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Topics - Vedder

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6
Off Topic / Merry Christmas
« on: December 24, 2018, 11:59:25 pm »
Hi everybody, newbies and veterans of VC:MP

The purpose of this topic is wishing you all a merry Christmas. Certainly, I am not such as an important guy in the community, nor do I think that I should be posting this – I’m just another random player around, but I wanted to drop some words anyway because, as you all probably know already, this game as well as its community are my favorite things in Internet and nostalgia fills me everytime I join a server.

In 2019, VC:MP turns 14 years old. It’s been a long way from the release of the first version, to this up-to-date 0.4 one - with lots of confusion, dramas, historic players that have left us as legacy this magnificent full-of-history game. Without them, none of the VC:MP forums we usually check would exist: VU, MK, EAD, CTF, LW. Their courage to go forth on lifting this; on crafting new servers from the floor, they all have indirectly or directly developed this game and made it successful.

It is maybe not the best VC:MP era, but hey there have always been lots of ups and downs - we’re here, we stand, we keep playing; and overall: we keep this game alive. And I am sure it will continue like this. Along this, and getting deep into the matter, my encouragement/input for myself and others into this community is for further relying in positive things, be kind with each other set away the toxic way and give the best version of ourselves; considering that we’re all together as a family into this community, even though differences always exist.

Finally, I wanna thank GangstaRas, which was at least from my point of view the very outstanding member from VU in this year, as he was not only encouraging the respect and values but also working hard altogether with the rest of VW developers, giving us two Vice-Wars this year and also a new one in January; making this community a place of justice by punishing every hacker and doing successfully the fatiguing job of investigating them. Even though you might have had some mistakes, as you’re human, your work is very valued Gangsta, and I am sure you will get what you deserve: the best.

Along GangstaRas and the VW developers, I wanna thank clans in general, because they awake in us the feeling of a second family, and give the game more entertainment by encouraging the team-play. They welcome newbies, mold them by teaching skills, knowledge about the forums. Not to mention they’ve resurrected from the death this game in more than one occasion.

I think I am missing to thank a lot of people, but I am sure almost everyone from their own actions is committed to help this game to raise up and leave toxicity away. This year has been, definitely, a great one. We’re close to New Year, and hopefully 2019 will overcome it.

Merry Christmas, and happy New Year in advance!

Off Topic / Cooling FX 8350
« on: December 21, 2018, 03:59:28 pm »
Sup dudes, my brother has gifted me a FX 8350 along with a Sabertooth 990FX AM3+ motherboard and 8gb ram, and certainly is not something I'd decline looking forward to update my old PC and have two, say, 'competitive' ones;

This FX 8350 monster gets high temperatures, due to which I am not sure of what to buy for cooling it; with the lowest budget possible

It's either a Cooler Master Hyper-H410r or a Hyper 212 Evo;



In terms of price, the 1st hyper is the lowest one. Does anyone have it? Does it keep the temperatures working efficiently?

The another one is a bit more expensive and takes a high amount of space, due to which I'd have to change my old PC case too. Is it worth it? Is there such a big difference with the h410r?

Birthday Board / happy birdey thijn
« on: December 20, 2018, 12:28:30 am »
hbd teechen

Spanish Translation / [FAQ] Tests de FPS
« on: December 18, 2018, 03:06:29 pm »

FAQ - Tests de FPS

  • Q: Qué es FPS?
    A: FPS es la abreviación de 'Frames per second' (Cuadros por segundo), es la habilidad de tu computadora para hacer la mayor cantidad de cuadros (imágenes) p/segundo en tu pantalla para mostrar a un objeto moviéndose; al igual que en las películas antiguas - las cuales tenían un rollo que se movía en un proyector en la pantalla y lo hacia lucir como si los objetos se estuvieran verdaderamente moviendo en la pantalla simplemente cambiando múltiples imágenes en frente de la luz, hoy por hoy los monitores de las PC promedio (incluyendo laptops) tienen 60Hz, lo que significa que pueden mostrar 60 cuadros cambiando por segundo. Así que basicamente para juegos, una GPU tiene que hacer 60 imágenes de un juego por segundo. Algunas GPU son lentas y no pueden realizar esto, por lo que sus FPS o tasa de cuadros disminuye.
    Es esencial tener un buen GPU para jugar, especialmente juegos en línea/multijugador.
  • Q: Es necesario el test de FPS?
    A: Sí. Es parte de nuestro sistema de registración para asegurar el juego limpio entre los jugadores, con buena performance y estabilidad.

  • Q: Yo pasé o falle el test de FPS? ¿Cómo puedo saberlo?
    A: Requisitos del test:
        Debes conseguir al menos 30 FPS en el Test 1 y Test 2
        Debes conseguir al menos 25 FPS en el Test 3 y Test 4

  • Q: Donde realizar el test de FPS?
    A: Luego de crear tu cuenta en el portal, ingresa al servidor 'VW8 Benchmark Server' para tomar el test. Búscalo en la pestaña de 'internet' de tu VCMP 0.4, o simplemente añade a favoritos la siguiente IP:

  • Q: Cómo mejorar los resultados de mis FPS?
    A: Existen múltiples formas. Una de las maneras recomendadas es actualizar tu computadora, es decir, actualizar la placa de video - RAM o CPU si es posible. Si tenés una laptop/notebook, o una PC que no es actualizable; o bien estás bajo circunstancias en las que no podés actualizarla, podés probar bajando la resolución del juego a través de Opciones -> configuración de pantalla. Cambiar la resolución a un número más bajo, y cambiar la profundidad del color de 32 a 16 puede ayudar. Por ejemplo, si el juego corre a 1920x1080 - 30bit y obtuve 20 fps en el test 4, podría cambiarlo a 1366x768 - 30bit, o a 640x480 - 16bit para tener mejores resultados y pasar el test.
  • Q: Qué sucede cuando paso el test?
    A: Cuando pases el test, los resultados son subidos a tu cuenta en el portal donde los admins podrán verlo. Cuando empiece el Vice-War 8, serás forzado a usar la misma resolución para jugar en el servidor.

  • Q: Hey, mi aplicación está descartada pero quiero tomar de nuevo el test!
    A: Seguro, puedes pedirle a cualquier administrador en IRC / Discord / foro para que resetee tu estado, y entonces poder rehacer el test.


Spanish Translation / [FAQ] Preguntas sobre el Portal
« on: December 17, 2018, 06:22:21 pm »

Preguntas frecuentes del portal de VU

  • Q: Como funcionan las registraciones?

    A: Las registraciones se realizan directamente por tu cuenta del foro a través del portal personalizado, éste usa tu cuenta en el foro y la une directamente con la cuenta que usarás en el server. El portal toma tu nickname, la contraseña y tu equipo. Entonces, se te solicita que pases el benchmark en la PC que jugarás. Los FPS obtenidos y la resolución son entonces guardados en tu cuenta, de la cual los admins verificarán los detalles y basado en esto, obtendrás la verificación o serás denegado. Si tu aplicación es verificada, será enviada a la cabeza del staff - la cual aprobará tu cuenta para dejarte jugar en el server y automáticamente te será asignado el equipo que elegiste.

  • Q: Hey! Quiero cambiar de equipo, como hago eso?

    A: Es simple, para cambiar de equipo, debes publicar tu petición en la sección de peticiones. El administrador, si lo considera correcto, cambiará tu equipo respectivamente.

  • Q: Hey! Yo no logré pasar el test, puedo jugar?

    A: Todavia se está debatiendo este tema en la sección de sugerencias. Revísalo.

  • Q: Hey! Yo olvidé mi contraseña, puedo cambiarla?

    A: Si, puedes hacerlo. Hay dos formas: Simplemente pedís que se borre te cuenta y entonces re-aplicar bajo el mismo procedimiento en que lo hiciste para obtener la verificación, o de otra manera, se te puede asignar una contraseña al azar desde la cabeza del staff, con la cual podrás ingresar y configurar una contraseña nueva en el juego. Por razones de seguridad, no se permite a los jugadores cambiar sus contraseñas a través del portal.

  • Q: Hey! Acabo de registrarme, qué hago ahora?

    A: Espera por un administrador para que tome la decisión en tu aplicación. Lo verás en tu perfil del portal. Mientras tnto, realiza el test en el servidor benchmark, para guardar tus resultados de FPS en tu perfil y así pueda éste ser verificado. Simplemente entra al servidor e ingresa con tu contraseña, la que usaste cuando te registraste en el portal.

  • Q: Hey! Cuál es el canal de IRC del servidor?

    A: Puedes usar nuestra interfaz web para IRC incluida en el portal -> IRC, o bien conectarte a #vicewar8 en @ irc.liberty-unleashed.co.uk usando cualquier cliente IRC.

  • Q: Cuando serán anunciados los resultados, y donde serán mostrados?

    A: Tus estadísticas serán mostradas en tu perfil, mientras que los resultados serán mostrados publicamente en el portal luego de la contienda.

Off Topic / Cole Sprouse
« on: December 08, 2018, 01:19:45 am »
Is Cole Sprouse the sexiest guy in the world?

I mean, look at him. Godddddd he is so beautiful

Spanish Translation / Manual del modo de juego
« on: December 02, 2018, 07:25:19 pm »

Puntos de recursos

En esta edición de Vice-War, habrá una nueva implementación para el financiamiento de varios recursos en el juego. Llamamos a éstos Puntos de recursos, que serán mostrados en el GUI de tu juego de la siguiente manera:

Sujeto a cambios.

Estos puntos de recursos son adquiridos a través de tiempo de juego. Éstos son estrictamente personales y no pueden ser compartidos con tus compañeros de equipo. La máxima cantidad que puede adquirir cada jugador es de 500 puntos.

Al empezar el Vice-War te serán otorgados 50 puntos por defecto, y por cada minuto que juegas, 10 puntos son añadidos a cada categoría de los puntos de recursos. Esta tasa puede acelerarse con la captura de bases, de la que se habla más adelante en este post.

Cuáles son estas categorías? Y cómo son usados los puntos de recursos?

     Puntos de infantería
  • Usados para la adquisición de equipamiento personal específico, es decir:
    • Granadas (granadas normales y remotas)
    • Molotovs
    • Cajas de munición
    • Kits médicos

  • Tú no puedes comprar los items de la lista con dinero obtenido durante el evento.

  • Puedes llevar la cantidad que desees (y pueden ser apilados), excepto por las cajas de armas y los kits médicos. El límite es de 5.

    • Solo puedes adquirir y llevar un solo tipo de cada slot de arma. Las cajas de munición y kits médicos comparten una sola ranura programada. Tu no puedes llevar los dos ítems al mismo tiempo. Las cajas de munición y kits médicos no afectan a la ranura de arma de granada/molotov.

    • Cada caja de munición recupera 100 de munición a todas las armas gratis/compradas en tu arsenal al momento de usarla. Las cajas de munición no afectan a las armas compradas a través de los Puntos de Recursos. Las cajas de munición también pueden ser compartidas a través del comando /drop. Un pickup de la caja de munición será generado, y una vez hecho, tus compañeros de equipo pueden tomarlo si la necesitan. Este pickup está también disponible para que tu enemigo lo tome, asi que se cuidadoso en la forma en que lo uses.

    • Cada kit médico recupera 50 HP. Como con las cajas de munición, tú puedes compartir tus kits médicos junto con tus compañeros de equipo, utilizando el comando /drop. Un pickup del kit médico será generado, y podrá ser usado por cualquiera, incluyendo compañeros de equipo y enemigos.

Costos de los puntos de recursos:
Cajas de munición (1)
Kits médicos (1)
Granada a control remoto (1)
Granadas (1)
Molotovs (1)

- 200
- 200
- 150
- 120
- 120

     Puntos vehiculares
  • Utilizados en la adquisición de vehículos seleccionados que pueden generarse a voluntad en el campo de batalla:
    • Motocicleta
    • Automóvil
    • Bus/Colectivo
    • Barco

  • Tú no puedes comprar los items de la lista con dinero obtenido durante el evento.

  • El colectivo es un vehículo especial fuertemente blindado, capaz de transportar a varios soldados al mismo tiempo hacia el campo de batalla. Este solo puede ser generado en tu localización de spawn predeterminada.

Costos de puntos de recursos:
Motocicleta (1)
Automóvil (1)
Bus/Colectivo (1)
Barco (1)

- 100
- 200
- 350
- 300

     Puntos aeroespaciales
  • Usados en la adquisición de aviones y helicópteros específicos, es decir:
    • Helicóptero
    • Helicóptero de Ataque
    • Avión bombardero
    • Helicóptero de transporte

  • Tú no puedes comprar los items de la lista con dinero obtenido durante el evento.

  • El helicóptero de transporte es un helicóptero especial, con blindaje pesado, que puede ser usado para llevar a tus compañeros de equipo hacia la batalla. Éste sólo puede generarse en tu localización de spawn predeterminada.

  • El helicóptero de ataque (Sea Sparrow) sólo puede generarse en tu localización de spawn predeterminada.

  • No existen limitaciones en lo que respecta a quien pueda aparecer un helicóptero de ataque, es decir; cualquiera por debajo del ping límite y que cumpla con los FPS mínimos, es libre de usar el vehículo.

Costos de puntos de recursos:
Helicóptero (1)
Helicóptero de Ataque (1)
Avión bombardero (1)
Helicóptero de transporte (1)
- 350
- 450
- 450
- 400


Existen 3 bases para atacar y controlar en el nuevo mapa, cada una con sus propias y únicas ventajas, basándose en el tipo de base. Como descrito anteriormente, las bases pueden afectar la tasa de recarga de tus Puntos de Recursos. Todas ellas afectan a cada categoría de una forma diferente añadiendo velocidad a la tasa, y así un equipo puede priorizar qué base le importa más, dependiendo de su estilo de ataque. Recuerda que la tasa por defecto de carga de los puntos de recursos es de 10 puntos por minuto.

Cada base viene también con sus propios Puntos de Captura, necesarios para un equipo para poder realmente ganar el Vice-War.

Base 1 - Planta de Aviación
  • Puntos de Captura - 2
  • +5   
  • +3   
  • +12 

Base 2 - Armería
  • Puntos de Captura - 12
  • +13 
  • +5   
  • +2   

Base 3 - Auto Planta
  • Puntos de Captura - 6
  • +2   
  • +12 
  • +6   

Si las tres bases son capturadas, un máximo de 20 Puntos de Captura y 30 Puntos de Recursos por minuto (para todas las categorías) pueden ser logrados para un equipo.

Spanish Translation / Información Basica
« on: December 01, 2018, 05:28:37 pm »

Historia del Vice-War

El Vice-War es el evento más grande de VC:MP, que invita a todo jugador eligible a participar de una masiva fiesta de Death Match. El evento es organizado por el clan Vice Underdogs cada año, durante el invierno del hemisferio norte. La guerra es de 24 horas entre dos equipos (o equipos multiples, dependiendo del evento), los cuales ganan puntos para prevalecer como el ganador, en un estilo de juego basado en temas.

Vice War 8

El 29 de diciembre de 2018 ocurrirá la octava edición del Vice-War. El tema este año es una guerra entre dos equipos, en la jungla de una isla 3D personalizada.

El evento

Vice-War es un evento de Team Death Match global que dura 24 horas. Esto significa que los jugadores pueden entrar, salir y volver a conectarse al servidor en cualquier momento durante su realización. El equipo que sume más puntos al terminar las 24 horas, gana el evento.

Los equipos

Los equipos azul y rojo están de vuelta en esta edición. Visita la sección Diplomacy and Registration para informarte sobre como registrarte para el equipo que desees.

Los jugadores

Los jugadores necesitan registrarse a uno de los equipos para poder disputar el evento. Los clanes pueden optar por formar una alianza y ser parte de un equipo en particular, y los jugadores sin clan pueden elegir el equipo que mejor encaje con ellos. No existe límite para el número de jugadores en un equipo, para que cada equipo sea libre de traer a la mayor cantidad de jugadores a la guerra.

Visita la sección Diplomacy and Registration para más información.

Spanish Translation / Reglas
« on: December 01, 2018, 05:15:11 pm »

No se permitiran hacks ni modificaciones ventajosas

Cualquier tipo de hack, trainer o modificacion a tu juego que te da una injusta ventaja sobre otros usuarios no esta permitido. Vice-War 8 implementara un sistema de auto-prohibicion que prohi­ba todas y cada una de las modificaciones detectables. Por favor usa una version Vanilla (limpia) de Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.

  • No se permitiran modificaciones de graficos
  • No se permitiran modificaciones/fixes de mouses
  • No habra excepciones

No se permitira la evasion de muerte

No puedes salir del juego, usar /kill ni crashear el juego de manera intencional cuando estas muriendo o a punto de morir. Tu, sin embargo, puedes salir del juego cuando el mensaje de muerte se haya mostrado en pantalla (Ejemplo: Player 1 mato a Player2).

No se permitira la violacion de cuentas

A cada aplicante se le garantiza exactamente una cuenta. Cualquier intento de obligar/persuadir a un administrador para resetear una contraseña que no es tuya, intentar entrar al servidor con una cuenta que no sea tuya, registrarse para el evento multiples veces o entrar al evento bajo un nickname el cual no fuere tuyo, resultara en una prohibicion permanente. A su vez, usar VPN para conectarse al server o para aplicar en el foro resultara en una prohibicion automatica del evento.

Para hacer cumplir la regla anterior, puede usar una sola computadora para jugar en el evento. Cualquier cambio detectado en el UID de tu computadora original resultara en un bloqueo automatico de tu cuenta.

No se permitira el flood / spamming

Inundar el chat publico, el chat del equipo o el IRC con mensajes repetidos o cosas aleatorias y sin sentido, esta mal visto y puede hacer que te silencien o te expulsen.

Restricciones de lag

El minimo de FPS es 25. Si tus FPS en promedio son debajo de 25, el server te kickeara automaticamente.
El li­mite de ping es 300. Si tu ping promedio sobrepasa 300, el server te kickeara automaticamente.
Intentar conectarse repetidamente luego de ser kickeado por inestabilidad en FPS/ping, puede llegar a resultar en una prohibicion del evento.

Los siguientes bugs / caracteri­sticas del juego no estan permitidos:

  • El wallglitch esta bloqueado por el script. Disparar rifles a traves de las paredes no esta permitido.
  • Hacer sliding no esta permitido.
  • Usar misiles en combates de rango corto (cerrados) no esta permitido (minimo 20 metros).
  • Usar la vista en primera persona con cualquier arma, a excepcion de snipers y RPGs, esta bloqueado por el script.
  • Abusar de la vista en primera persona para buguear/hacer fallar la sincronizacion no esta permitido.
  • Ghost city no esta permitido.
  • Ingresar a localizaciones con errores/bugs de Vice-City no esta permitido.
  • Comprar armas durante un combate no esta permitido.

Campear en zonas de spawn tiene limites

Campear las designadas areas de spawn sera permitido bajo algunas condiciones. No podras usar fuego ni explosiones en estas areas. Destruir vehi­culos repetidamente en el area enemiga o campear sobre ellos con rifles no estapermitido.

No se permitira hacer stats padding

Al participar en el Vice-War, tu objetivo sera hacer lo posible para que tu equipo consiga la victoria. Regalar kills intencionalmente resultara en una sancion para ambos equipos.

No esta permitido abusar de poderes administrativos

Cualquier intento por parte de los moderadores o administradores de usar los comandos que se les encomendaron para otorgar a su equipo o a ellos mismos una ventaja injusta sobre los oponentes, o para cualquier otro proposito que no sea el correcto seguimiento de las reglas, dara lugar a la degradacion y/o a la prohibicion del evento.

Debating Board / drugs
« on: November 19, 2018, 08:24:05 pm »
So I'd like to hear yar opinions regarding to this topic


What's bad on picking them not regularly? I mean, each time you've got a party, or when you have a reunion with friend?
What's bad with trying new things?

Why, if we're going to die anyway, is picking cocaine or any other kind of sustance something bad? After all, as far as I've heard, having this kind of things in a party is enjoyable and their effects are fun.


Birthday Board / hepy berdey ferrari
« on: October 22, 2018, 02:45:55 am »
hi frend happy birthday

Denied Applications / Application - Calhoun
« on: September 06, 2018, 05:20:09 pm »
Nick: Calhoun

Age: 16

Timezone/Country: GMT -3 / Argentina

Previous Nicks: biozcalhoun, Killah

Additional Comments: I was worried about waters and atmosphere some days ago but they are fine enough in my opinion so i think this is the right time to show, once again, my interest on this clan.
My reasons to join are: the intelligent group of guys that i've met troughout all these years - the friends i have made in EAD, LW and other servers, how VU has always been helping to this community to survive (which is essentially what i feel identified with, as that is my only objective here, i want to help). I also want to join because this group of guys gave me a chance after having had a terrible past, which i didn't value. I also think that instead of staying and confront my "umcomfortability" i simply left, and that is wrong - which for, i need a chance to redeem myself and show how i can do it better this time.

My negative part is the single or two bad relationships that i have with members of this clan, that hopefully will be good again with the time. I have also made racist spouts some months ago when i was in rage, but i stepped down from doing so and never did it again. I have also been on doubt about my loyalty, but it's been quite more than 1 month from my last app - and i have been invited to three decent to great clans, which offers i denied because i am commited to join VU.

Definition of myself is simply a guy that is always looking to do something as best as possible, but sometimes i can't. I am extremely focused on doing my work, studies, (admin duties if we talk about VC:MP) extremely perfect, and i feel terrible if i fail at it. I am personally a rigid guy with a strong speech and very direct, which doesn't mean that i am a bad one. I feel myself identified with a guy that i admire from this clan, who is Ferrari.

That doesn't mean either that i cant adapt myself, because i can, i want and i do to join VU because of all the reasons i listed on first instance - i can be a good guy, with a good mood and i have shown myself like that in game because i feel like that, but i cant however hide the other side of my personality.

I have some more things to say but let questions, votes and stuff come up and i will reply asap.

Birthday Board / Happy birthday Pallazo, Klaus and Darfy!
« on: August 27, 2018, 02:09:22 am »
Three guys that i admire too much. Happy birthday to all of you!

VC:MP General / I need an opinion here x2
« on: August 18, 2018, 01:26:29 am »
Hey there; i as the topic title says would like to get an answer/opinion about this issue that i and [VU]Sk are facing - and clarify all this out to therefore reach to the truth and the acceptance of what's the real problem here and who is wrong from we both

I am as a matter of fact a guy taken by this guy for standards of "cockiness" and "unloyalty" and i'm gonna talk about the first characteristic

I barely ever argue against something in particular because i'm always taken as a little kid non-capable of doing so but i think i'm right in this occassion and that's why i'm posting here

This guy has been having an agressive behaviour against me whenever i kill him or i simply join a server, generally littlewhiteys server. I can't detect what's the point of this behaviour, what's the point of insulting me nor what's the point of "making yourself be hated by me"

My simply intention with this topic is merely talking about this, analyze the problem and reach to a conclusion - the right way to solve a problem is as from what i have learnt talking

Take on mind that i don't want to denounce Sk but as it's been an issue extended for a long period of time (we could say) and i haven't got a proper opinion about who is right and who isn't, i think this topic will be the example way to get it

Not to mention that i don't want to involve VU in particular but as this is a forum community, where opinions can be given for almost everything, and this guy is part of the mentioned clan why not having an opinion of its members. - Many will also say that this would ruin my chances of becoming VU but differing from that thoughts i believe that solving out these troubles would increase them, although it isn't my intention; still, i want to keep a good relationship with everyone in this community; and this guy is one from who i can't yet.

I have also to recognize that i have abused Sk as well and i went so far in a few occassions, but i have ended doing that like two months ago and i literally told him to stop this shit and it still continues on

So far to summarize i want this topic to opinions be shared and try to solve this misdemeanour as soon as possible because i'm tired of having fights every time i see him in-game. If majority believes that i'm wrong, then i'll go ahead and admit it; but i think i am not.

On my early days coming back, Sk was the one who helped me, but the shit started to go out of the limits on my latest days in VU; where we had a little conversation trough discord. I admit that i acted arrogant, but the problem is that i am literally fixing this; and this happened like 3 months ago so there's no such a real reason to be angry because of this:


I saw u donated for Tim
Can you please donate also for me and we can make a deal for?


How will me make deal?


Idk lol i can give you some money


In lw?

Or also i can do your job




Spectate retards who hack


Man you are so naive and cute at the same time.




I have been playing for 5 years now
Never asked to be admin


I never did lol


You were asking p4t
That you wanna help to be admin


I didn't ask to be admin - do not confuse things
I asked him to give me advices


Same things in paticular


Because i don't think that actually there is other player more active than me
And i WANT to be admin
But i didn't ask him to vote or whatever else


How many hours do you play? In a day?


Just some recommendations to reach that objective
Probably more than 4, everyday


More then 4?
That's your best?
There are players who play more then 10 hours daily


Look man i dont give a shit about hours, i mean that i'm always active to give a help
Not daily
Thats a lie


One sec
Check that list
Do you see your name there?
People who have their name there, not even they are at good position
Most of them are banned




The only advice I would give you is
Don't ask admins about stuff
When do the voting they mention this thing


Im not in the most active today because here is 16:57


This player was asking for help, he is not ready or mature enough


Man you are weird


I am telling you truth is.


I dont wanna talk nor involve my ass with you anymore


Yeah I knew that
I know you mature you are now.


You don't know anything about me
Nor i do not about you


I was only trying to help


You started lol


I wanted you to be with me here


By saying that i was asking for being adminp


But the way you moving things
I don't think things will go this way


You are changing things or dont understand me properly
Firstly you said that i was asking for admin
Laer that im not active
Later *


Were you not?


I wasnt asking for admin
I do not want to be bad with you
I would really love to moderate lw, its my favourite server
But we dont agree and i do not neither with many of the Staff
PunkNoodle for example
I do not agree with him in almost everything


Then you are going which way?


Being a regular player while fixing my Relationship with him
Or you mean about VU


Killah, I would suggest you one thing
It's just a game
Don't take it so seriously.


I do not lok


You are
Strange guy
Strange thinking


The thing is


Strange ideas
Strange theories


I dont feel engaging with VU
Nor with LW Staff
But i want to be part of them lol
Probably you are right
Im strange


You are such a confused personality
Try to be friendly with others
And one more thing
Try less talking
^ this is the best advice ever
You talk too much, not necessary things




But this is truth
You can ask anyone
Most of the time people get annoyed
Ik communication is good but


I'm confused man, and im not having good days


And why is that?
And you take everything negative when we tell you
Instead of improving


I really dont man
But i dont know how to express


I am telling you everything as a friend
There is no rank herw


We aint friends

No full or trainee here
Just as a friend


I don't know why the hell we are talking about this or about me when i just wanted you to donate for me lmao
If you want to know something about me,my personality's similar to morphine/karan/sora blue
Man sorry if i treated you in a bad way

(after some minutes)

I really did not want to
I will follow your advices

Things happened and i left this clan, later i had some troubles with another member who started insulting me for having taken such decision; i had also abused Sk's country and shit when i was raging, thing that was mentioned on my VU last application.

The week right after having done that i asked Sk for forgiveness and told me that all was ok and there was no problem. Everything fine until July, 19.

19 july under an alias

[15:43:37]  popinjay: jw guys using y axis tools
[15:43:38]  popinjay: no doubt
[15:43:50]  popinjay: their leader share and they use
[15:43:54]  biozcalhoun.: if they were, they'd have been detected
[15:44:01]  >> kingfahadking killed ElOstora (AK47) (Body)
[15:44:04]  popinjay: y axis tools are different
[15:44:08]  biozcalhoun.: i know
[15:44:13]  popinjay: memory hacking can not be detected
[15:44:14]  biozcalhoun.: dll injectable and .asi
[15:44:15]  popinjay: grow up
[15:44:22]  biozcalhoun.: hhhhhhhhh
[15:44:35]  popinjay: I know this game even before you came into your pathetic life
[15:44:46]  biozcalhoun.: i play since 2011, pal
[15:44:59]  biozcalhoun.: and more pathetic life is yours insulting trougha game, lmao
[15:45:03]  popinjay: with your level of skills
[15:45:06]  popinjay: stop lieying
[15:45:10]  biozcalhoun.: hhhhhhhhh
[15:45:12]  [JW]Rajacasablanca*: !loc nuts
[15:45:13]  biozcalhoun.: ask anybody
[15:45:28]  popinjay: yeah yeaht
[15:45:54]  biozcalhoun.: then popinjay
[15:45:55]  biozcalhoun.: tell me
[15:46:03]  popinjay: tell you what
[15:46:07]  biozcalhoun.: how to detect dll injectable without anticheat
[15:46:19]  popinjay: idiot
[15:46:22]  biozcalhoun.: undetectable
[15:46:23]  nuts*: my little pony s ickd
[15:46:24]  biozcalhoun.: or
[15:46:27]  Do not death evade it is against the rules.
[15:46:28]  biozcalhoun.: blocking it by the client
[15:46:30]  popinjay: I am not talking about asi or dll injection
[15:46:43]  biozcalhoun.: it's the same
[15:46:44]  popinjay: memory injection
[15:46:47]  biozcalhoun.: undetectable
[15:46:58]  biozcalhoun.: .asi injects the memory, lol
[15:46:59]  kingfahadking: hhhhhhh
[15:47:02]  popinjay: say there are some thing in your memory
(a long conversation about hacks and later on jah was kicked by popinjay (SK))
[15:50:55]  biozcalhoun.: popinjay = sk?
[15:50:58]  biozcalhoun.: lol
[15:51:41]  biozcalhoun.: thanks for insulting and mentioning my pathetic life, Sk
[15:51:47]  popinjay: no problem
[15:52:17]  >> popinjay killed biozcalhoun. (Shotgun) (Head)
[15:52:22]  biozcalhoun.: after all i'm not the one wrong here
[15:53:16]  >> popinjay killed biozcalhoun. (Shotgun) (Head)
[15:53:20]  nuts*: your mother put her tongue in pig asshole idiot popinjay
[15:53:21]  >> ElOstora killed .[_[_Kory]_]. (Spaz) (Left Arm)
[15:53:21]  popinjay: keep crying
[15:53:27]  Your colour is your team - do not kill people that are the same colour as you.
[15:53:28]  popinjay: you will not insult any other country again
[15:53:29]  nuts*: and kiss you after
[15:53:49]  biozcalhoun.: he insulted argentina yesterday and nobody did a shit, lol
[15:54:40]  popinjay: you should  have told me
[15:54:47]  biozcalhoun.: why would i
[15:54:47]  >> kingfahadking killed ElOstora (AK47) (Head)
[15:54:47]  [OSKr]Trevas^: !heal
[15:54:50]  * Healed:[ [OSKr]Trevas^ ] Cost:[ $300 ]
[15:54:51]  biozcalhoun.: if you insult me as well
[15:54:56]  biozcalhoun.: you're just like him
[15:56:23]  popinjay: how else would i make anyone hate me lol
[15:57:00]  biozcalhoun.: regardless of that, you can go fuck yourself anyway
[15:57:11]  popinjay: if you feel insult of that level you need to grow up
[15:57:14]  popinjay: you are just a child right now
[15:57:32]  biozcalhoun.: and you feel insult if somebody says "paki" to you, wtf
[15:58:17]  popinjay: it is
[15:58:22]  biozcalhoun.: no, it's not
[15:58:22]  popinjay: you are free to google it

(chat was summarized and all death/kills/other guys' messages were deleted)

Then i messaged him:

Really worth it mentioning somebody's "pathetic life" just to make them fight better? And is it really worth doing it every time you see that guy in-game?

I didn't meet Sk in-game till some days ago, these were his messages:

[22:34:37]  >> [VU]Sk killed biozcalhoun (Shotgun) (Body)
[22:35:08]  >> [VU]Sk killed biozcalhoun (Shotgun) (Head)
[22:35:08]  Type !rules to see a list of rules.
[22:35:38]  >> [UFt]Plaga^_^ killed *Cadiz++ (Stubby) (Torso)
[22:35:40]  >> biozcalhoun killed [VU]Sk (Stubby) (Torso)
[22:35:45]  [VU]Sk: povery people
[22:36:03]  >> mahmoud97 killed [VU]Sk (Uzi) (Left Leg)
[22:36:18]  >> biozcalhoun killed [VU]Sk (Stubby) (Torso)
[22:36:44]  >> *Cadiz++ killed biozcalhoun (Shotgun) (Body)
[22:36:47]  [VU]Sk: retard
[22:36:54]  biozcalhoun: what
[22:36:59]  [VU]Sk: yes you
[22:36:59]  >> *Cadiz++ killed [UFt]Plaga^_^ (Shotgun) (Body)
[22:37:00]  [VU]Sk: are a
[22:37:02]  [VU]Sk: retard
[22:37:05]  biozcalhoun: why
[22:37:05]  [UFt]Plaga^_^: lol
[22:37:08]  Remove money from the bank using !withdraw <amount>
[22:37:09]  [VU]Sk: because you are
[22:37:11]  biozcalhoun: what are you basing your judgement in
[22:37:13]  [UFt]Plaga^_^: XD
[22:37:15]  [VU]Sk: I don't need to give reasons\
[22:37:17]  [VU]Sk: you are what youare
[22:37:20]  >> biozcalhoun killed [VU]Sk (Stubby) (Body)
[22:37:21]  >> mahmoud97 killed *Cadiz++ (Uzi) (Left Leg)
[22:37:21]  [VU]Sk: see
[22:37:22]  *Cadiz++: xd
[22:37:23]  [UFt]Plaga^_^: JAJAJAJAJ
[22:37:25]  mahmoud97: lol
[22:37:25]  biozcalhoun: then thank you
[22:37:33]  >> *Cadiz++ killed biozcalhoun (Shotgun) (Head)
[22:37:34]  * mahmoud97's Health:[ 2% ]
[22:37:34]  mahmoud97: !hp
[22:37:41]  [VU]Sk: skill less brain less
[22:37:41]  mahmoud97: !heal
[22:37:44]  * Healed:[ mahmoud97 ] Cost:[ $300 ]
[22:37:47]  [VU]Sk: clan hopping retard
[22:40:05]  >> [VU]Sk killed biozcalhoun (Shotgun) (Head)
[22:40:06]  [UFt]Plaga^_^: jajaja
[22:40:08]  If you spawn kill, you will be drowned automatically.
[22:40:14]  *Cadiz++: !heal
[22:40:17]  * Healed:[ *Cadiz++ ] Cost:[ $300 ]
[22:40:20]  [UFt]Plaga^_^: Me encanta pelear contra cadiz
[22:40:20]  [VU]Sk: poverty pc to the spawn screen please
[22:41:20]  [UFt]Plaga^_^: "Vu is a family" calhoun said (translated)
[22:41:27]  [UFt]Plaga^_^: now his mate insults him (translated)
[22:41:28]  [UFt]Plaga^_^: JAJAJAJ
[22:41:32]  biozcalhoun: is a family (translated)
[22:41:40]  [UFt]Plaga^_^: You're a clown bro (translated)
[22:41:42]  [UFt]Plaga^_^: figure it out (translated)
[22:42:34]  >> [VU]Sk killed biozcalhoun (Python) (Left Leg)
[22:42:34]  * [VU]Sk is on a killing spree of 5! ($500)
[22:43:03]  [VU]Sk: too afraid to spawn
[22:43:09]  biozcalhoun: please hold on
[22:43:18]  [VU]Sk: yes you are crying
[22:43:29]  [VU]Sk: need to find tissues?
[22:43:32]  biozcalhoun: no
[22:43:40]  [VU]Sk: you should though
[22:43:45]  [VU]Sk: you will be crying all day today
[22:45:13]  >> [VU]Sk killed biozcalhoun (Shotgun) (Left Leg)
[22:45:20]  [VU]Sk: punch you in the face
[22:50:08]  >> [VU]Sk killed biozcalhoun (Python) (Left Leg)
[22:50:12]  [VU]Sk: !heal
[22:50:14]  * Healed:[ [VU]Sk ] Cost:[ $300 ]
[22:50:15]  biozcalhoun: si mal plaga estas re loco
[22:50:19]  [VU]Sk: poor bioz
[22:50:27]  biozcalhoun: but im rich
[22:51:09]  [VU]Sk: with 90s pc? you are rich?
(a few minutes later i stopped to fight with sk and he was going to sleep, so he left the server)

And today, which bassically encouraged me to post this all here:

[19:30:22]  [VU_R]MaTrIx.: how u think that u can get in vu that way calhoun
[19:30:22]  >> biozcalhoun. killed [VU]Sk (Shotgun) (Right Leg)
[19:30:23]  >> [SS]BadBuNNY killed biozcalhoun. (Shotgun) (Right Leg)
[19:30:24]  [VU_R]MaTrIx.: why u fighting sk
[19:30:40]  [VU]Sk: he is the most annoying kid ever
[19:30:44]  biozcalhoun.: i don't believe in not killing friends rule
[19:30:46]  [VU]Sk: its not his fault its his age
[19:42:30]  [VU]Sk: need to kill this retard lagging faggot
[19:43:39]  biozcalhoun.: i'm off
[19:43:41]  biozcalhoun.: cya all
[19:43:44]  [VU]Sk: fuck opff
[19:43:47]  [VU]Sk: retard
>> [1] biozcalhoun. left the server. (Quit)
&RastySpoon 19:43:58 [7] [VU]Sk: thanks god that retard kid left
&RastySpoon 19:44:22 [10] [ss]niko: sk why u hates that kid?
&RostySpoon 19:44:24 [10] [ss]niko: hhhh
&RustySpoon 19:44:26 [1] [VU]Sk: he is a retard

- Joining again after a few mins

[19:45:45]  biozcalhoun.: and by the way
[19:45:50]  [VU]Sk: !heal
[19:45:51]  Stats: biozcalhoun. - Kills: 198 :: Deaths: 278 :: K/D Ratio: 0.71
[19:45:51]  jeury: !stats bio
[19:45:51]  Ferxh2: !getcar
[19:45:53]  * Healed:[ [VU]Sk ] Cost:[ $300 ]
[19:45:58]  >> [VU_R]MaTrIx. killed [VU]Sk (Stubby) (Body)
[19:46:01]  biozcalhoun.: so far all you did is complain against a player who constantly killed you
[19:46:03]  [NrA]Axan: lol he saw your message from IRC xd
[19:46:12]  biozcalhoun.: i am not the one wrong here, and i am sure now
[19:46:19]  [VU]Sk: yeah like typical retards
[19:46:36]  [VU]Sk: you are psycho you need to show some doctor
[19:46:44]  [VU]Sk: you have some epic changes in your thoughts
[19:46:45]  [ss]niko: jajaj
[19:46:47]  [VU]Sk: you are sick
[19:46:48]  biozcalhoun.: i am the psycho
[19:46:48]  [VU]Sk: mentally
[19:46:54]  biozcalhoun.: and you insult me trough a game
[19:46:54]  [VU]Sk: thats what I need to tell you
[19:47:02]  [VU_R]MaTrIx.: sk, calm down bro
[19:47:07]  [VU]Sk: I told you first time you are mentally ill but you got it all wrong
[19:47:13]  [VU]Sk: I was trying to help you
[19:47:15]  biozcalhoun.: i think the whole server figured out who is the real retard here
[19:47:24]  biozcalhoun.: i won't insult you
[19:47:27]  biozcalhoun.: you do it yourself
[19:47:43]  [VU]Sk: good thing is there are few players who know your reality and I am glad more will know soon enough
[19:47:45]  jeury: np
[19:47:46]  biozcalhoun.: and i don't know what you are trying to prove here
[19:47:51]  [VU]Sk: I wish I could add him in my ignore list
[19:47:53]  [VU]TzUnam: loool
[19:47:54]  [VU]Sk: but oh well
[19:47:59]  biozcalhoun.: you want me to insult you so you can go ahead and post this all in VU forums?
[19:48:02]  biozcalhoun.: please do
[19:48:03]  [VU]TzUnam: you too calm down guys and stop acting like kids
[19:48:11]  [VU]Sk: why you involve your self with VU ?
[19:48:14]  biozcalhoun.: i am not gonna suck your dick for a position in VU, and i never will
[19:48:16]  [ss]niko: stop acting like stupid lol
[19:48:18]  >> [NrA]Axan killed Tictac.. (Stubby) (Right Leg)
[19:48:22]  [VU]Sk: position in VU?
[19:48:23]  [VU]Sk: lmao

a few minutes later

[19:51:07]  [VU]Sk: where is that laggy kid?

And messaged him but no reply was given:

So far these are my ideas and as stated above i'd like to hear opinions regarding them:

  • Making somebody rage isn't the right way to make them fight better, or atleast i guess so
  • Going against somebody just because that guy is constantly killing you isn't the right way
  • Abusements made by me were completely wrong, but it isn't reason to keep that behaviour against me every time i see him in-game - moreover, this issue was "solved" in some way (he told me all was ok) but this guy has spreaded shit against me a lot of occasions, and i am not particularly the one who started these discussions. - this means, if you tell me to bite, i will
  • Telling somebody to grow up just because he (me) takes the game too seriously or so isn't worth a reason to tell that. Look at Charley, look at GangstaRas - one of them founded a clan in a game, and the another one has handled the most important event of it; why would be inmature to take a clan, or a server administration position too seriously?
  • I am taking the right way by trying to solve this issue but he doesn't want to cooperate

This is all what i have to say essentially.

Guides / A guide for VC:MP Newbies
« on: August 08, 2018, 12:57:12 am »
Posted already on VC:MP forums, but i think it will be better to publish here since this forum is kinda more visited and so it has more "power of speech" we could say.

Introduction to VC:MP
all what you have to know about (or so) - and some advices about it


1)- Introduction

Hello there; seeing how playercount in VC-MP is a quite big problem; and also putting a special lookout on how everyday newbies who decide to try VC-MP as for first time don't get familiarity with the mod because to many factors (english, fighting skills and non-knowledge about the commands) this is a guide for them, to encourage them to stay and play; get the best and the worst of this community and this mod and specially help this all to survive, atleast a couple more of years.
There are people that know a lot of this game more than me, and i am not essentially a example of how a player should be, but based on my long travel during VC-MP (more or less 6 years) i think i am capable of helping people to get more acquianted with this game and try to put in way the people from a start to avoid introducing themselves into wrong decisions, being toxic (a problem mentioned by a lot of people into this) and finally to make them feel love for this mod.
We will further review the basic commands for most of the servers - how to play in game, a mini guide to learn how to fight. The most important forums and servers. What's IRC, what are the clans and which are the most known ones, and which events happen in VC-MP and how much time they take. I also encourage you, if you see a newbie that might need help, to link this guide for him. You would be doing something special.

- Download VC-MP 0.4 (last version)
- If you are facing 004rel006 problem, here's the solution.

That all said, let's start.

2)- Language: basic knowledge about english

Visit my guide in this section.

3)- Ingame Commands (for now, it's for DM and CTF - A/D servers, not RPG.)

VC-MP 0.4 uses / command syntax like every game, and also some ! command syntax as well. Remember as well that in order to get information about other players (like !loc cmd for example) you have to know his/her id, which can be seen with F5 key.
Why don't i just say "type !commands for a list of commands and ready"? Because most of the newbies don't know the commands functions, and this would actually help a little.
Anyway, to keep this short: These are the basic commands which can be probably seen in almost all of the DM servers-

/register -your password-: Used in every server to register your account and therefore save your money, statistics - this also prevents somebody impersonating you by using your nickname, which is something "common" in retards around.
/login -your password-: After registering and changing IP or something like that, you will have to log-in again in order to be able to play with your registered nickname.
!heal or /heal: You can use this command to heal yourself after being damaged anyhow. Probably in some servers you will have to wait from 3 to 5 seconds, to prevent death evade. / Some servers as well will require you to be in a specific place in order to heal yourself up.
!cash or /cash: When you have killed somebody or somehow have got money, you can check how much you have by using this command. Also, if you deposit money in the bank, you can use /bank or !bank to know how much you have there.
/deposit or !deposit: You can deposit some cash, if you have, by using this command. Generally you gotta be in the bank to do it. By using this cmd, your cash will remain intact and if you somehow die, this cash won't be decreased.
/loc or !loc -Player's name or ID-: This command help you to know where is a specific player located in.
/spree or !spree: Exists in almost every server. After killing 5, 10, 15 or any number in scale of 5 in a row; you will be in a killing spree. If you want to check who is in a killing spree, you can use this command. Killing players who are in killing spree, or being in a killing spree yourself can give you extra-money prizes.
/wep or !wep -weapon name-: Some servers give two or three weapons for each skin, some servers don't even give a single weapon. To get them, you must use this command and as complement the name of the weapon you want. For example: !wep m4 stu (stubby shotgun), las (laser sniper), gre (grenade). You can type the weapons' name shortly, or simply their ids. Sometimes you will need to be at ammunation or have an specific amount of cash in order to get weapons. Here you can see a complete list of weapons.
/spawnwep or !spawnwep-Weapon/s name or IDs: If you registered your account in a server that has this command, you can use it to automatically receive your weapons by every spawn, instead of typing repeteadly times the /wep command. Example of usage: /spawnwep m4 stu mp5. This command also works with the same weapon IDs from the link above, from the GTA: Wiki.
/spawnloc or !spawnloc <on/off/set>: This command's syntax varies depending of the server. It allows you to spawn in a determinated place after you die, instead of using !gotoloc. You can use off to deactivate this function, and on/set (depending on the server as i said) to activate it.
!cd or /cd: Used to start a countdown in the server you're. A good and useful thing to start a fight, or a race, or a mini-event.
/gotoloc or !gotoloc: Not in all the servers, but a few of them. You can go to a specific place by using this command, without the need of walking nor drive. However, remember that if you wanna go to a literally specific location, this command may not work. Example: "!gotoloc the_house_located_100km_after_the_beach" won't work in any way. :P. Most known locations are: army, bf, taxi, beach, bank, street, downtown, down, ammu, hospital. These all exist in every server.
/goto or !goto -Player ID or Name-: It's not in every server. It works to teleport to a specific player, but however there are players which probably use the /nogoto command, to disable people teleporting to them.
!hp or /hp: This command is very basic. It is able to show you an opponent's exact HP amount by typing for example !hp -ID-, or your own hp yourself. (leaving it in blank, just typing !hp).
\ (Team chat): Not precisely a command, yet it is very useful. VC-MP has a function to team chat, to do it you just have to type: \your message. (with the bar).
/msg: A VC-MP function as well. Might be deactivated in some servers, but almost all of them have it. This works to send a private message to another player, and works only with IDs. Example: /msg 5 hi.
!eject or /eject: Basic command that may be useful if your car is on fires. It allows you to exit the car.
!fix or /fix: If your car is damaged, most of the servers have implemented this command so you are allowed to fix it. Sometimes, you will have to wait a few seconds, or even you might not be able to use it when your car is on fire.
!stats or /stats: After registering you will have a determinated amount of deaths, kills and your k/d ratio. Trough this command, you are able to see it.

Some unique commands from MK CTF Server:

!score - Its function is showing the amount of flags that you have captured in the round.
!packs - In CTF server, differing from other gamemodes, you have weapon packs. To see a list of them, you can use this command. After that, you will be able to choose one from them, by typing !pack <ID>.
!changepack - If you wish to change the pack during the actual round after you have chosen one, you can do it by this command.
!baselist -from 1 to 8-: Shows a complete list of the bases available in this server.
!bestflagcapturer - It shows a list with the players with more captures, as the command says, for the active round.
!voteend - If you wish to finish the round, you can use this command to vote.
!timeleft - as the command says itself, it shows the time left :P

Some unique commands from Evolution A/D Server:

/score: To see the current score, as the command itself says.
/ignore: If a player annoys you, you're welcome to use this command.
/unignore: Same as the writen below, but the opposite function. It deactivates the ignore rule.
/base: To see where's located the current base being played.
/set: Like in MK CTF server as with packs, in EAD you have sets. You can choose a set from the /setlist by using this command.
/side: To see if you're currently attacking or defending.
/flip: To flip a car.
/fps: See somebody's current FPS.
/ping: Same as the above command, but with ping.
/hide: It allows you to hide your location in the mini-scale radar.
/forum: Shows the forum link.
/discord: Shows the discord link.
/irc: Shows the IRC Channel.
/teamhp: To see the sumatory of all your team mates' hp and the ones of the opposite side as well.
/help: Gives you a little help regarding to gamemode, what's it about.
/wholeft: Shows the remaining players during the current round.
/changepass: After registering you've got the option of changing your password trough this command.
/country: To see somebody's country.
/put: If you haven't decided a set in the given time (which i think is 15secs) and the first blood hasn't been made, you are able to put yourself in setchoice again and later use /go when you're ready.
/votebase: To vote for a base as the command itself says.
/ratebase: To give like/dislike to a base.

4)- Fighting skills

You will notice during your stay that VC-MP skills, synchronization when talking about skills are quite awkward, or better said there are players who have a high ping (including me hhh) and you gotta put a decent amount of effort and apply the technique called Lead Aim to beat them. Also, in order to fight properly and be able to defend yourself, you will get to know Fast Switching, Crouching, Timing and some other techniques which can result useful. In the past, meaning 0.3zr2, a guy called [VU]Fercho made a video about fighting skills and VCMP glitches, however, many of them are now fixed in this new version and the combat has improved significantly. In order to get acquianted with the basic vc-mp abilities you will essentially have to practice and regardless of how convoluted you think these are, you will learn with the time and will see that it's entertaining and good to fight in this game. You actually have to predict where your opponent will go to, and shoot there instead of directly as its body. I'll show you some videos so you can learn a little by watching them: Take in consideration that Radon, who i appreciate his indirect contribution (as he made the video but he didn't know that it was going to be used here hhh) is a low pinger, due to so, the amount of lead aim that he has to put is considerably lower than me, for example.

Continuing, i'll show you a video quite different, made by Pain (who has a ping around 200-250 generally) so you can compare the differences between a low pinger and a high pinger.

(If somebody knows how to explain this better, would be very helpful).
However, the best recommendation that i can give you is watch the videos repeteadly and try to do these techniques, get teached by people that know about it and mainly you have to practice this.

5)- Catching rulebreakers and reporting them (for now DM servers rules)

This is something usual that uses to happen frequently in VC-MP. You need to know the concept of which rules are allowed and which aren't, in most of servers - consequently, i'm gonna list almost all of the possible ways of rulebreaking, excepting to the known "aimlock" and "f1" which are now caught by anti-cheat scripts:

Stats padding: This would be helpful to interprete it better. Stats padding is when you agree with somebody, i.e. your friends in-game or anyone to leave yourself to be killed by the other guy or viceversa. It can be done to get money and later on deposit it, or to increase kills in statistics, or for many other reasons.
Death evading: May be done by minimizing the game window on porpuse, or by using /kill command, reconnecting or using /q, or by a lot more of ways. When you're involved into a battlefield or you're about to die (an opponent makes you fall down), or even you yourself are going to drown; you can use any of these methods to avoid a death increase in your stats; or to simply make your opponent not to kill you and making him/her rage. This, this and this are a few examples.
Using trainers, modified maps or hacking: This is obviously not allowed and there are a few examples of hacks into this game. For example, HP hack (Wherein the last 15 seconds you can figure that HP should decrease when an opponent is hit falls down like that, which didn't happen). On the other hand, there are speed/turbo hacks and fly hacks, into the most common and usually seen hacks.
Ban evade: Common way of rulebreaking. If you're punished for example 1 week, and you change your ip and join the server before the punishment is ended, you can receive a higher punishment due to having ban evaded.
Spamming: When you constantly flood the screen with the same message again and again, it's considered spamming. Although the punishment isn't high for doing this, it is still not allowed.
Racism, or discrimination:Racist and offensive behavior against a player based on their ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or region and so forth, aren't allowed in most of servers.
Spawn-killing: Basically as the name itself says killing players upon their spawn point, without even leaving them to be able to defend themselves.
Impersonation: Using any other player's nickname. It's not allowed either.
Attacking servers: doesn't need further explanation, lol.

As you can notice, there are a lot of ways to rulebreak and so it's recommended to have a recorder (recommending Dxtory with x264vfw codec) opened beforehand to report them on the determinated server forum and wait for the designed punishment.

6)- Principal VC-MP sub-communities, forums and servers websites.

Into VC-MP there are many communities where people usually spend their time and not only in the VC-MP official forum. Thereby, i'm gonna list the most known sub-communities here. Some of them allow open discussion about everything, and some others have a little more "estrict" rules we could say.

7)- What's IRC: How to connect to a server, how to use mIRC.

To summarize, really thankfully to [VU]Thijn for this guide who even helped me on my early days :P

Some useful and known channels:

  • #littlewhitey.vc-mp
  • #extreme-addicts.echo
  • #VU
  • #skywars
  • #renaissance
  • #MK.CTF
In order to speak trough an echo server, you must type a dot (.) before your message.

8 )- Clans.

Troughout all these years in VC-MP several people have founded something called clans. A clan is a group of people that together are part of a family, wear a common tag, defend themselves into the game, etc. During your stay in VC-MP you can apply to be part of a determinated clan which is in some way an option to make the game more entertaining. I've linked some of the forums of the clans above, but however i'll tell the most known and old ones:

  • Vice Underdogs: Founded by Charleyutton and N0W4R a 4th, January 2008. Originally called ArS (Anti Roofers, Anti Spazzers) intended to be a clan with a different method of recruitment of the other clans in the epoch, not only based on the invitation. Today, VU is the second clan with more members of the whole VC-MP (54) and essentially one of the most biggest helpers and contributors to the community itself, saving it from death in many occassions. Counts with administrative circles instead of a fixed leader, is the principal organizer of events and many of its members are great referents in the whole community.
  • Miami Killers: Has the biggest number of members and one of the olders clans in VC-MP, with more than 10 years of existance. Actually counts with 62 members. Leaded by FaF, Ashay and NewK this clan has managed to be one of the most respectable ones and to continue in the top troughout all these years.
  • Eight Avenue Furies: Rather than writing a short history, i encourage you to read this topic. An entire artwork ::).
  • The Renaissance Crew: Established in VC-MP since a 22th, September 2012. Originally founded by Morphine, and with Foxtrot - Metalord - GRAND - Kramer as its first members, they have managed to be one of the most important crews around, and being consecutively the best clan of the year in LW (2016, 2017) they have undoubtely managed to enforce a great reputation.
  • Secret Slayers: Secret Slayers is a Vice-City Multiplayer clan which was founded on March 05th 2015 with the collaboration of Nilz, AEO, Eddy, Rilex, Z22, Astaroth and Skarcy. This clan has the intention of recruiting experienced and skilled players whose sole purpose is fighting along with the current members in order to widely enhance the techniques of teamwork within the clan and therefore be able to finish off any battle being the winner. The other purpose of SS clan is, along with other clans, contribute to carry on turning VC:MP into an interesting and entertaining game for all players
9)- Events in VC-MP.

There have been a lot of events in VC-MP and continue being. Year by year, a lot of people organize very entertaining competition events in either teams or individuals, to gather a lot of fun among VC-MP players. VU Clan is the principal organizer of events, wherein you can put on spotlight:

- Vice City Ladder
- Vice City Clan Tournament
- Vice City Dueling Championship (Season 1 to 5)
- Vice War I, II, III, IV, V: The Havana Hazard, VI, VII: Biker Brawl

Into many others. There are also events organized by EA Server (EYE Tournament) and EC Server (European City Boxing Championship). This kind of events happen usually in VC-MP during the holidays, there's no a specific time between event and event, and some of these events are no longer made (VC Ladder, VCCT for example).

Anyway, this is the end of the line for the guide. As i said, if you find a newbie around i encourage you to link this guide for him; which can be useful. I'll also translate it as soon as possible for spanish speakers, and i would also like to add some parts of the VC-MP history, which i don't really remember at all to be honest (nor do i have been here since its start) and so your contributions to that would be great. Hopefully this will be helpful for some guys around :). If someone wishes to add something please do.
Thanks to Radon (fights video), Pain (fights video), Charleyutton, Thijn (IRC guide), and so many others.

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