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Messages - Vedder

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Accepted Applications / Re: Application - Alpays
« on: March 14, 2022, 09:17:13 pm »
Yooooo! New member! Let's begin the fuckfest


Accepted Applications / Re: Application - Alpays
« on: March 10, 2022, 04:14:07 pm »
In addition to what I said, Spiller and FaF have expressed my original intention with more appropriate words.

We are a family, sometimes we take decisions that a big degree of our members are not satisfied with and that must not be a reason for a departure. We are settled, in VU and life in general, in a purview where we are forced to accept decisions by others, and that sometimes will hurt but that's the beauty of it, accept the differences.

I am an example of that, see how divided is my application, yet Lederhos did not leave because of me and he tried his best to be friendly to me. Due to that, our relationship improved a lot.

I have faith in you, however.

Accepted Applications / Re: Application - Alpays
« on: March 09, 2022, 07:37:46 pm »
In case something bothers you in VU, I strongly recommend you to raise your voice and share your concerns before making such a decision.

I have my doubts, but I do believe a trainee position will not hurt. I also believe this place to be a perfect one for you to learn a lot whilst you grow up.

Edit: i forgot to say that I think you will be a great addition here

Good luck

Accepted Applications / Re: Application - Alpays
« on: March 08, 2022, 08:38:54 pm »
Hey man, good to see you

I have one thought, for a start:

I don't really think VU is a 'selective' clan. We like to give everyone a chance here. What do you specifically mean by 'selective'? What kind of a clan do you think is the ideal one?

I personally don't know you even though we played several times. Will remain neutral for now. Good luck

Debating Board / Re: Russia-Ukraine crisis
« on: February 24, 2022, 04:27:23 am »
In addition to my original post, in my opinion about wars and WWIII if it were to happen: there's no real importance to give about what country has more soldiers. Wars today (and in the late and future centuries) are won through either financial sanctions, digital intelligence / resources and power of weapons.

I would even go to the extent of saying that
not even battlefield strategies are really important, as Blitzkrieg was on WWII for instance.

Therefore, no matter whether China or Russia have 100,000,000 soldiers, hell not even NATO matters, but the United States of America, that spends trillions in military due to which they must hold unthinkably powerful weapons already; a lot of information about any country worldwide, computational resources to control every single thing. They should be able to ultimately destroy the entire world if they wanted to do so.

In conclusion, if I have to bet on a winner, it will always be westerner. It will always be the United States. There's no comparison to any other country in the world: they hold an unbelievable amount of resources and information about EVERYTHING.

Debating Board / Re: Russia-Ukraine crisis
« on: February 23, 2022, 02:41:15 pm »
This is all a shitshow. WW3 ain't happening.

Birthday Board / Re: Sk & Tobi0
« on: February 10, 2022, 09:12:33 pm »
Mi loco I'm nineteen (19) now papi! About to become 20 in March with big putas gambling ship party .... Yes yes

Birthday Board / Re: Sk & Tobi0
« on: February 10, 2022, 02:38:05 pm »
Tobi! You've grown up bro!

Happy birthday!

Sk! Baby do you wanna fuck?

Happy birthday beloved!

Guides / Guía completa para hablantes hispanos: cómo mejorar tu inglés
« on: February 05, 2022, 12:19:14 am »

Mejora tu inglés


Siendo consciente de la cantidad de latinos (y Juan) que visitan el foro, sentí la necesidad de hacer este post. Ya hace bastante lo venía pensando - y hay varios factores que terminaron de darme el impulso final. Hoy les propongo una guía que va a explicarles paso a paso el proceso de adquisición de lenguas y cómo pueden usarlo a su favor para hablar inglés. Hay FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) y mitos sobre el inglés que pretendo responder en esta guía antes de empezar.

¿Cómo se aprende el inglés o cualquier lengua?

Hay lenguas que son más dificiles que otras, pero por ser hablantes hispanos tenemos facilidad con el inglés. Hay muchas palabras en común y las estructuras gramaticales son más faciles. ¿Pero cómo se aprenden las lenguas? Generalmente en las escuelas del conurbano bonaerense, del norte argentino y del resto de América del Sur se ve lo mismo: Profesores enseñando sin ganas los mismos contenidos durante seis años... pero todo cambia cuando empezamos a entender que el inglés se trata de algo muy distinto. Los idiomas se aprenden de una única forma y esa es entendiendo significados.. ¿Qué significa? Que es más factible que aprendas una lengua apoyándote de un contexto, de un video o de una película (sin entender todas las palabras, pero más bien el mensaje) antes que siguiendo estructuras gramaticales... - también, hay otro factor que es el 'Input'. Diversas investigaciones sostienen que aprendés mientras más contenido consumís y más tiempo pasas con el idioma. Es como un instrumento - la práctica (el consumo en este caso) hace al maestro. Forma todo parte de un proceso cognitivo. Para resumir, hay un video que habla sobre eso y esencialmente me motivó mucho a escribir esto:

¿La edad importa?

En mi opinión, no es tan diferente aprender un idioma a los 20 que a los 35 años. Pero si hay una diferencia si lo aprendes a los 11 o 12, por ejemplo. En lo que a forma; o método se refiere, no hay distinción. Pero un niño de 11 años de edad va a tener muchas menos responsabilidades y mayor flexibilidad para equivocarse aprendiendo. Sin embargo, la capacidad cognoscitiva de todos está. El cerebro es muy poderoso y está perfectamente demostrado que todos pueden aprender a cualquier edad: lo que importa no es la edad, sino la constancia y las ganas de superarse.

¿Cuánto tiempo tarda?

Lo que tenga que tardar. No es algo que haya que pensar demasiado - sino más bien enfocarse en el día a día. Al final de un año puedes llegar a ser capaz de expresarte muy bien. Incluso algunos podrán hacerlo a final del sexto mes aprendiendo. Lo esencial es que se practique de forma diaria.

¿El aprendizaje es lineal?

Si y no. Hay una primera etapa del aprendizaje en el que tenés que familiarizarte con cosas básicas. No vas a saltar al uso de condicionales de una porque morís... pero lo más importante después, cuando entrés en la 'PARTE 2' no es el contenido gramatical, sino el contenido de tu agrado lo que deba priorizarse. Si te doy Peppa Pig (suponiendo que no te guste), con lenguaje básico y expresiones básicas, ¿preferirías verlo antes que tu película favorita de la infancia aunque esta suponga mayor dificultad? Pues no. Siempre tenés que priorizar lo que a vos te gusta. No te dejes atrapar por las reglas del idioma.

¿Hace falta pagar?

No. You don't need to pay.

¿Cuántas etapas son?

Yo lo categorizo en 3 etapas, al igual que la teoría cognitiva:

- Nº1 (First stage): Direct Input, enabling brain processes
- Nº2 (Second stage): Development of subconscious learning abilities
- Nº3 (Third stage): Ability to speak

Ok, so..... let's start.


Time recommended per day: 1 to 2 hours

Time recommended per month: Depends on the person. As long as you continue to be entertained, from 3 to 12 months within this stage. Move forward when you feel like you're ready.

Resources: A1 Book, Videos, Movies (partially), Translation (partially).

Lo primero que vas a hacer es familiarizarte con expresiones básicas. No se espera que hables inglés al principio ni que entiendas cosas súper dificiles porque sería tonto esperar eso. Pero podés ir de a poco viendo cada vez más contenido. No es importante que agarres todas las palabras al principio. Tratá de deducir lo que se quiere decir a través del contexto. Podés usar la traducción como recurso pero no siempre. You don't learn English in Spanish.

Learn English with videos. Here are some videos for your first (1) stage:

The whole channel of 'Learning English Oxford' might be helpful.

  • If you use translations as a resource, make sure you do it with a full sentence instead of separate words. And don't skip trying to guess what word represents each meaning.

  • My recommendation is always that you use a book for beginners. Why? A book might look old-fashioned, but helps you building a routine, covers up most important points for starters and it's good to develop your first writing abilities.

  • You can relax with your old favourite movie if you don't feel like directly learning some days. Put subtitles in English and Audio in English. Try to pick a movie with dialogues you already know so you can guess some meanings of words.

  • I would recommend you not to abuse grammar learning. If you want to try it, go ahead! But leave it at the moment it starts getting annoying.

  • Recommended contents for beginners: Basic expressions, basic vocabulary, presentations, descriptions, basic actions, affirmative-negative-interrogative sentences, usage of 'with', 'but', 'so', 'and' in sentences. These all are going to be covered in a beginners book, so again, try to get one of those.

  • Learn English with songs. You can find a lot of dubbed English songs that can go from Jazz to Hip-Hop. Try it, specially if you like to listen songs repeteadly.

  • Notice that I only posted a few videos. That doesn't mean you have to watch them only - look for videos entertaining and useful to you, to reach this objective of 1-2 hours per day consuming English.

  • When it comes to pictures, my recommendation is:


Te diría que no trates de memorizar largas listas de vocabularios, no sirve. Trata mejor de aprender palabras basadas en su contexto, con imágenes que te ayuden a deducir de qué se trata.

STAGE 2: Development of subconscious learning abilities

Time recommended per day: 1 hour is enough

Time recommended per month: Not estimated. It will be enough by the time you reach your fluency goals.

Resources: Videos, dictionary (partially), Movies, Songs, Podcasts, Documentaries, Translation (partially)

At this stage you might be able to understand conversations, be used to certain common expressions and understand some key words, connectors and meanings. That's enough for you to start developing your subconscious learning abilities. Basically, comprehensible input at its finest.

  • Enjoy the process, don't focus so much on understanding problematic things your mind is not able to process yet. You must have fun. Embrace yourself into the US / the UK cultures.

  • You are able to watch a movie (I would recommend you some that you've already seen) and understand the meanings of some words and sentences. You have the ability to catch the rythm - even though perhaps you don't get everything, what matters is that you can follow the story.

  • Lots of listening. Literally. There's no real practice behind speaking... and I tell you why: speaking is about brain processes -processing- information. Your brain will speak when it's ready - forcing it to speak won't really help. The real way towards fluency in speaking is listening.

  • IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) might be of your interest if you like studying. Try it out with examples.

  • Reading is a hard task - I'd personally do it with some images to back me up. If you are able to understand, then go ahead, but don't crack your head over hard, exaggerated lectures.

  • You don't need a book anymore since your basic knowledge is pretty much settled.

Side note: This is just the start of my 'linguistic development project' for VC:MP players. I will be trying to teach Spanish soon and I intend to make a large list of videos with VC:MP fights as a resource as well. Rate 'Agree' if you like the idea!

Farewell Board / Re: New horizons are ahead...
« on: February 04, 2022, 12:15:51 pm »
Well honestly this surprises me dude. You looked like one of those guys that could remain in VU forever until it comes the day we don't play the game anymore. Becoming old here.

I will always admire your attitude. I knew it was really hard for you to accept me here, but since day 1 you showed nothing else than kindness, respect and affection towards me. You treated me like family.

Honestly I was seeing that our relationship growing better and so I thought of this long journey as VUs as an opportunity to get to know you better and learn from you.

It is sad to see this. If there was anything I could do for you to stay I swear I'd do it. Thank you man, I wish you good luck.

VC:MP General / Doubt
« on: January 28, 2022, 04:23:56 am »
Might the repeatedly used phrase "dog punishment", or "masterdog", "fuckdog rape" increase the stock value of Dogecoin?

Dogpost to dogspam the vice underdogs dog forum.

VC:MP General / Re: VC:MP General situation
« on: January 25, 2022, 01:44:59 am »
So... that escalated quickly!

I am going to add my two cents about a topic I've been thinking since quite a while already.

Gamemode: I agree with aXXo's statement on VCAD's / KoTH's and so forth being difficult towards newbies due to their nature.

I do also consider that RPG is digging a grave slowly, and it's way far from what it used to be (PunkNoodle, Gohan, Milko are just a few who came here through that hole).

Most of you see may latinos in Brasil RPG, but these latinos ain't newbies, they are actually just people that meet in a server where their language could be spoken. VCCNR becomes then often the server that brings more newbies towards the community, but it's a low percentage since playerbase in this server is low and newbies wouldn't join an empty server.

Perhaps admins are too strict on newbie hackers? We see someone flying around in god mode, it's an easy ban. With the UIDs available to us, that newbie is gone forever.
It's the natural chaos loved by GTA Players. We do that on GTA Single Player - demolish everything and make sprees on cops. A lot of players in their history mention "hacks", "bans" and general "fooling around" they did when they were kids. But the new kids don't get that chance due to improvements in administration.

I sort of feel like this is correct. Surfing around other games that lack player base, bans are enforced according to the experience of the player and the broken rule. A simple hack, easily discoverable, might be worth a 1-day ban, and so that boy will join again the day after, this time without a cheat - that instead of a 1-2 weeks ban, able to piss him enough not to join the game ever again.

However... Link

Anything else:

I felt the need of bringing back Charley's idea. It's never late to re-think about a thing we have not tested yet.


You might say that it's because Vice City is an old-ass game, and VC:MP is outdated or buggy. Or that we have outdated gamemodes. Fine, but that's always been the case. People have been making that same argument since the day that VC:MP was born.

Take a look at the official VC:MP forum. This is the first point of contact for anyone new to the mod. It is a graveyard. It's a boring, semi-forgotten wasteland of half-literate randomers. I put it to you that this is the main problem.

More than the servers themselves, I agree with the bold statement. We could simply do the experiment, and search Vice City Multiplayer like any newbie would do:

Dig into the forum a little bit, you will figure out how abandoned it looks like. There's even a topic posted 15 days ago asking for help and nobody did reply, lol.

There's a complete debate on the topic posted above, where main points about the disadvantages of not having an active forum are exposed. Charley is someone that's been around for quite a while, and knows about dealing with dead games and declining playerbases. Perhaps bringing his idea again might help us recognize his experience on the matter and listen to him, something that we did ignore earlier and since then no changes have been brought to VC-MP - instead, just a worse income of new players.

After 12 years of witnessing people complain about inactivity in VC:MP, I think it is time that take this issue into our own hands.

Off Topic / Re: Travel tips
« on: January 23, 2022, 03:42:06 pm »
I have a little preoccupation about flights. I can't understand the policy. What if I miss a flight for circumstances that didn't depend on myself? Like bad weather or so, will I get a refund? Any tip to avoid having these kinda problems?

Also, since dolars bank accounts in Argentina are (partially) prohibited, can I bring like 1000 dollars to an airport? lmao

VC:MP General / VC:MP General situation
« on: January 20, 2022, 09:00:01 pm »
What's your opinion on the following matters?

  • Gamemodes: Which gamemodes are the most boring / entertaining for you? Is there any gamemode you'd like to add to VC-MP?
  • Playercount: Do you think that the playercount is bad / regular / good? Do you think the situation might improve / worsen / stay the same?
  • Cheating: Do you believe cheaters are under control?
  • Anything else: What do you think VC:MP lacks? And what is something we can really appreciate and admire within VC:MP?

VC:MP General / Re: MAGNA 2021 - VCAD
« on: January 19, 2022, 03:22:10 pm »
We are introducing our Podcast Episode #2 with Ferrari32 as Special Guest. Check it out!

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