with my attitude. Well, many of here, saw a photo "evidence" of my bad attitude, I am going to explain this. In this photo, was dadero. A unknown guy with my nickname (Gohan), join in the server to insult dadero, and He (Dadero) token screenshots for send a fake evidence of my "bad attitude". I have 15 years old, I am not a kid. Sincerely, I am not stupid for insult other players and seconds later type /q. Thanks for giving me another opportunity to apply again, I have good attitude. I decided to apply again because I really like this clan, I want to be a part of it.

Favourite weapon: Katana, Colt, Stubby, Uzi, M4/Ruger, Laser Sniper

Which VUs do you know: aXXo, Bart, Deadmau5, Death, Diana/Laura, dYslexia, EazY, Fercho, Gangsta, Hexin, Hotdogcat, NicoArin, Pallazo, Pleyo, Razor, Riders, Sk, Wilson, Veteran.

Would you be interested in competing in clan wars?: Yes. If you give me the opportunity to represent the clan, I'll do without thinking

Denied Applications / Application - Gohan.
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:15:39 am »
Which game are you applying for, VC:MP, SA:MP, LU or all?: VC:MP

Nick: Gohan.

Previous Nicks: Pitchy, Gohana

Timezone/Country: -3 GMT, Argentina

Age: 15 (in march 2 is my birthday)

Do you speak English? Yep but i need improve it

Time you have played vcmp/samp: Since 2012

Previous clans: UST: I leave this clan because members were inactive, Bart and me, were the only ones active and decided to leave the clan.  CO: Same reason as UST. Months later the clan was active with another members.  DZ: Clan closed.  LK: Finally LK, I leave this clan because many times i took the things seriously, and ended up being jokes, then i dont know when they said was serious or joking. Another reason was the lack of respect for my religion, i get angry with one member and did not want to be in a clan with someone like that.

Do you use mIRC: Yes, Gohan.

Why you want to join VU: Because VU its a great clan, i like this clan, have a good players and they have good attitude, its one of my favorites gangs, everyone here have nice skills. I have good skills, and my english is not bad, can understanding me, i need improve more :)

Favourite weapon: M4, Laser sniper, Stubby, Shotgun, Ingram, Colt

Which VUs do you know: Riders, Pleyo, Razor, Fercho, Gangsta, Sk, hotdogcat, Hexin, Anarki, NicoArin. (And since 2013/14) Veteran, Pallazo, Wilson, aXXo, dYslexia, EazY.

Would you be interested in competing in clan wars?: Yes, why not?

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